Edo Traveler

v3 Chapter 49: Get a paperwork to travel

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At this time, it is time to reveal the difference between the superior prime minister and the pro-people officials who have been rooted in the grassroots. Your prime minister lives high in the temple. One drawing and one strategy can determine the life and death of thousands of people, but like the Penglai Xianshan Mountain, it is illusory and far away from ordinary people.

Only civilian officials like Chungemon are in the streets and alleys everyday, trying the civil disputes between the east and the west, arresting thieves, and helping the widows and widows and loneliness. It not only has the benefit of governance to the people, but also the prestige of punishment to the people. To put it bluntly, the people love and fear when they see it.

That's why I have the ability to open the way!

Chuemon was ordered to be dismissed yesterday, and the news did not spread so quickly. Now most people think that Chuemon is the reformer who is in charge of the law and order of the Edo thieves.

"If you disperse quickly, perhaps the general can still forget the blame. If he blocks the ranks of Hamamatsu again, his crime is so serious that he cannot be forgiven lightly!"

As soon as these words were spoken, there were indeed many people who ran away with oil on the soles of their feet. After all, this is what Mr. Edogawa said, that is, one spit and one nail, saying that he will hit you today, and he will definitely hit you today. Our Lord Edogawa has always handled cases and errands vigorously, but fairly and unselfishly. Now Chuemon says that he can't be merciless, so let's go quickly.

People, the courage occupies the overwhelming majority. As soon as these timid people left, those who had robbed a lot of things from Mizuno Zhongbang's house also avoided. Although this zero-dollar purchase is still incomplete, the samurai masters of the government have all come forward, and I am afraid that there will be an official position to suppress it, and the thirty-six count is the best plan.

These two groups of people actually occupied the vast majority of the surrounding Hamamatsu clan residence, and those who were still reluctant to leave, apart from a few caring people, there were only those who really had enemies with Mizuno Tadakuni.

For example, those who were robbed of a lot of money by the government because of the thrift order. Or it was because of Mizuno's moral decree that hundreds of taels of money left outside could not be recovered, bankrupt and unemployed, and his wife was scattered.

Maybe this group of people is determined to kill Mizuno Tadabang in their hearts, but no one takes the lead. If someone takes the lead, they don't need to fool around, they will follow.

However, if he was yelled at by Chuemon, even if there was only one person in the field, the deterrent was definitely strong enough. In addition to the fact that Chuemon, who served as the reformer before, was able to summon hundreds of eyes and fire fighters in a short time, it was also possible to mobilize the towns to summon thousands of hooligans. It is because they think that Chuemon Gate represents the law of the king, the order, the Lord General Tokugawa in the towering Edo castle tower.

Reason quickly triumphed over everything. Some people hesitated and left quietly. Those who wanted to see things could not do anything. They might be arrested if they stayed in place, so they also retreated quickly.

"This obedient yamen turned out to be a tortoise with a shrunken head, what a damn!" Chuemon didn't claim any credit, but just stepped forward to check Mizuno's situation.

"It's not a matter of course, but it's just three or five spoilers." Mizuno waved his hand, saying that he was fine, but instead he went up and down, and looked at Chuemon carefully.

At this time, it was too late for others to hide from him Mizuno Chukuni, but Chuemon came personally. Not only rushed over, but also took the risk of the boss to help him out.

Chuemon is such a sincere man!

It's a pity that Mizuno Tadakuni knows in his heart that after committing such a big thing, half of the world's daimyo and Qimoto want to kill him and then quickly, there will be no chance for a comeback in the future. Being able to protect the family from being chased to death by so many people is still the result of Tokugawa's excellent relationship with him and deliberate maintenance.

In the past, Chuemon came here, maybe because Mizuno Chukuni's power was flourishing, and he used him to gain official career and so on. What does Mizuno Tadabang have now? There was nothing left, just a chicken feather, and even the house was burned.

"You have a place, if you don't think it's cramped and cramped in your next home?"

"It doesn't have to be, thank you so much..." Mizuno turned his gaze away from Chuemon, and sighed in his heart as he looked at Chuemon's clear eyes.

It is really not easy and extremely difficult to let this powerful prime minister say such a word "thank you". He just feels that the genealogy flags are all rubbish, and they can't rely on it. This is the only way to promote the reform of natural protection. So don't say thank you to others, if you can not be scolded by him, then it is already a high point.

The Samurai of the Hamamatsu clan on the left and right were also surprised. They hardly heard Mizuno's thank you. At first glance, they were just puzzled. At the moment, Chuemon is just a white body without an official post. It is not easy to be able to thank the still-famous Mizuno Chukuni.

To the point where Chuemon didn't think there was anything, it helped you. It is normal for you to say thank you.

"That's going to see you off." Chuemon took the initiative to speak.

If you want to come to Mizuno, there are other houses or temples in Edo, the great fires of Edo year after year, and the principles of the three caves of the rabbit shouldn't be taught. Prepare one or two other hospitals where you can live temporarily, in case there is a fire in the future and there is no place to stay.

After sending the person, Chungemon said goodbye, but he didn't really think of asking for anything in return. After all, Tadakuni Mizuno has gone down to the wild and lost his power in the past. It is impossible to return it~lightnovelpub.net~ Instead, Tadakuni Mizuno took the initiative to ask if Chuemon should go outside to avoid him, although he lost it. I have gained power, but it’s okay to think of a way to transfer Chuemon to Osaka to be a powerful man.

Like the dynasties on the next continent, the political struggle has failed, and it is a routine operation to demote you to a place of smoke. It is impossible for Chuemon to be an official in Edo right now, but there is no problem in sending him to Osaka. If Osaka doesn't work, you can get an errand under the head of the Kyoto office.

When he said this, Chuemon came to think of another one. Since Mizuno still has some political energy, he can help us to get a document so that we can go to Kyushu in the West and see. It's best to hook up a few Dutch people in Nagasaki.

For such a simple request, Mizuno Tadakuni had nothing to do. He only thought that Tadaemon was preparing to run away to avoid disaster. Edo is a place of right and wrong, it is good to go out for two years. By the way, if you can understand the local customs and things, you can think of it as travel and entertainment.

With his words, Chungemon was relieved. Not long after, a pass document issued by Wakamoto, who was in charge of the shogunate, was delivered to Chuemon. In addition to this document, there is a Yuza with a denomination of one hundred taels given by Mizuno Tadakuni.