Edo Traveler

v3 Chapter 16: Set off on Owari's case

   Yes, just lie down. This is a big deal. If you can't get it on the head of Chuemon, you can talk about it. The package is not in a hurry to clean up, who knows how long this matter can be quarreled in the shogunate, maybe three days, maybe five days, maybe ten days and a half month...

   Early the next morning, Matsudaira Qixuan did not have the slightest restraint, and went directly to the city to counter sued his eldest brother Tokugawa Kayuki, accusing Tokugawa Qishuang of insulting his reputation as a feudal feudal feudal clan. Asked the shogunate to deal with the reversed Tokugawa Qizhuang, and beat those unsophisticated people.

   Very good, things have broken up, conflicts and struggles are made public!

   Tokugawa Kayoshi can neither really denounce Tokugawa Yoshizhuang, nor can he denounce his younger brother on the face of it, nor can he sentence Matsuhira Qixuan to commit a crime or even commit a crime, which is in a dilemma.

   There is no doubt that after accepting the direct complaints from the two, Tokugawa Ieki, on the advice of the old middlemen, began to use the absolutely invincible and effective drag formula. Regardless of how simple this trick is, it is accused of delay and procrastination, which will make many people criticize it, but this thing is so easy to use, so easy to use!

   Tokugawa Qisho, who wanted to please the Owari vassals and the common people, finally had such an opportunity, where Ken just dragged things off, and **** for tat and Matsudaira Qixuan on top.

  Because Matsudaira Kisho is acting in accordance with the shogunate’s law to maintain the rank of samurai, if the law of attacking the shogunate is wrong, it is tantamount to digging the roots of the samurai, and it will definitely not get the support of bystanders. So Tokugawa Qizhuang, under the sway of the caring people, began to fabricate it.

   I can't attack the thing you did, then I can attack your character, your morality, you are other things!

   is also an old routine in political struggle. Although the routine is old, it is definitely easy to use and very easy to use. In particular, Tokugawa Qizhuang made up his mind to make trouble early in the morning, and this public opinion spread earlier than Songping Qixuan, which greatly occupies the advantage.

   What Songping Qi declared to be a violent person, the servant girl had a minor mistake, so he beat and scolded the servant girl who had committed the minor mistake very, even for no reason, and did not take the life of the servant seriously. Someone who covets the wife of a retainer, forcing the retainer to sacrifice his wife for his own consumption, the retainer secretly murders the retainer if he refuses to do so.

   Anyway, it’s only a matter of making up, spreading rumors, moving your mouth, dispelling rumors and running off your legs.

   Matsudaira was originally an arrogant temperament, and he was really arrogant when dealing with others. It's not just a beating or scolding to his subordinates once or twice, the son-in-law said that he was loose and flat. Anyone who knew or heard about Matsudaira Kisho a little bit, upon hearing these rumors spread by the Owari clan, combined with their own knowledge, immediately believed that these rumors were true.

   This is how people are, and they like to hear the rumors of such big people the most, and they are bad rumors. With the help of the people, the rumors spread quickly, and within two days they spread in Edo, and even many foreign famous names knew about these things.

   Owari Fan is also very powerful, killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating one thousand two. It was the reputation of the Tokugawa family and the pro-fan that corrupted, but he did the same. What good is it for the Owari family to ruin the reputation of the Tokugawa family?

   Maybe it's really hatred that has covered his eyes a long time ago, just let the bad breath out of the mouth first. As for the future, it doesn't matter if he is flooded.

   The incident that caused Songping Qixuan to strictly follow the law to enforce the law, instantly transferred to Songping Qixuan. This person was originally a scum, and he must have a stomach of bad water. He does the bad things of killing and arson every day. It is not a good thing to look at.

   Not to mention ignorant women, children, old and young, even those warriors who have read books, met the world, and served as officials have believed this rumor. The level of literacy sometimes cannot play a role in rumors at all. Subjective feelings are something that everyone has, and there is no way they can do it.

   After hearing the news, even Chuemon had to give a thumbs up. At this time, even if Matsudaira Qixuan was full of mouths, he had already become a scumbag in the minds of the people of Edo, and it was not clear at all. If you want to make the rumors of Tokugawa Qizhuang again, if you slow down a step, then there will be no possibility of making waves.

what to do? what to do? what to do?

   Fortunately, Songping Qixuan is just arrogant, not brainless, he is also a person with normal IQ. He knows one thing very well. Now the shogunate Tokugawa Ieki is in charge of the world. If you have a million assassins, no matter how much it is, it is not worth a word of Tokugawa Ieki.

   As long as the samurai class in this world still supports Tokugawa Ieki, then Tokugawa Ieki can make Matsudaira not afraid of any rumors. Tokugawa Jiaqing said that innocence means innocence, and millions of people say that it is useless for Matsudaira to declare guilt!

   The little brother is very powerful. He assigned a retainer. Bai Yi knelt under the Edo Castle and asked the shogunate to declare his innocence to his lord Matsudaira, otherwise he would commit suicide under the Edo Castle.

   is really bells and whistles, but this set is also very good to make ~lightnovelpub.net~ the shogunate pays the most attention to face, where can the samurai who are loyal to the lord commit suicide because of the undecided case, and cause the shogunate's face to be disgraced. So Tokugawa Jiaqing couldn't, and finally gave the imperial order. Ordered the Edo Town Executive Office to appoint competent investigative officials to go to Owari to investigate the case on the spot, and act according to the facts.

   Who else can there be?

   Isn't it Chuyemon and Sukeruku?

   Before setting off, there were a lot of people from the Chuemon family and the Soroku family. Some were old friends, some were colleagues, some were friends, and some were so-called admiringly.

Some people left their belongings worth tens of taels of gold and ran away, while others had to introduce the marriage to Chuemon, and even threw stones to Chuemon's house in the middle of the night. The stones were tied to request a fair investigation. Note.

   I can’t wait in Edo anymore. I’m afraid I’ll be knocked on the door if I wait any longer. Chungemon and Sukeruku hurried to Owari, taking a few of his accustomed concentricity and vision, as well as the professionals who inspected the remains.

   Before the trip, Kinmaru Yoshiki ordered the two people, and he was also hinted that he ordered them to stay at Owari for at least two or three months. If it doesn’t last so long, just wait and see!

   Procrastination, there is nothing wrong with this. When so many people were present at the beginning, I dignified Edogawa based on the principle of fair judgment. Of course, I had to interview all the witnesses of thousands of people.

   Knowing this plan of Chuemon Gate, Kinmaruyoshi nodded his head to show that your kid is very good. As long as the investigation is not over, there are people in Edo who will speak for us, so don't panic at all.

  Walking all the way to the bottom of Sunfu Castle, the sky will be dark, and Chuemon would have been delayed. Of course, he would not rush overnight, so he immediately prepared to enter the castle to rest. However, there was a sign standing at the entrance of the dormitory with a few large characters written on it.

  His Highness, the attendant Takasu, drive!