Edo Traveler

v2 Chapter 65: How to start to help the victims

   I jumped into the fire pit of 200,000 victims in Edo!

   depends on us? What are we? How could He Deok manage and rescue the 200,000 people in Edo who were affected by the disaster? This is not a joke! If we want to have such an ability, we don't need to travel through, and we will also look like a person.

   But this king's fate is hard to break, if he chooses himself, Tokugawa Isaiah's level is guaranteed to be difficult. And now the castle is afraid that there are not enough officials to come to support this matter for the time being, and many things are complicated, and they can't be done by Chuemon alone.

   "Apart from this paper document, is there nothing else?" Chuemon asked tentatively.

   "The rice warehouses everywhere in the city are allowed to spend 100,000 stones of white rice and five thousand taels of gold!"

   good fellow!

   "What about manpower deployment everywhere?"

   "The imperial family hears thousands of people, and the imperial family has five thousand people, all can be instructed!"


   What else, the shogunate’s attitude towards disaster relief was very determined. After all, it was "at the feet of the emperor." In the capital city, the shogunate still had the mind and energy to manage this matter. Besides, I just received the autumn tribute. The shogunate barely had enough money to support it.

   There is nothing to talk nonsense, Chuemon first immediately went to find the farmers who were still gathering in the city and brought him out, and Hachiro Amano who had cleared the tail of his hand. This kid is a nice guy, and Chuemon likes it very much. Now we don’t have any useful eyes or Machikata around us. We really need such talents.

   Amano Hachiro is the second son in the family, and it is impossible to inherit the post of Shuangya in the family. So he makes friends and builds a reputation, and he certainly hopes to find a good way out for himself. Now that Tadaoemon has a big face in front of Tokugawa Ikei, it is very likely that he will be used in the future. If he is recommended to Tokugawa Ikei at that time, he is the son of a rich farmer, and he may become a samurai!

The point is that Chuemon is okay. He is not an incompetent and greedy person. Although it does not necessarily satisfy the image of leader in Amano Hachiro’s heart, he wants to pick a brilliant person out of a bunch of junk. It’s really true. too difficult. Chuuemon looked over, looking like a person.

   "Just treat you as a friend to help me! I have 60 remunerations, all of which will be given to you, don't refuse!" Chuemon held Amano Hachiro's hand very sincerely.

   "Good too!" Hachirou Amano is a refreshing person, without any hesitation.

   "If Hachirou has a good place in the future, I will never keep you."

   "Hahahahaha, it's a deal!"

   The better thing is that Hachiro Amano bought one get one free, and called Shintaro Terazawa who had captured Yabe Sada. It is said that they came here to help Chuemon, as long as Chuemon is willing to eat hot soup and rice.

   Anyway, based on their knowledge of the decaying Tokugawa shogunate, pro-civil officials such as Chuemonemon were able to live well without any salary. Just like the previous order that Chuemon and Sukeruku went to Yoshihara to announce the closure of business, they directly invited the two to eat Hesai.

   is mixed with this official skin, as long as you are big enough and willing to get along with it. Basically, you don’t need money for food, firewood, clothes, baths, and even housing. The shogunate even comes forward to help you repay the debt. Anyway, you can think of good things.

  Of course, they want to be corrupt and accept bribes. It is basically impossible to make thousands of dollars. The gold is also sent to the big guys, so it's not bad to be able to manage small officials like Chuemon to eat.

   With two newcomers, Tademon, the first thing is to go to the Koishikawa Health Center to find his little friend Shuroku. Although the newcomers are very useful, they are still more credible. I need a credible accountant to ensure that the 100,000 stone meters and five thousand taels of gold I withdraw from the shogunate official warehouse can be used for practical purposes instead of being easily embezzled.

   Disaster relief is like fire fighting. Now the fire has been completely extinguished, leaving behind the ruins of Kota Eighty-Nine Town and about 200,000 victims. Because the fire broke out at night, hundreds of people were killed in the fire because they were too late to escape. Even if the weather is getting colder, you can't just leave it in place like this.

   It is necessary to dispatch the staff immediately, summon the contacts of the various monasteries, and bury these remains to prevent unnecessary plague outbreaks.

   The people who fled outside the city gradually returned to their homes in the next two or three days. Except for those who had relatives who died in the fire, others did not have the painful expression that Chuemon had expected.

   As we said before, the people of Edo have developed the habit of spending money when they have money, because of the fire in Edo year after year. I like gorgeous clothes and exquisite food. Anyway, I may be alive today and be burned to death tomorrow. The habits of two hundred years have been passed down, and there is really nothing valuable in the homes of ordinary people.

  The property of most people is the clothes they wear. Some women have special flower-viewing sleeves when they go out to enjoy cherry blossoms. Wrap your clothes on your body when you are fleeing, which means you have all your belongings on your body.

   People are okay, property is okay, nothing more than the house is gone...

   Is it a big deal if the house is gone? In fact, it doesn't count as ~lightnovelpub.net~ because many people's houses are not their own at all, they are "longhouses" of affordable housing funded by the shogunate. They are just tenants who pay the rent.

There is also an eternal topic. In addition to the places where the shogunate owns the land property rights and builds longhouses, many of the overridden towns and towns are owned by private landlords. Just like the previous Yoshihara, the owner called " Shop borrowed". To put it bluntly, the land and houses are not owned by the owner, and the landlord has someone else.

   So, don’t talk about Tokyo in 9102. You are Edo in 1841. It is very difficult for ordinary people to own a house that belongs to them.

   Renting houses has always been the mainstream. As long as Edo is still the capital of Japan, generations of renters can always pay rent to the landlord.

   It was like this two hundred years ago, and it will be like this two hundred years later!

   Street sorting and house reconstruction are not the task of Chuemon, it is the task of the shogunate and a group of landlords and merchants. Chuemon just needs to coordinate the various temples and other longhouses that they rent out so that the people who have no place to live can have a place to sleep and a hot bed for heating.

   Wooden houses are built very quickly, especially the long houses built in batches. Just like simple sheds on the construction site, the beams and columns are about half completed when they are erected.

  The key point is the food problem of these people. The street shops where they were working have been destroyed by the fire. Of course, they have no jobs and income for the time being.

   Do I send rice directly, or cook rice for them?

   (This Friday, I didn’t come to the station short, so I will wait and see later. Do you understand what I mean? I’m going to change it.)