Edo Traveler

v6 Chapter 45: The answer revealed 4 surprises

  Chapter 342 45. The answer is revealed

  The answer is ready!

   used to be the main banner of the marriage with the Shimadzu clan. Later, he was valued by the general, and then he was given the knowledge and practice. All the way to the status of the daimyo, it is not a multiple choice question at all.

  Single choice! And it's a single choice for open-book exams!

   "So Matajiro, you..." Chuemon looked at Shigetomi, who seemed to have an answer, and was a little excited.

  In order to find out the identity of Chuemon, Tadashi Shigetomi had conducted a large-scale investigation in Satsuma before, and he had already made these messy relationships clear and clear.

  Now it’s just a simple sorting out, and you can pick out the lucky one from the dozens of companies that have been married to Shimadzu.

   "Guru..." Unconsciously, Sukeruku became nervous. After all, he had spent more than 20 years with Chuemon, a brother of iron.

   "It's Ooka Clan!"

  嚯! Everyone present was surprised. Because the lord of the Musashi Iwataki domain who is now in the old middle office, Ooka Tadatoshi, was given the title of 23,000 stone generation daimyo at the time of the Ninth General Tokugawa family re-ruling the Tokugawa family decades ago. of.

  If you say that Chuemon is the illegitimate son of Ooka Tadagoo, then this thing is amazing, it is the biggest news in the entire Edo, and even the entire shogunate.

  Don't say that Chuemon can't believe it, the three family members sitting across from each other, as well as Sukeruku, all felt a kind of inexplicable excitement at the news.

   "It's not the Ooka clan of the Wuzhou Iwataki clan..." Seeing everyone in the audience stared at him, Shigefu Zhongjiao actually showed a trace of embarrassment, as if what he said had disturbed everyone Yaxing.

"That is?"

  "It's the Ooka clan of the Sanshu Nishidaira feudal clan." Tadashi Shigetomi said an equally familiar name.

  The so-called Ooka clan of the Sanshu Nishi-Ohira clan was the Ooka clan of the world’s first judge "Ooka Echizen" when the eighth general Tokugawa Yoshizong ruled his life. The first ancestor does not need to say more, it is Ooka Echizen who guards the loyalty, with the body of 1,920 stones, and finally he was sealed with 10,000 stones. Had it not been for his age, he would have almost become an old master of the shogunate.

   By the way, in addition to that, there is also an Ooka clan in the shogunate, and this Ooka clan is called the Ooka Shimoshou family. Speaking of it, this family can be regarded as the clan of the Dagang family. In the end, Ooka Tadao was elected to the daimyo because of his merits in serving the eighth general Tokugawa Yoshizong, and Ooka Tadamitsu serving the ninth general Tokugawa family.

  "Tell me more in detail." Hearing the name of the Ooka clan of Nishidaihira, Chuemon was more interested.

  How detailed is it? To put it bluntly, Ooka Tadashang married his daughter to Shimazu Jiufen when he had not yet reached his fame. Then he worked in Edo Town for a full nineteen years, received a feudal name, and retired.

  Moreover, it seemed that a fire broke out in the house, which caused the lady to go to the monastery to pray for blessings. It was through the Edo fire that Ooka Tadasho was able to re-plan the towns and towns, set up town fires, and completed the upgrade and transformation of the entire fire fighting work in Edo.

  As for why you moved later, then you can’t move. They are all named, why don't they move? Probably because his house is in the innermost part of Dongshitiao Road, no one has been chosen to move in. When the back room was empty for too long, no one wanted to live.

  The house where Chuemon currently lives is not because it looks dilapidated on the outside, so other people who chose the house look down on him, but in the end, Chuemon is cheaper.

  This also explains why the house has been emptied for decades and no one has lived in it. At first, it may be because no one moved temporarily, and later because it was broken, no one wanted it. Then there was a big fire more than 20 years ago, and nothing was left, even the address and place name.

   "Wait, don't you remember the scabbard that the master left you at the beginning!" Zhuliu's brain was also very bright, and he thought of such a thing after Zhongfu Zhongjiao finished the introduction.

  The famous sword created by Tsunanobu Akama, obviously only a famous gate can have it. It was very strange to appear in the estate of a monk, but now Tadaoemon understands the reason for his appearance. In order to find the old kind monk to verify in the future, one person left the scabbard, and the other left the sword.

  As long as the time comes in the future, the two are combined and it is complete. Recognition, grievances, illegitimate children are all things later. As long as the token is correct and the person is correct, the problem will not be big. And if the child is sent to the monastery and grows up in full view, there is no possibility of falling off.

  What a good way, a good way! The person who gave Chungemon to the loving old monk back then was quite considerate. Now I think about it, why the lay name left by the old gentleman is Chuemon, because in the Ooka Tadashi family, Ichijuro’s young name and the common name of Chuemon are inherited from generation to generation.

  The door of the house is also recognized, and the token may also exist. People on the left and right looked at Chuemonemon's eyes differently, and your kid might be the illegitimate son of the famous family.

   "If the old man remembers correctly, the current lord of the Nishi-Ohira feudal lord Ooka Tadaiden has no children!"

  Everyone was still observing Tademon, but Oguri Tadaka who sat at the side remembered something, and slowly said such a sentence. Although the voice of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is very small, the weight is heavy.

  The current Nishidaira Hou Ooka Tadai, is the sixth generation of the Nishidaira feudal lord, and he is the eldest son of the Five Dynasties lord Ooka Tadai. Born in 1806, he is forty-two years old this year and has no heirs yet. This is a big event in a family that really needs a son to inherit the title.

  Tadaemon is twenty-four years old this year, and Ooka Tadae is forty-two years old, the age is exactly right. If Chuemon proves that it is the illegitimate son of Ooka Tadao, then there is no need to run, and a daimyo named Mikawa Nishidaihei 10,000 shi will be smashed on the head immediately.

  Tadaemon, because he watched Oka dramas in his previous life, he also learned about Ooka Tadao. After that, he briefly looked at his family's heritage. Ooka Tadao was born without a child in his life, almost extinct. In the end, he inherited the Nishidaira clan with his fifth brother Ooka Tadaka as the heir.

  Tsk tusk, this matter, if you have a biological son, what kind of brother is needed. Who doesn't want to pass on the family property to his biological son?

  "This matter has not been determined yet, please don't make any noise." Tademon calmed his mind and made a gesture of please to everyone present.

  The best dishes were delivered up like flowing water, but everyone in the room was obviously not thinking about eating them.

  (End of this chapter)