Edo Traveler

v2 Chapter 8: Punishment 2 has a clear name

   Earlier because of the theft of Naraya, the unremarkable Tademon and Heizo, and because of the case of the two mothers fighting for children, Edo became more famous.

  Many people think that the newly appointed Edo thief fire fighting party Edogawa-sama is an arbitrarily and unselfish "name observance", and any disputes and cases came to the official office and asked Chungemon to judge.

   There was a dispute a while ago, and it was a trivial matter, but because the huge amount of gold was involved, the local eyes could not decide, and it was sent to the official office of the Fengxing Institute. The other samurai masters are all on business, so Chuemon does not have Heizo's instructions for this reform, so it is relatively idle.

   Besides, they have specified that Lord Chuemon must be judged!

   I can’t talk about a case, it’s a good thing for a good guy who doesn’t know how to collect money. The bricklayer Kintaro found a purse containing three taels of gold. There was a note in the purse. From the note, it could be known that the owner of the purse was the carpenter Kigoro. This is the cause, and it's not easy to say that a careless carpenter lost the wages he received and was picked up by another person, nothing more.

   However, in order to find the owner, Kintaro had no work for a day, so he went around asking for help. The kid who picked up the purse was a kind man. To put it bluntly, he just picked up money. Instead of simply handing it over to the government office, or stealing it quietly by himself, it tried to find the owner and return the lost property.

   After a day of inquiries, Kintaro finally found Yoshigoro. Yoshigoro said that I don’t have any hope for the things I lost. You came to me after a hard day, and you also missed work. The money is yours.

   Good fellow! Good people meet good people!

   also fully reflects that Japan is still in the Eastern style of human relations at this time, and it has not been impacted by certain cultures to maintain a sense of distance and avoid troubles with others. One will leave his work, busy all day in search of the owner. The other is well-informed. People don’t work for a day and earn one day less money, so they actually gave the lost money as a bonus to the person who picked it up.

   But, this Kintaro thinks that your money is yours. I found it and returned it to you. It should be. Anyway, he must return the property to the original owner, but Kigoro felt that he had troubled Kintaro for a day, so he was embarrassed and determined to give the money to Kintaro. The two did not give way to each other, and even quarreled.

   is also a straight intestine, and they are all straight-minded men.

   In order to "just ask for justice," they came to the official hall of the office. The case was reported and delivered directly to Chuemon, the reformer, and asked Chuemon to make a judgment.

   After listening to the narration of the two of them, and the report of the case received by the two of them, Hitachi praised him. Not long ago, I met a bad-hearted person who robbed girls, and now I can see such an honest man again, which shows that there are still many good people in this world!

   After thinking about it for a while, Chungemon saw that they were unwilling to accept these three taels of gold. I also admired the honesty of the two people very much, so the judgment was made that the three taels of gold should be collected first, and Chungemon himself would give out a tael of gold, and then divide it among the two.

  Not for anything else, just to reward the honesty and generosity of two people!

   As usual, there were many onlookers who were eating melons. They chatted on the sidelines, saying that Kintaro had picked up three taels of gold, but only got two taels, which was a loss of one tael. Yoshigoro originally lost three taels of gold, but now he has returned two taels, which is also considered a loss of one tael. In order to praise the honesty of the two people, Master Chuemon took out one or two gold, and he also lost one or two. This is "three parties lose one tael (three people lose one tael each)."

   The story spread. The people praised Shen Ming's verdict like Chungemon, saying that Edo had a good judge, and the people would have a "great savior" after a case.

   On the third day when this matter was spread, that is today, two people unexpectedly came up and said that they had picked up a couple of pieces of gold. Neither of them wanted it, and asked for a fair ruling by Tadaoemon.

  Don't say anything, there is nothing tricky in it, so you don't even believe in ghosts. The two of them almost copied the words of Kintaro and Yoshigoro, and the sight who took the case whispered to Tademon to explain that these two people are local rascals and act as thugs for underground casinos.

  Isn’t the Tokugawa family passed away some time ago, the public entertainment activities were stopped, and the underground entertainment activities are naturally not allowed to reopen. Said it is an underground casino, it doesn't matter what it is above, it will definitely not last long.

   The two thugs are both digging the graves of the extinct households and kicking the widow’s door. It’s not a good thing, so how could it be possible to pick up money. Now I came here with a couple of couples, just hoping to trick Tademon a couple of gold, so that I could take it for a few days.

   Watching that these two people weren't good people, Tadaoemon pretended to be very kind and praised it, and then, just like the last time, he took the two pieces of gold that no one wanted in his arms.

   "You are not ignorant of the gold, you are honest and generous, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is worthy of praise!"

   After finishing speaking, he divided the twos into three, and each of them gave one or two, and Chuemon himself kept one or two. Then, in the shocked eyes of the two, they ordered the eyes to "send" them away and continue the trial of the next case. This is "three parties get one tael (three people get one tael each)."

   The people on the left and right knew what the two men were doing, and they said it vividly. Not only did Chuemon dislike this, but instead they praised him as a torch.

   Of course, these two Kaneko Chuemon did not keep it by himself, but bought all the bento and sake. At noon that day, I asked the 80 Meikei under his command to have a raw meal.

   "Is this the one or two you got from those two gangsters?" Ping San pulled the rice, very happy.

"No, thanks to those two gangsters, everyone can have an extra meal today." Chugoemon picked up a piece of Date roll and added a lot of sugar to it. It tasted good, but it didn't have much to eat. It's more like a snack.

   "Then it's better to have more of this kind of punk, let's add meals every day." After Ping San said, he raised the bottle and started drinking with everyone.

   Today is a shift day. Next month, the group of Sadaken Yabe will be on duty, so according to the rule, they will be handed over at noon today. Chuemon and his group will take a one-month holiday.

   "This month, I was dealing with the case again, and I was patrolling the streets again. I was exhausted." Chuemon just drank a little.

   After all, alcohol is not a good thing, so try not to drink it when you can. For example, this kind of tobacco, which is widely spread in Edo, will never be touched by Chuemon.

   We still expect to live over fifty, exceeding the current average life expectancy!

   "Let’s take a day off tomorrow and return to the temple the day after tomorrow."