Edo Traveler

v9 Chapter 78: Great Negotiations between Great Powers

Everyone should understand Putingya's idea, which is the so-called national self-determination, or citizen self-determination. But this thing is not a universal international practice or international law that must be observed.

If this thing is to become international law, it will have to wait until after World War II, when the United States and the Soviet Union forcibly disintegrate the two old colonial empires, Britain and France, before it will become universal in the world under the noble slogans such as the so-called equality of human rights. international law.

   As for now, it's better to see who is the first to find out if Putinya and Chuemon had previously proposed. After all, the Kuril Islands have been almost inaccessible for thousands of years, and only a few Ainu people who can be completely ignored may live in this area.

   Now that the Ainu people on the Kuril Islands have been completely extinct, in fact, the entire archipelago is a land of no owner according to international law.

   It’s not that you said it was yours, it was yours. You have to have evidence to prove that this thing belongs to you, and then get the recognition of several major imperialist countries in the world, and that counts.

  As the defeated country just now, Russia’s current behavior is just a mess!

   International law is very simple. Whoever discovers it first is whoever finds it first. Of course, after you find out, you have to hold on. If you can’t hold on, then you won’t blame others.

  The Kuril Islands do not have any special strategic position for the time being, nor do they have huge economic or political benefits. No one cared who this place belongs to before. Putingya is now relying on his big face, claiming that there are Russian immigrants living in the northern part of the Kuril Islands, so those islands are Russian.

   There are Japanese living in the south, and that is Japan. As long as the shogunate's road from Ezo to Kamchatka can be intercepted and Russia can enter the North Pacific at will through the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

   can disgust the shogunate again, and keep the import and export of the North Pacific!

"In this case, I personally cannot make a complete decision. I need to invite envoys from the United Kingdom, France, the United States, and the Netherlands to discuss together, and report to the monarchs of our country." Hearing this, Tadaoemon actually had another idea in his heart. .

   Therefore, he deliberately pretended not to understand international law at all, and was somewhat afraid of the aggressiveness of the Russians. It pretends to ask foreign powers to come and help, and to obtain authorization from the Tokugawa family, in fact, it is just to prepare new materials.

   Seeing that she seemed to be holding down Chuemon, Putinya touched her beard, slightly proud. However, he was still afraid of Britain and France and other countries, after all, they just killed a million of the tsar's livestock without leaving a piece of armor. Therefore, he secretly believed that the shogunate hoped that Britain and France and other countries would come forward to support the shogunate so as to negotiate with Russia.

  This is indeed a bit troublesome. Needless to say, the British are suppressing the development of Tsarist Russia everywhere. Although the French do not want Tsarist Russia to be weakened too much, they do not want Tsarist Russia to become stronger.

   Based on reason, it is very likely that countries such as Britain and France will stand on the side of the shogunate. It seems that we need to do some more activities. Perhaps we can start from the United States and other places to pull foreign aid.

At this point, the first round of negotiations was over, and Chuemon immediately dispatched a fast boat to Ezo, and ordered Hakodate to carry out the entire map of Ezo Hori, as well as Zhushu Township, etc., and send a copy to it. To Edo.

   At the same time, they also sent people to inform the envoys of Britain, France, the United States and the Netherlands in Yokohama, hoping that they would come forward to participate in the northern demarcation negotiations between the Shogunate and Tsarist Russia and supervise the entire negotiation process.

   You should remember that when Britain and the United States signed a treaty with the Shogunate, there was a special article. If the shogunate needed it, in the event of conflict with other European and American countries, the United Kingdom and the United States could mediate in the middle after receiving the shogunate’s request.

   China, Britain and the United States are in the arms of the two countries, which was also required by the United Kingdom and the United States at that time. What these imperialist powers like most is to make **** sticks, draw lines everywhere, and triumphantly appear as international arbiters. After all, this year, serving as an international referee or something, doesn't it mean that they are all powers.

  A small country and a weak country are not qualified to serve as an international referee, and I am the only one who takes the British Empire to do my part!

  The Russo-Japanese War in history, think about it, why did the President of the United States come forward to mediate, and not others? It's very simple. When the Shogunate signed a treaty of friendship and trade with the United States, it joined such a clause. Isn’t the Meiji government that inherited the Tokugawa shogunate qualified to ask the United States for mediation?

   Macdonald, the British consul general in Yokohama, is a pro-shogunate himself. After learning of the shogunate's request, he was very happy to accept it. He also sent the news to Hong Kong quickly and informed the Governor Baoling, hoping that if he is free, he will come together and be a referee together, and be happy.

   Harris of the United States accepted the shogunate’s proposal after some consideration. But he said that he was just attending the meeting to supervise, if there is any conflict between the two sides, he will just participate in the mediation.

  The Count of Roche of France is even more active. He very much hopes to exert French influence on the shogunate. Moreover, as the victorious country in the Crimean War~lightnovelpub.net~, he has the right to supervise the defeated country Tsarist Russia and implement the provisions of the "Paris Peace Treaty".

  Hullah, the ambassadors and envoys of various countries expressed their agreement and joined in the demarcation negotiations between Russia and the shogunate. Of course, they thought with joy that they were here to be the referee, but they didn't expect that Chugoemon was already in secret, and prepared a gift package for good, just waiting for the Russians to jump down.

   After the Russians jump down, everything will be easy. I hope that foreign uncles will testify that the matter will be completely on the head of Russia and Russia will have nothing to say.

   On the surface, it was to wait for Baoling to come from Hong Kong, but in fact it was waiting for various documents and records sent by Ezo. After a delay of two weeks, the shogunate and Tsarist Russia finally sat at the negotiating table.

   Representatives of Britain, France, the United States, and the Netherlands, as well as the German Customs Union, rushed to the venue one after another. Under their witness and supervision, the negotiations began.

   Putinya is still the same. First, he stated that Russia had discovered the Kuril Islands many years ago, and now that many islands in the northern part of the Kuril Islands are settled by Russians, the Kuril Islands should belong to Russia.

Chuemon also submitted various documents and stated that the shogunate had drawn the entire map of the Kuril Islands a few years earlier than Tsarist Russia. As for the population above, it goes without saying that the Japanese population, thousands, were dispatched by the shogunate. After the army, officials were set up. Our side is better than yours, all the evidence is sufficient.

   "Simple documentation proves that there is no way to resolve our dispute, so let's use the nationality of the actual resident as a prerequisite for demarcation."

   "Yes!" Tademon was confident.