Edo Traveler

v2 Chapter 62: 80 machi

   Chungemon is right, Yabe Sadaqian is in the hands of these peasants who are accusing them, that is a hot potato, it is not to kill, it is not to put it, it can not be handled.

It's not that these farmers dare not kill people. The Oshio Heihachiro uprising a few years ago was about directly using guns to kill the observant Yobe Ryobi and Horieken of the Tozai and Tozai towns in Osaka, and even the Osaka Higashigumi and Richo. Okanosuke is also preparing to kill together.

   However, the purpose of Oshio Heihachiro's killing of officers was to make the dragons under the castle of Osaka headless and lose their command center, so they could not immediately mobilize troops to suppress the uprising. Wait until Edo knows about the Osaka incident, and then mobilize and organize troops to attack Osaka. Maybe Oshio Heihachiro has already invaded Osaka Castle and dominates the West.

   The plan was good, but in the end someone rebelled and the matter was leaked, and the government knew about it. Naturally, Heihachiro Oshio couldn't kill any practice and strength, except for arson and robbery, because the uprising was only a few hundred people, and it did not take shape.

   Dayan has been plotting for a long time, and has already had considerable psychological development for killing officials and rebelling. And the large group of people from Amano Hachiro was purely for compelling lawsuits. At the beginning, it is hard to say that they were bought for zero yuan in Edo. There are all kinds of factors in the development of things to this stage, and there is no plan to think about it.

   So I really let that Shintaro kill the dignified Edo Kitamachi, it must be dare!

   "Hachirou, send a proper person to negotiate, and be sure to send the person." Chuemon patted Amano Hachirou's hand, hoping to get the matter done quickly.

   "I will try my best!"

   Amano Hachiro probably had a good relationship with that Shin-Hachiro, and he knew the importance of this matter. After thinking about it, he didn't send anyone, and he planned to rush to convince the Shintaro himself. Of course Chuemon thinks this is the best. With one night of collaboration, Chuemon also sees that Hachiro Amano is a heroic and loyal person, and he promised Chuemon that it would definitely be done well.

   "I will go to Ueno Kanei-ji Temple to instruct the fires to put out fires in the towns. If you can release Lord Yabe, you will bring me to Kanei-ji Temple." Chuemon and Hachiro Amano agreed on the location.

   This Ueno is the future Ueno Park. To put it more popularly, it is the Ueno Park in the cartoon "Chibi Maruko", where they went to the drawing competition during the spring trip. There are pandas donated by China and it is one of the most famous zoos in Japan. It has no direct relationship with Ueno, which is next to Musashi, and it has the same name.

   There is a huge Shinobu Pond in Ueno. It is a natural lake with a large area. It must be the safest in the fire. However, it is said that in the big bombing a hundred years later, even if you jump into a pond or a river, it is useless. The fire bombs used by the US military can burn on the surface of the water, and because the temperature is too high, the water will be boiled. People jumping in is like cooking dumplings.

   "Okay!" Amano Hachiro didn't talk nonsense, and took a few companions to the north of the city.

   At the Chuemon Gate, due to the ringing of the castle bell, the town fire gradually gathered. The leader of each group, as well as many of Jonan’s concentric eyes, Chuemon, are all known. Now that Tianxian is in front of Chuemon Gate, it is naturally infinitely powerful, and all personnel belong to Chuemon Gate to be transferred.

   The ranks and so on are all ready-made, and when Chuemon blows his whistle, the fire fighters on the left and right are roughly in line. It's not the first time to put out the fire, everyone is very skilled.

   The main thing is to get the total!

   Now the people who make the decision appear, and the town fire extinguishers are willing to accept Chuemon's transfer. The few people who spoke with Tongxin and Muming slightly murmured, but Tademon took the folding fan with sunflower patterns from his arms, and naturally no one dared to put his beak anymore.

The    aoi pattern was only used by the Tokugawa clan during the Edo period. Even when they launched an army together in Mikawa, many genealogical daimyos and flags of the ku pattern were used. After the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate, the family pattern of his family was changed.

The veteran Bendo Zhongsheng even criticized this incident, saying that he had used the Kuiwen for hundreds of years. Just because it is now the general's family, it must be completely destroyed, and the traditions of the past have been lost. .

   Don't care how to put it, when the sunflower pattern appears this year, it basically means a general. To put it bluntly, this folding fan is because the sunflower pattern painted on it is now almost the same as the king's life flag next door, so it's just a matter of writing the four characters "Ru Zhen personally" on it.

   Those farmers who followed Hachiro Amano to demolish their houses were disbanded by Chuemon. These people are no longer needed, and they have been busy for a long time, and they are also exhausted. Even if I want to go to the city again to buy at zero dollars, I am afraid it is also powerless. Those robbed in the middle of the night were enough for them to be happy for a while, but now they disbanded without much complaint.

   As to whether anyone is still cheering up, continue to buy at zero dollars~lightnovelpub.net~Cadaemon is too lazy to care. As long as they feel that when the situation calms down, but they haven't escaped from Edo and haven't been discovered, that's fine!

  Good words are hard to persuade **** ghost!

   Let you disband and run away now, then it is almost equal to forgetting the past. The official forces of the shogunate began to gather again, and the peasants who had gone through zero-dollar purchases and scattered sand did not seem to be united at all when they were forced to complain. Now I want to face the government, so be prepared to take a knife at Nihonbashi.

  The area where the fire is spreading is still in the north of Edo Castle. For the snake fire extinguishers, the overall spreading area can also be roughly judged. Everyone prepares gongs and drums and distributes them along the street to determine whether there is an open flame. On the one hand, it roughly fixed the position of the entire fire scene, and on the other hand, it also told that it was still purchased at zero. The official family has begun to restore order. If you want to leave, hurry up and wait for the official family to vacate their hands. Don't know what is good or bad.

  Of course, the way to put out the fire is not watering. It is the same as Chuemon's method, or Chuemon copied their method. A large number of houses were demolished directly along the street, leaving nothing to burn in the fire, and the fire was naturally extinguished.

   The method is very simple, and the effect is obvious to all!

   Seeing the officials come forward, many people who have not been burned and the towns and towns also come out to help. It is also willing to work for nothing, as long as you can keep your home from being burnt. Everyone knows the truth that a broken family is worth ten thousand guan. Although Edo people are used to being burned, it is better to be burned or not to be burned.

   There are many people and great strength, plus they are all familiar hands. The huge fire in more than 89 towns has spread, and it is basically controlled within the range of the fire zone in the afternoon. After the installation of the fire zone was completed, Tadaemon commanded the crowd again, trying his best to preserve the untouched towns.

   The fire was under control, and the back pot Swordsman Yabe Sadaqian was also sent by Amano Hachiro.