Edo Traveler

v9 Chapter 24: Declare war on Russia and send troops to

As soon as they heard that they could borrow six million pounds for nothing, Ii Naobi and Chuemon immediately divided the work. Chuemon is in charge of negotiating with foreigners, and the money must be fulfilled. Ii Naobe needs to be responsible for persuading Tokugawa Isaiah to send troops to Kamchatka, and for the generation of ministers to also support this matter.

  According to Suke Rokuhe Katsu Kaishu, after consulting with Britain and France and other countries, in order to facilitate the financial and trade transactions of Japan and foreign countries, and after referring to the currency situation of Japan itself. The shogunate accepted Earl Elgin’s suggestion and formally linked one or two gold in Japan to one pound in Britain.

   The shogunate will begin a comprehensive currency reform next year to ensure that one or two Japanese gold parlors have the same amount of gold in the same pound. In the future, the pound and the gold parlor can be directly traded and settled.

   Of the six million pounds this time, one million was delivered to Japan in the form of gold as a reserve for Japan’s currency recasting. This million is not allowed to be used, and after the recast is completed, it will be directly stored in the newly established supervisory committee.

   At the same time, this action also guarantees that after the loan is fully delivered to the shogunate, there will be no problems with the interest payment in the previous few years. Even if Yokohama Customs' income is difficult to meet, there is enough money to pay for it.

   And for this six million pounds loan, the United Kingdom provided three million, France two million, the German Customs Union 500,000, and the United States also 500,000.

  The transfer is made by the Dutch Bank of Amsterdam, which is recognized by both parties and trusted by the whole Europe. The transfer is divided into two or three times to the account set by the shogunate in the bank of Amsterdam. The subsequent use can be supported from this as long as the shogunate is reasonable expenses.

   This money has nothing to do with handling fees. It is military aid to bring the British to the shogunate to give cannon fodder. It has to expand the residence area in Japan. The additional conditions will be a betrayal of national sovereignty in future generations. That is to say, Naobe Ii didn't quite understand, and Chuemon was eager to be a dog with a British character, so he boldly borrowed this kind of money.

   So the "Japanese-British Yokohama Residential Area Expansion Agreement", the "Japan-France Friendship and Trade Agreement", and the "Japan-Germany Friendship and Trade Agreement" were signed all the way.

   In the later generations, just such an expansion note is enough to peel off Chuemon, hang it to a street lamp, and scold the eighteenth generation of stinky ancestors. That is to say, Ii Naobe stands in front of him, lobbying everywhere, explaining the importance of these six million in maintaining the shogunate and strengthening the armaments.

   嗐, it's always a sign in the end, and I won't talk about it.

   The loan contract was submitted to the Laozhong Imperial Front Meeting for discussion and approval, and the Tokugawa family decided to seal it, and then it was turned over, and the rest was the rectification of the army. Erkin named Hachiro Amano and Kaishou to lead the shogunate's entourage. For no other reason, the officers of the other shogunate might not cooperate with Taiying.

   Amano Hachiro and Katsukaishu were students taught by the British military academy. All the military regulations of the British army are very clear and they know how to cooperate with the British army.

   However, these two elders are just small Kimotos, and they can't command a thousand passers-by team at all. In the end, the shogunate made Jiang Chuan Hidemin the head coach, and Erjin was satisfied with two of them. After all, Yingmin Jiang and the Americans have a deep hatred, but the relationship with the British is still possible. He is also a naval technical student with the British.

The soldiers were quickly dispatched. The 1,200-ton steam paddle sailing warship presented to the shogunate by the British army. For the time being, the shogunate did not have enough seafarers to meet, so it continued to be hosted by the British, but Sheng Haizhou learned from the ship. At the same time, a trainee from the Yokohama Naval Drilling Station was also arranged.

  The shogunate named it "Kasuga Maru", which has nothing to do with Kasuga Taisha. It is purely that the ship was sent by the Queen of England in late spring, so it was called this name. And the name is pretty good, and it fits the habit at this time.

   has been in operation for more than half a year, and now the shogunate can basically take over, temporarily becoming the flagship of the shogunate, and Egawa Hidetoshi is stationed on it.

   The other two steamships purchased from the Netherlands, and the steam merchant ships sent by the British this time, all participated in the war this time. The two Dutch merchant ships, the students of the Merchant Shipping School have been driving for half a year. They are completely skilled and there is no problem. The 400-ton merchant ship sent by the British had enough crew members, but they were not familiar with the ship’s conditions.

  Thinking about it, the British and the shogunate have half and half the crew. It doesn't matter if the number is bloated. It is important to ensure that the ship and people are all right. By the way, the Merchant Marine School was established by the British navy student, Katsu Haizhou, and John Manjiro, a man who drifted back from the United States. English is also one of the compulsory courses.

   At least the hundreds of English words commonly used on the ship are all well taught, and the communication between the two parties will not cause problems. This time, it happened to be a large-scale internship as a student of the Merchant Shipping School, following the British and French coalition forces, transporting shogunate soldiers and a large number of coalition supplies.

The configuration of    accompanying the battle has also been completely adjusted. With regard to the containment of Tsarist Russia, the British leader is still very active. UU reading www.uukānshu.com

   Two battleships, one armed merchant ship, and two ordinary merchant ships. The 1,000 soldiers in the training team, the Yokohama naval cadets and the Merchant Marine Academy more than 200 people, and with more than 100 hired labor, became all the shogunate troops in the fight against Russia.

  As a country that has just merged into the trend of world capitalism, Tadaoemon also commissioned Britain to send a declaration of war to Tsarist Russia. I don’t know what Tsar Nicholas I will look like when he receives this document.

  Perhaps he wanted to come, how did Japan, a small country with a small size, dare to come over like the top powers like Britain and France to slap the tiger's beard of Tsarist Russia.

   In mid-July, the Hong Kong Squadron of the Royal Navy finally arrived in Yokohama. The Kamchatka Expeditionary Forces composed of Britain, France and Japan are all in place.

Not surprisingly, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is naturally the Earl of Elgin who brought the British Empire, the actual commander of the British army is Major General Price, and the commander of the French army has met before and signed a treaty on behalf of Napoleon III and the Shogunate. Major General De Bouante.

  Considering that after the capture of Petropavlovsk, there was no way to get too much supplies there in the first year. The British were also afraid that the shogunate who stayed behind would starve to death or freeze to death on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

So Earl Erkin, for his important feats against Tsarist Russia, provided a large number of leather jackets for all the shogunate soldiers, and bought many typhoid medicines. Even the sake that the Japanese love very much was bought in barrels, just to ensure The shogunate can stay in Kamchatka with peace of mind.

   I can hold on this year. After Mingmian started planting potatoes and fishing, everything is easy to say.