Edo Traveler

v5 Chapter 52: Ii's succession is difficult

  Chapter 287 52. Jing Yi's heir is difficult


  This news can be regarded as earth-shattering news. The famous door of the Tokugawa shogunate has been passed down from generation to generation since the Tokugawa Shiten Oii Nao administration. The pen of 350,000 stone family members, Ii, has actually died out!

  Good guy, really good guy, Tademon almost blurted out a good guy. If this is the extinction of Ii, then where did Ii Naobe in history pop out? It's impossible to be naturally raised in the stone.

   "This is a big deal..." Shuliu said casually.

  Hikone clan extinction is of course a big matter, but no matter how big it is, it cannot be related to him and Chuemon. And right now, there is no heir, and the lord of Hikone, Nao Ryo Ii, is still there, and he can't be born no matter how he is born. Moreover, at the age when he rushed to six, coupled with his old age and sickness, it would be difficult for him to have another heir in this life.

   "I don't know from which house the shogunate will select the children and pass them to Ishi." Chuemon was slightly confused.

"Actually, the former lord of the Hikone clan, Ii Naochu, has many heirs, but now they have all passed out to outsiders. Therefore, if there is no accident, a male will be welcomed back from these outdated heirs." Very familiar with the stories of these families of the shogunate.

  If Tokugawa Ieki has an extra son, according to the relationship between the Ini clan and Tokugawa clan, it is very likely that he will send a son directly to inherit the Hikone clan. Only Tokugawa Jiaqing has no son who can continue to send out, and it can be regarded as a missed opportunity.

  So it is inferred from normal circumstances that there is indeed a high probability that one of the children of Naoliang Ii's brothers, that is, the nephew of Naoliang Ii's blood, will be picked to inherit Ii's.

   "Wait, let me ask you something..." Chuemon suddenly thought of someone.

  Nagano Tetsusaburo!

  The person who hosted Tademon and Matsudaira under the castle of Hikone feudal clan, as the fourteenth son of Naochu Ini, was succeeded by the elder of the Hikone clan family, Nagano lord Zenliang. As the son of Naonaka Ii and the younger brother of Naoaki Ii, theoretically, he should also have the right to inherit the Hikone clan. It's just that he has already passed on to his retainers, and his identity is a bit short.

   To give an example that may not be appropriate, the Celestial Royal Family gave birth to a large number of sons, and because they could not support them, their status as officials declined. Although the blood relationship is the emperor's son, but the identity has changed from a prince to a minister. Now that he has become a retainer, he definitely has no right of succession to the throne.

  I don’t know if the inheritance law of the Martial Family is the same as the Gong Family...

   "Do you mean that a concubine from the Jing Yi family has already passed on to his retainers?" Suke Roku thought for a while, probably weighing the various methods of the martial arts.

   "According to the shogunate's laws, the concubine can of course inherit the family. It's okay to inherit the concubine to the retainer, I don't know." Chuemon is not very familiar with this.

   Mainly because Nagano Tetsusaburo is a man with a broad vision, a cheer up, upright, and informal at the same time. He even presented the precious "Pictures of Sea Country" to Chuemon, apparently a reformist minister who believed that the shogunate needed active reforms.

  It just so happens that Ii Naomoto has passed away. There is no heir in the Ii family. Will Nagano Tesaburo, who is now at home, return to the clan?

   "It should be possible!" Shuroku thought for a while and gave a definite answer.


   "It's more real than real gold!"

  Hearing what Tademon said so seriously, Shuroku turned his head and looked over. Where did he know that Chuemon had been roughly determined that Tetsusaburo Nagano, who had a one-sided bond, was the future Ii Naobi. At the beginning, we were so stupid to ask Nagano Tetsusaburo, if someone in the family named Naobi, remember to tell one or two.

  It’s all right now, Ii Naobi is right in front of my eyes, I actually asked him if you know Ii Naobi. This scene is a bit funny how you think.

   "We're going to eat first, let's talk while eating." Chuemon shook his head, and suppressed the cranky thoughts in his heart.

  Today, the two of them ate grilled eel. Because they are so close to Doyoshi Ugiri, eel rice and grilled eel are being sold everywhere in Edo. Eating eel on the Ugly Day in the soil is also a habit that has developed since the Edo period. It is said to be related to the great scientist Genou Hiraga, and it sounds funny.

It is said that there was an eel specialty store in the past. To build a reputation, I asked Genai Hiraga, a well-known naturalist, orchid scholar, inventor, and playwright at the time, to write on the poster on the day of "Ugly Ugly Day". Today is the Ugly Day for Soil Use."

In Japanese, the first sound of "Chou" in "Ugiri" is the same as the first sound of "Eel" in "Eel". Therefore, Hiraga Genuchi wrote "Today is Ugly Day for Soil" , Which actually means "this day is the eel day for soil use". After the poster was printed, the eel shop really became popular.

As a result, other eel houses followed suit one after another. In the future, every "Ugly Day for Soil Use", each eel house will play the sign of "Ugly Day for Soil Use Today" to attract diners, which gradually became popular and formed the Japanese eel. Festival.

  As for the ugly day of soil use, it is the 18th day before the change of the four seasons, which is called soil use day. And ugliness is easy to understand, the child mouse and the ugly cow, the tiger and the rabbit, and the ugly is the second of the Chinese zodiac.

  The smell of grilled eel is everywhere on the street, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com and the smell is different from that in Kansai. The food in Kanto and Kansai in Japan is indeed quite different. Kanto likes to use thick sauce, the taste of roasting is full, and the oily aroma makes the souls of both people go away.

  When people were less oily and could eat grilled eel once, I was so dazzled by the light of Sukeruchi today!

  The two sat down for a meal. When the store saw that it was Edo Togumi and Rikanmaru Kunyi-sama, they refused to collect the money at all, and sent their youngest daughter to wait for them, for fear that they were not satisfied with their food.

  After eating, I heard that Tokugawa Ieki is very concerned about the situation of Hikone Clan Ishi, and has called a group of elders and important genealogists to come to the city for consultation.

  According to the revealed news, Tokugawa Ieki’s idea was to first select a suitable heir by Naoaki Ii, and then submit it to the shogunate for review. The main purpose is to prevent the heirs from waiting for the heirs from the foreign daimyo's family, and the magnificent shogunate genealogy is written, how can the foreign daimyo get involved.

The general meaning of    was also basically conveyed to Naoliang Ini, until Mizuno had other ideas. Because Tokugawa Jiaqing didn't know what was wrong, he showed great power and made the side room Yu Qinzhifang pregnant last year. And the expected date of delivery has been in the last few days, and the baby is about to be born when he speaks.

  If this is to give birth to a baby boy, how good would it be to send it to Jing Yi's house?

  (End of this chapter)