Edo Traveler

v3 Chapter 24: Witnessed all the Fans to be rotten

   Chungemon did not wait for the messenger to be recalled by the shogunate. Instead, a group of samurai from the Owari clan were recalled to Nagoya Castle.

   In Edo, Tokugawa Yoshisho sent an order to the domain to immediately check whether the cannons, muskets, gunpowder stored in the domain, and the war horses in the homes of the samurai who should be sent to the cavalry service are all available. If the number is insufficient or unqualified, they must be replaced immediately and ensured that they can be used at any time.

   There are more than 4,000 retainers in the domain, from the elders of tens of thousands of stones to the miscellaneous soldiers of ten stones. Make a list of all the old, weak, sick and disabled among them. Once the war starts, these samurai need to go into battle and fight for Tokugawa Qishuang.

   Fortunately these days, soldiers and farmers have been separated, and there is no need to pull the people into their heads. However, because of the sudden order to prepare for the war, the original “sentimental” levy of the autumn grain tribute immediately became extremely cruel. He did not listen to any explanation or talk about any sentimental aspects. Tokugawa, the territory of the Owari clan of six hundred and twenty thousand stones, Qizhuang wants to see 300,000 stone grains returned to the warehouse!

   No need to guess, it must be that the news of the signing has reached Edo. Not only was Tokugawa Iamaki, a general, terrified, but even more than 200 princes of the 66 countries in the world were also on pins and needles. Before, the King of the Netherlands wrote an autograph to tell Tokugawa Jiaqing that the Western powers are about to hit the door, so be prepared.

   Now that Qing is defeated by Britain, Japan must be the next turn. Who knows whether Britain will come today or tomorrow? Maybe when you open your eyes the next day, the British battleship with a thousand tons of 64 guns will enter Edo Bay.

   Although the Owari family and the shogunate did not deal with each other, the southwestern feudal lords did not submit to the shogunate very much, but in this era, a considerable number of Japanese still insist on the belief of "repelling the barbarian". After all, the shogunate and the great names at this time had not been beaten by Western powers, and there was still such a breath of breath. I feel that with the samurai sword in his hand, it is still possible to block the enemy from outside the country.

   Even if it is a supporter of "founding the country" like Sakuma Xiangshan and Takashima Akho, they support the opening of the country to learn advanced science and military technology from the West, instead of being opened by the powers with cannons and bowing down to pray for peace.

   The founding of the country and the fight against the barbarian do not conflict!

   The King Sect and the Samurai Sect are naturally preparing for battle together at this time!

   It’s good that the British haven’t hit the door yet. If they hit the door, I’m afraid that more than a hundred famous names on duty in Edo will rush home nonstop.

   After waiting a few more days, the messenger who recalled Chuemon and Sukeruku by the shogunate finally arrived. Not only did Chuemon and Sukeru go back to Edo, they also ordered the two to check the armed conditions of the Tokaido feudal vassals along the way, and submit a report after recording the details.

   The Mikawa, One, and Suruga countries in the Tokaido are the land of Hajime Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first general of the Tokugawa shogunate. In Chinese, it is the place of Longxing. The shogunate is very nervous about the safety of these three countries. Especially in the Suruga country, there is also the Kunoshan Shōgu Shrine, which enshrines the wooden statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu, which is approximately one of the ancestral temples of the Tokugawa family.

   The shogunate, which has been influenced by a certain degree of Confucian culture, certainly cares about the survival of its ancestor temple. The order issued in the name of Tokugawa Ieki even assisted the Sunfu castle generation when necessary, summoning the soldiers of the shogunate, such as Suruga, to retreat into the terms of the Kuno Mountain combat defense.

   is really scared!

   Come on, let's go back home, because the three kingdoms of Kaido are Tokugawa Ieyasu's lair, especially Sunfu is his hermit, and even in the end Tokugawa Ieyasu did not die in Edo, but in Sunfu. Therefore, the Three Kingdoms, except for the great feudal feudal clan of Tadakuni Mizuno and Hamamatsu clan of 153,000 stones, are basically small feudal clan of tens of thousands or even 10,000 stones, and Suruga is the leader of the heaven.

   It is really going to start a war, and there is not even a leader. For example, the Tahara Clan has only forty or fifty soldiers. The British warships can flee immediately after a shot. It is strange that Tokugawa Jiaqing is not in a hurry.

  Along the way, the feudal vassal lords in the country began to rectify their soldiers and horses, and the feudal lords in the palace sent the old ministers back to the vassal to rectify. However, the military equipment of the various feudal vassals is really not good, not to mention the armor may be out of date, and it is no longer a necessary thing. Many of the clan’s muskets are still old-style arquebuses, and the training level of soldiers who operate arquebuses is extremely poor. They only pick up the guns to practice when things happen.

  The quantity of gunpowder, especially the saltpeter, is extremely insufficient, and many soldiers even have only ten or even five rounds of ammunition for shooting. According to the truth, those middle- and high-level warriors who should be cavalry have no horses at all, and those who have horses are just the kind of workhorses for riding. Listening to the sound of musket firing can be scared to jump in place.

   As for the most fundamental person in the war? It's really hard to explain in a word, even Mizuno's Hamamatsu clan is the same. The hereditary warrior has replaced the warrior for two hundred years, and martial arts has long been something that most people must practice.

  Many lower-level warriors are weak, with yellowish faces and thin muscles, and long-term undernourishment ~lightnovelpub.net~ Let them just hold long spears in a square array, and it consumes most of their energy. After the order began, the team dispersed within three steps. After ten steps, the queue is no longer there, only a bunch of crooked headless flies are left.

   The ministers of the various domains also looked terrible. The Samurai Samurai, who had experienced the two hundred years of war during the Warring States period and became the final winner, could not even arrange the minimum army. In the end, he could only use the hawk-hunting queue, barely perfunctory and accept Chuemon's inspection.

  The soldiers gathered temporarily were all reluctant, one by one, fearful and cowardly, just afraid of the coming of war. Although they won't be outrageous, it is obviously impossible to expect them to defend their homes.

   It's not that there are no active samurai, but such people are less than one-tenth of the total. And most of them are junior warriors, because they are really poor, and only war can change their destiny.

"The soldiers and horses of the feudal domains are so weak, how can they resist the British with strong ships and guns!" Hachiro Amano thought that the flagmoto samurai under Edo Castle were bad enough, but he didn't expect the samurai in the place to be even worse. A combatable soldier.

   "The world has been in peace for two hundred years, and it is inevitable for the soldiers to slack off." Chuemon had already expected it, and he carefully recorded the situation and handed it to the top to talk about it.

   "If there is a war, I will also have to wait, and I may not be any better than them." Shuroku sighed, and didn't know whether to sigh himself or the shogunate.

   "I will talk about the future, it is serious if we return to Edo as soon as possible."

   The local army is so bad, the Edo Central Army is so bad, so bad, what will Mizuno Tadakuni do? Chuemon is very curious.