Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 105

Gou Shu looked at one celebrity after another, one director after another director, and saw that the trend on Weibo soon changed. While feeling disappointed, he couldn't help feeling a little bit afraid. This Yu Yao usually seems to be quiet, but in fact she is so capable, and one or two of them actually give her a head start.

He suddenly had a feeling of rejoicing. Fortunately, the person who was injured by accident was Tang Jinjin.

If he hurt Yu Yao, he would be tortured to death by those people behind Yu Yao, right?

He didn't dare to show off his abilities anymore, he knelt down to Yu Yao respectfully, and said, "Master Yu, tell me, I will do what you say I will do!"

Yu Yao said: "Record everything in a video, and then turn yourself in." If so, it will be inconvenient to take out the 200,000 yuan. "As for the money, just hand it in when you surrender!"

Gou Shu didn't dare to raise any objections: "Okay, okay, are you recording now? What should I say?"

Yu Yao said, "Tell me the truth."


The filming location of "Qing Huan" is just around the corner, and Qiu Lin is already thinking about his new movie.

I said earlier that I would give the role to Yu Yao, but I didn't expect that the investor who originally agreed to invest in him was not very happy. Although the other party also admitted that Yu Yao was beautiful, she was a complete newcomer. Even though "Qing Huan" was filmed, it was only a supporting role, and the filming has not yet been completed, and it still has to wait for its release. And "The Overwhelming Country" is also a supporting role, and it is also unknown when it will be released.

In this case, the other party has no way to estimate whether the movie can make money, so naturally they are not happy.

Qiu Lin thought it was difficult, but Yu Yao suddenly had an accident at this time.

He and Liu Yu were naturally on Yu Yao's side, but after reposting Weibo, he was still a little worried.

At this time, Chen Yuqi came over angrily and knocked on the door. If he wanted to say why he was angry, of course it was because Yu Yao dared to talk to him like that today, and hung up on him directly like that. Afterwards, he called again, but it turned out that he still couldn't get through. Chen Yuqi was not stupid, so he naturally knew that Yu Yao didn't want to talk to him, so he directly blocked him.

He held it back for a long time, but he didn't expect it, Yu Yao was supposed to be in the limelight all by himself, but now it's the entire production crew!

I didn't see that "Qing Huan" was already on the hot search list on Weibo, what are you talking about, this crew has a human touch!

Both the male and female protagonists come out to talk to the supporting roles, even the assistant director. There are people questioning him on Weibo as a big director, asking him how Yu Yao's character is, why the rest of the crew are talking to Yu Yao, He didn't say anything. Why did he say anything, he wanted to say that Yu Yao's character was bad and he didn't respect him, wouldn't that cause trouble for his "Qing Huan"!

Qiao Xinran and Gui Feng couldn't directly scold him, so he came to Qiu Lin.

Qiu Lin was annoyed, and actually didn't want to talk to him, but since everyone was here, he couldn't ignore him. Let the person into the room, took a bottle of mineral water for him, and sat opposite him: "Director Chen, what are you doing here at this time?"

Chen Yuqi didn't show mercy, and asked face to face: "Why are you messing around and reposting Weibo like that?"

Qiu Lin said: "Director Chen, you probably forgot, that is my sister."

Chen Yuqi suddenly had nothing to say, he really forgot.

"Even if it's your sister, but at this time..."

Qiu Lin interrupted him: "It's nothing, you see that there are quite a lot of people reposting it on the Internet, and no one pays attention to my reposting by an unknown director."

Now that we've talked about this, what else can Chen Yuqi say?

I had no choice but to change the subject: "I heard that you are about to start filming a new movie, and the heroine is going to choose Yu Yao?"

Qiu Lin played sloppy: "I'm still watching it, I'm thinking about it."

When Chen Yuqi asked this question, he actually knew that Qiu Lin's investors were dissatisfied, so he ignored Qiu Lin's reluctance to mention it. Qiu Lin could only listen to what he said to Qiu Lin in his current position. Even if you are dissatisfied, you can only hold it in your heart.

He said: "Let's change to another one. I understand why you want to praise your girl, but if you offend the investors because of this, then your movie will be dirty. Besides, it's not good for such a newcomer to play the female lead, and the male lead is not good." Look. No acting skills, just a newcomer who wants to be popular, how do you ask other male actors to play with him? And if you also downgrade the male lead, then your movie will be hit the street when it is made. It will affect your future journey."

Qiu Lin was furious at what he said, this was before the filming of the film, and Chen Yuqi completely denied it.

But the reality was just as Chen Yuqi thought, the unequal status of the two, even if he was furious, he could only hold back.

Qiu Lin was so annoyed that he wanted to change the subject when his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Gui Feng who called. After a few words of pleasantries, Gui Feng got straight to the point: "Director Qiu, I heard that you are preparing for a new play recently?"

Obedient and listening, Qiu Lin thought about Gui Feng's acting skills and status, and immediately said: "Yeah, I'm preparing for a new play, and I'm very worried. The heroine has a general direction, but the male lead is still there." It's a mess and I haven't found the right person."

Gui Feng said: "What Director Qiu said, are you looking for an actor but still can't find it? No, Director Qiu thinks I can do it?"

Qiu Lin glanced at Chen Yuqi staring at him, and said, "Feng Gui, I'm very flattered when you say that! My movie can't compare with "Qing Huan", and besides, my movie girl If there is no mistake, it should be Yu Yao, she is a newcomer, would you like to play with him?"

Gui Feng didn't even hit a word: "Yu Yao is pretty, and her acting skills are also good. There are already two works, and it will be a matter of time before they become popular. As long as Director Qiu thinks I can do it, then I will be fine." , I’m just waiting for you to call me for an audition.”

What else is there to try? For someone like Guifeng, if the investors know about it, the **** will be gone!

Qiu Lin said directly: "Then I'll talk to your manager directly!"

This means that there is no need to audition, Gui Feng was also happy, and said with a smile: "That's fine, then I'll wait for the news."

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Lin felt that the standing one was three taller than the sitting Chen Yuqi!

Hehe, he belittled him for nothing. Who would have thought that he would be offered to be sent to the door by the leading actor right away!

And it's Guifeng, who just filmed Guifeng, the leading actor in Chen Yuqi's play! Qiu Lin was so proud, he sat down with a smile on his face, and said: "By the way, Director Chen, I have another point to watch in this play. I also invited the famous movie star Liu Yu to play a cameo. She will take it with her hand. I believe Yu Yao will not Where did it go?"

Chen Yuqi's face turned blue.

He was so angry that he couldn't speak, and he only scolded in his heart: I'm afraid Liu Yu is not a fool!


Hu Ning was also angry. She was accompanying Tang Jinjin in the hospital, but seeing the increasingly polarized comments on Weibo, she was so angry that she wanted to drop her phone. "Yu Yao, what is she? What is she?"

Tang Jinjin didn't speak, but he felt uneasy in his heart.

The development of the matter seriously exceeded her prediction, and she dared not even think about what would happen next.

Can Yu Yao stand up?

Probably not.

If Yu Yao could stand up, Hu Ning would be finished. As for her...she was actually ruined, and she was also finished.

But her face can't be ruined in vain, she threatened Hu Ning to be her girlfriend, but if Yu Yao can stand up, it means that what Hu Ning did will be exposed. At that time, the handle she was holding was useless, and the handle was useless, how could Hu Ning still talk to her?

Tang Jinjin said nervously, "Who else knows that you harmed me?"

Hu Ning's eyelids twitched when she said this, and in a panic, she blurted out: "If you say it so carelessly, I'm afraid no one will know it, and everyone you say will know it!"

Tang Jinjin frowned, and didn't bother to argue with her.

"I'm doing it for your own good. If there are other things you missed, if Yu Yao finds out, you will be in trouble!"

Hu Ning was taken aback by the words, but then he said confidently: "No, there are no omissions."

She didn't do it herself, and as for Gou Shu, it's a big deal to sleep with him a few more times.

She can even agree to a woman like Tang Jinjin, and it doesn't matter if she sleeps with a man a few times.

And at this moment, Yu Yao finally logged into Weibo with difficulty, deleted the first Weibo with millions of comments, and posted a new one. Yu Yao V: As a newcomer to the showbiz, I never thought I would not be able to meet you with my works, but I got to know you through this way. I'm sorry, I didn't report the situation online at the first time. In fact, I went to the police as soon as possible. I can't bear such dirty water. Fortunately, Skynet was not missing, and the perpetrators were finally caught. Finally, advertise my work. [Image] [image]

She only posted this Weibo, no one from Aite, and no accompanying video.

Instead, two stills of "Qing Huan" and "Overwhelming Country" were added at the end.

It's just that at the same time as she posted on Weibo, the media accounts of the major marketing accounts released three videos at the same time.

One is that Gou Shu came out of the elevator to enter Hu Ning's room, and came out again after a long time. The other is wearing the same clothes and telling all the truth to the video. And the third one is that the police broke into the hospital and arrested Hu Ning.

As for Tang Jinjin, firstly, she is the victim, and secondly, she is still lying down, so it is natural to talk about it later.

But such three videos are enough to prove Yu Yao's innocence. With such three videos posted in succession, no one dares to criticize P. After all, anyone with long eyes can see that one link after another, p can't be seen at all.

Yu Yao thoroughly cleared up her grievances, and all those who retweeted her Weibo and spoke up have won a wave of praise.

As for herself, from the pitiful 2 fans to the 20,000 fans when she was hacked, she suddenly rose to 2 million fans overnight. And as for the comments below, they are actually rare, almost unanimously applauded.

Thirty miles at a speed: Damn it! Miss sister, I want to call you, you are so handsome!

Zhang Xiucai's little wife: I feel sorry for Miss Sister, I feel helpless between the lines of Miss Sister, hug you~~~

The fat little fairy in vain: I declare that I am a fan of Yu Yao from today on! No one pull me! !

Don't eat carrots: I like this kind of crisp and neat, what nonsense, directly on the evidence. This wave of face slaps is so cool - I'm dead!