Edo Traveler

v8 Chapter 46: Lucia is also thinking

The autumn hunting near Kasumigaura continued, and the Tokugawa family had established themselves as the king of a country, and that needed tranquillity. When encountering such a trivial matter, change the established schedule, and then it will not show the style of a monarch at all.

Therefore, Prime Minister Matsuhei Keunaga at the hunting ground immediately asked Chuemon to take a trip to Uraga to deal with the knocking of the Russian ocean ship, and deal with it appropriately without losing the country's body.

But Keunaga Matsudaira is still Keunaga Matsudaira. His request to Tadashiemon is not acceptable under any conditions. In addition to providing food, drinking water, coal and other necessary materials, he will give a certain amount of rewards at most, and this is not a reward. They are given to those who have rescued the floating people in Japan.

After receiving the Piaomin confirmation, the Lucia ship was immediately ordered to leave Japan, and no stay in Japan was allowed. If necessary, they can be threatened by force and fired to expel them.

Good guys!

This Fukui Hou Dao is really a hardliner, and Mizuno Tadakuni knows the time and situation at least, and he fires the shot when he sees the situation. He is better, and he fires the shot directly if he doesn't agree with him.

But think about it, several times in the history of the shogunate fired cannons to expel ships from Europe, the United States and other countries. It's reasonable now, first persuade with words, and then threaten by force.

As for the meaning of the cheap daddy Tokugawa Jiaqing, that is the disposal of the camera. Anyway, as long as you don’t start a country, you can give two for two. Don’t be reluctant. It's a big deal to let the wealthy merchants of Edo donate happily. The apportionment of tens of thousands of taels is enough to fill the appetites of foreigners.

It's exactly the same. Chuyouemon really applauded again and again. You are so similar to Xianfeng next door. Xianfeng is for the big merchants of the thirteenth line to donate, and you are for the Edo tycoon to donate. Anyway, I didn't pay for myself, it was very atmospheric.

The thinking of the feudal rulers is surprisingly consistent!

Chungemon asked Kurokawa Keito to rush to Uraga first, and ordered Seomori Kagawa to prepare. On his side, he ordered two hundred soldiers to train, not only as a guard, but also to explain to the Russians. The shogunate was Armed.

Then Chungemon ordered a group of people and left from Kasumigaura, heading straight for Edo. When you arrive at Edo, you can take a boat straight to Uraga. Now Uraga is fully prepared for the Pacific. It is impossible for a foreigner to break through such a defense.

Therefore, it is very safe to take a boat from Edo to the north of Uraga Peninsula. There is no risk not to take risks. Moreover, the artillery garrisoned at the Uraga and Futtsu Forts were also rotated by boat from Edo. The 40-50 kilometers from Edo to Uraga is really a two-legged walk. You may not be able to walk in one day, but it only takes a long time to take a boat.

In Edo, a few samurai from Hizen were picked up from the Saga clan residence temporarily, and Chuemon rushed to Uraga on the same day. Looking far into the ocean of Uraga, there is indeed a ship with the Russian eagle flag at anchor.

Not a warship!

This is very easy to distinguish. There is no gun muzzle listed above, and the tonnage is very small. At a glance, it is only about two to three hundred tons, which is very similar to the kind of sailing ship built by Russia in the Far East. Before the Trans-Siberian Railway was built, Russia's power in the Far East was relatively weak, so it probably didn't have the strength to build steamships.

It is said that in the Crimean War not long after, the Russian Navy still used wooden sailing ships to compete with the Ottoman Navy in a battleship battle that looked like the late Middle Ages. It's just that the decisive factor in this battle of Sipno was not on the ship, but on the bombardment used.

That is to say, the Russians took a risky use of the explosive bombs that the navies of various countries are absolutely unwilling to use on large wooden warships, so it soon led to the French who participated in the war to build the world's first steam iron armor a few years later.

Without mentioning the gossip, Chungemon immediately approached Seomo Kawaji to learn about the situation in the past few days. Undoubtedly, the Russians sent out small boats to measure the hydrological conditions of the samples outside Uraga after the handover with Kawalu Shengmo. Shengmo Chuanlu didn't understand this very well, so as long as the Russians didn't come ashore to harass, they didn't deal with it in time.

In addition, what makes Chuan Lu Shengmo strange is that the Russians can speak Japanese!

Much better than the British and Americans. There was a man on the Russian ship who claimed to have studied Japanese at the Japanese Language Institute in Kazan and was willing to communicate with the shogunate.

Chuemon didn't expect such a good thing, so early the next morning, he sent someone to the Russian ship to inform him that he could return the seven floating people from Hizen to the shogunate, and at the same time he could send one. Come to two people ashore to communicate.

The Russian side readily agreed, and soon sent two small boats to send the seven floaters to the shore. Piaomin immediately asked the samurai of the Saga clan to inquire, and finished his mouthful of the local dialect of Kitakyushu. It was very good. It was indeed a citizen of Hizen country.

These people transported Saga's specialty miso to Osaka. They encountered a storm on the way. They drifted all the way, whirled in the Sea of ​​Japan and rushed to the Far East of Russia, where they were rescued by the Russians.

One thing is that the Russians are worried about not having a chance to communicate with the shogunate. Earlier, the shogunate had announced to the world through the Dutch that the shogunate would no longer execute civilians returning from foreign countries, and allowed foreign ships to approach the coast of Japan to request fuel supplies. This is undoubtedly a huge change in the diplomatic posture of the shogunate, and the Russians who have been interested in trading with Japan are waiting for this opportunity.

Now with an excuse to return the floating people, the Russian Governor of the Far East not only sent a letter to St. Petersburg ~lightnovelpub.net~, but also sent ships to Japan to contact the Shogunate.

The person who came to Uraga to meet was an Orthodox priest who called himself Laxman. This time, he had no special political and diplomatic missions, just to take a look at the current situation of the shogunate.

For more than half a century, the ties between Russia and Japan have been intermittent and fairly familiar. After seeing Tadaoemon, Laxman simply stated the so-called friendship between the two countries, and then prepared to leave.

There are no requirements at all, it is indeed a bit abnormal. It's not that Chuemon has the delusion of persecution, it's pure imperialism's unyielding heart. How can there be peaceful and beautiful powers these days.

So Chuemon asked him to speak straight, and he also showed him the fort of Uraga, as well as two hundred soldiers from the training team. Sure enough, after seeing that the shogunate was prepared, Laxman was slightly moved.

Finally frankly to Tademon Gate, the Governor of the Far East has petitioned St. Petersburg. Not surprisingly, next year or the next year, St. Petersburg will send warships and special envoys to Japan to urge Japan to establish a country. Before, of course, I was prepared to threaten the shogunate with force.