Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 150

The three met at a coffee shop in the shopping mall, and Xue Chunfang was a little surprised to see an outsider besides Yu Zhaoxing.

"Who is he?" she asked Yu Zhaoxing.

Yu Zhaoxing didn't want to talk to her at all.

Sitting down on his own, he cut to the chase and said: "What about Yaoyao, tell me!"

Xue Chunfang frowned, showing that Zhou Yan didn't care about her at all, so he could only sit down honestly opposite Yu Zhaoxing. The table in the milk tea shop was not big. Yu Zhaoxing lay on the table, and Xue Chunfang also leaned on the table, with the upper half of her body leaning forward as much as possible.

Such close contact displeased Yu Zhaoxing, so he immediately retreated and leaned against the back of the chair.

Xue Chunfang's face froze, and she sat up straight. She stared at Yu Zhaoxing without blinking, and she could see that although this man was also looking at her, his eyes no longer had the same brilliance as before. As a beautiful woman, even though she is ruined by herself and she is not beautiful now, Xue Chunfang still remembers the look in a man's eyes when he likes a woman.

Obviously, Yu Zhaoxing doesn't like her anymore.

"Yu Zhaoxing, do you have another woman?"

A flash of anger flashed in Yu Zhaoxing's eyes: "Xue Chunfang, if you have nothing to say, I'll leave!"

"I have something to say!" Seeing that Yu Zhaoxing was coming for real, Xue Chunfang could only suppress the disappointment in her heart, and hurriedly reached out to hold Yu Zhaoxing's hand, "It is indeed about Yaoyao, someone wants to deal with Yaoyao, I don't know how to find me Here it is. They gave me money, let me say something unfavorable to Yaoyao in the media group interview later, and said that if I say it, they will give me a lot of money after it is done!"

Yu Zhaoxing asked, "Who is it?"

"A woman is covering her face. I don't know who it is. But there is a man helping her. This man..." She stopped talking suddenly and looked at Yu Zhaoxing for a moment. She said: "Yao Yao Her dad, you said we... can we go back to the past?"

It's just a dream!

He didn't kill her not because he didn't dare, nor because he was afraid of paying for his life, but because he was afraid of negative influence on Yaoyao! Whether you are a celebrity or an ordinary person, if you have a murderer father, whether you have a job or get married, you will inevitably be pointed at.

Yu Zhaoxing didn't answer, but asked annoyedly, "Who is that man?"

Xue Chunfang suddenly opened her fingers and changed to grab Yu Zhaoxing's hand: "Yaoyao's father, they gave me 100,000 yuan, and they said they would give me another 400,000 yuan after the work is done! I know I did something wrong before. I also know that I am sorry for Yaoyao, but the old saying goes, knowing the mistakes can make things better. I know the mistakes, and I have changed. I am not afraid of danger and tempted them. I just want to know who is going to harm us Yaoyao. Yaoyao Her dad, you can forgive me, can't you?"

"Although I was indeed not a good wife or mother before, I promise you, I will change, I will definitely change!"

Yu Zhaoxing has never seen Xue Chunfang showing such a side, after all, he is someone who has loved for many years, seeing her now, even though she is much uglier than before, Yu Zhaoxing's heart is still soft. It's just that when he thought that if it wasn't for luck, Yu Yao would have been ruined by Wang Xiangang long ago, or she would have killed herself because of suicide, his heart hardened again.

Some mistakes can be corrected and made up for, but some mistakes cannot be done anyway.

"You're not afraid, someday I'll remember what you did before, get up in the middle of the night and kill you?" He looked at Xue Chunfang and said darkly.

Xue Chunfang trembled in fright, and her face turned pale.

Even Zhou Yan looked at Yu Zhaoxing in surprise, not expecting him to say such a thing.

Yu Zhaoxing continued: "Don't talk to me about conditions. Yaoyao is my daughter, but she is also your daughter. You have wronged her, and now you have the opportunity to make up for it. This is what you should do! If you really dare to help others harm her, guess what? Will I try my best not to die, and I will drag you to die with me?!"

Life was indeed difficult, but no matter how difficult it was, Xue Chunfang never thought of dying.

She didn't dare to have any intention of rebuilding the old relationship anymore, but began to negotiate conditions: "You also know that Wang Xiangang has just entered, and his two sons and daughters don't want to control me. Now I can't support myself alone. Yaoyao is my daughter. If Without this incident, I don’t expect her to support me, but this incident I could have gotten enough money for the rest of my life, but I can’t get it because of her. So it’s emotional and reasonable, does she have to Give me some money, not too much, just give me two thousand a month. You can ask her, if she agrees, I will tell you everything."

Two thousand a month is the least that Xue Chunfang thinks about. After deducting rent and food, she doesn't have much left.

Thinking of the 500,000 that Pan Jiaying promised her, she could spend 20,000 a month for more than 20 years!

Let alone two thousand a month, she is only in her forties, and she has hands and feet, and if she wants more than two hundred, Zhao Xing is not willing to give it to Yu Yao. Besides, how old is Yu Yao, if at the age when she is studying, she still needs to be paid by her family, Xue Chunfang is good, she actually wants Yu Yao to start raising her now!

He slammed down the table angrily, but before he could speak, Zhou Yan said: "No problem, I can promise you on behalf of Yu Yao, not two thousand, but three thousand a month. As long as you are honest Yes, the money will be credited to your card on time every month."

Xue Chunfang said in surprise: "Are you serious?!"

Yu Zhaoxing was extremely unhappy: "Xiao Zhou! You..."

Zhou Yan patted his hand and said: "Ms. Xue didn't sell Yaoyao for the half a million others gave her. The money Yaoyao gave her willingly. Uncle Yu, please stop talking. It's Yaoyao's mother."

Yu Zhaoxing said coldly: "I've never seen a mother like this! She has arms and legs at such a young age, so she's going to **** the blood of her children! Even if such a person dies, she will definitely go to the 18th level of hell, and she will never be reborn forever." !"

"Yu Zhaoxing, are you sick?" Xue Chunfang's temperament is to be kind to good people and bad to bad people. When she met Yu Zhaoxing, who had been giving way to her in the past, it was a firecracker. She took a cup of milk tea on the table and poured it on On Yu Zhaoxing's face.

Although Yu Zhaoxing was angry and disgusted, he really wouldn't do anything to Xue Chunfang.

Even if she was splashed with milk tea, she just stared blankly, pointing at Xue Chunfang, speechless.

It's just that they didn't expect this scene to be seen by Qin Feng who was passing by outside. She stared at this side from a distance, and Zhao Shuqin and Qingqing Yuzhi were naturally attracted, so the angry Qin Feng took the lead, and several of them all came together. Rushed into the milk tea shop.

At this moment, Xue Chunfang had stopped looking at Yu Zhaoxing, and was talking to Zhou Yan: "It's Chen Yuqi, he gave me a fake work permit, and I'll show you." Handing over the work pass, she took out her mobile phone: "I still have him. There are also photos and videos of him, I secretly took them when he was talking to me, I will give you all, see if it helps Yaoyao."

Zhou Yan took the work card and mobile phone, and was looking down, when suddenly he saw the milk tea in front of Yu Zhaoxing being picked up and splashed on Xue Chunfang's face. Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng slapped Yu Zhaoxing again: "You fool, if she will splash you, won't you splash it back? You still let her go at such a time, you still have this vicious woman in your heart what?!"

Xue Chunfang reached out to wipe the milk tea on her face, and stood up angrily.

Qin Feng was not afraid of her at all, pinched his waist with both hands and said, "What's the matter, want to fight? Come on, I'll accompany you to the end!"

Xue Chunfang was really afraid of Qin Feng. After all, Qin Feng was not only unforgiving, but also very strong when he was used to housework. She stared angrily for a while, and finally sat down again, feeling angry in her heart, and sent Yu Zhaoxing again: "Useless stuff! You are also in your forties, and you are afraid of being caught when you go out at an early age." The bullying even brought Mom along, heh, heh!"

Yu Zhaoxing doesn't know how to quarrel, he blushes with anger, but he also knows that it is inconvenient to make a big fuss.

Chen Yuqi didn't know who he was helping to harm Yaoyao, but since he could find Xue Chunfang, if they made a big deal here today, they would just smear Yaoyao's face if they didn't do anything. After all, having such a pair of parents is a black spot for everyone, right?

Seeing that Qin Feng was going to get the milk tea in front of Zhou Yan, he hurriedly hugged Qin Feng's hand, got up and pushed him back, and said to Zhao Shuqin who followed in: "Mother Yaoyao, please, please Take my mother out."

Yaoyao mother?

Xue Chunfang stared at Zhao Shuqin with wide eyes.

The woman on the opposite side seemed to be in her early forties, and her maintenance was average, but her complexion was quite good. And from top to bottom, whether it's clothes or bags, they are all famous brands! This woman, Yaoyao's mother? No wonder Yu Zhaoxing treated her like this, he really found another woman, and said that she sucked her children's blood, and he was helping other women **** Yaoyao's blood!

Xue Chunfang was so angry, she was angry that Yu Yao was using money to support others regardless of her own mother's life, and she was also angry that Yu Zhaoxing was looking for another woman.

She didn't know what was going on, she had abandoned Yu Zhaoxing for many years, and she didn't like Yu Zhaoxing at all, but seeing him treat another woman so respectfully at this moment, she felt as if she was about to explode. The anger in my heart, the injustice in my heart, I can't believe it, even worse than when Yu Zhaoxing wanted to kill her for Yaoyao last time.

Men are liars!

I clearly said that I will love her forever!

She was so angry that she got up and walked out: "Yaoyao's mother? Yu Zhaoxing, even if you find another woman, what is she? You call Yaoyao her mother? I am the real mother who gave birth to Yaoyao and raised her. I'm not dead yet, so you call Yaoyao someone else's mother?"

She pointed at Zhao Shuqin angrily with one hand, and hit Yu Zhaoxing with the other.

"Do you think I'm dead? I'm not dead yet. If you call Yaoyao someone else's mother, you don't need to ask me?"

Ask you big head ghost!

Qin Feng stepped forward to push Yu Zhaoxing away, and slammed into Xue Chunfang's chest, knocking him far away, and then yelled: "Ask you? What kind of onion are you? I still need to ask you? That's right, this It’s Yaoyao’s mother, what’s the matter? She’s from the capital, she’s prettier than you, her temper is better than yours, and she has a huge fortune at home! She runs a big company, just like you, a hundred is not enough for them to see of!"

Xue Chunfang was already extremely angry, but when Qin Feng said that, she lost all reason.

And Yu Zhaoxing is a filial son, seeing Xue Chunfang stepping forward and grabbing Qin Feng's neck, how could he not make a move.

Zhou Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart, even if his appearance changed the order of events, what should have happened still happened, but what should have happened could not happen anyway. He immediately got up and shouted in a low voice: "Are you crazy? Making trouble here, don't you know how much trouble it will bring to Yaoyao?"

With this shout, Yu Zhaoxing withdrew his hand, and Qin Feng stopped making trouble.

He looked at Xue Chunfang again: "If you keep making trouble, believe it or not, you won't get the last penny? Not only will Yaoyao not give you the money, but have you accepted the money from Pan Jiaying? I can sue you for Yaoyao, not only will you not get the money, but you will also be imprisoned for a few years!"

Xue Chunfang was of course afraid of what he said in a serious manner, so she let go almost immediately.

Only then did Zhou Yan say to Zhao Shuqin: "Big..." The eldest sister almost shouted, and he changed his words temporarily: "You take Grandma Yu and Yaoyao Azhi out first, I am here."

Zhao Shuqin was stunned by the scene just now, so she rushed to pull Qin Feng away after hearing the words.

No matter how unwilling Qin Feng was, thinking of Yu Yao, she could only nod and leave first.

Qingqing, on the other hand, took a deep look at Xue Chunfang, and finally followed her.

The three of them were all in a mess, Zhou Yan apologized to the little brother sent by the store, and sat down again.

Xue Chunfang was still concerned: "That woman just now, when did you get together?"

"They're not together!" Zhou Yan said: "Grandma Yu said that on purpose to annoy you. The one just now is Yu Jiangshan's ex-wife from Zhaoshan Media, and her daughter is also named Yu Yao."

When Xue Chunfang was a full-time wife in the past, she really liked to pay attention to these gossips. Although she didn't know Zhao Shuqin's appearance, she did know the name Zhao Shuqin. Xue Chunfang also knew about the Yu Jiangshan and Pan Jiaying scandal that caused a lot of trouble before, so although she still didn't believe it, she kept quiet for the time being.

Yu Zhaoxing followed suit and said, "I have nothing to do with him, and you don't even look at them. I'm just an ordinary worker in a small city. He's the ex-wife of the boss of a big company. They have excellent sons and daughters. How can you fall in love with me?" ?”

Xue Chunfang made sense when she heard this. If she was Zhao Shuqin's status, she would also look down on Yu Zhaoxing.

But...But now, Xue Chunfang stared at Yu Zhaoxing in a daze, feeling extremely confused in her heart. She hadn't expected the anger and sadness just now, but now she calmed down, she still couldn't figure out why. But at this moment, emotion is faster than reason, and she asked almost without thinking: "Zhaoxing, can we really, really, not go back to the past?"

Yu Zhaoxing was stunned.

Because he found that Xue Chunfang was actually serious, and seriously wanted to get back together with him.

Zhou Yan couldn't participate in the private affairs of the two of them. He clicked on the video and pretended that the two of them didn't exist.

Yu Zhaoxing didn't think for too long, and even shook his head within ten seconds at most. Although he waited for almost ten years for Xue Chunfang to change his mind, but when she finally changed his mind, he could no longer accept her.

He said: "When I saw you, I thought Yaoyao was almost destroyed. When I saw you, I thought Yaoyao committed suicide and almost died."

In his eyes, she was already a symbol of cold-bloodedness and sin.

Xue Chunfang actually felt heartbroken and wanted to cry.

But she didn't cry, she laughed at herself, and turned to look at Zhou Yan: "Sir, can you really agree on behalf of Yaoyao that you will give me two thousand yuan a month? Fifteen thousand is fine, you Can you really agree on her behalf?"

Zhou Yan was a little surprised: "Are you sure it only costs one thousand and five?"

Xue Chunfang hesitated for a while, then nodded slowly: "One thousand and five is enough. I plan to find a small county town, and find some job by myself. Maybe in two years, one thousand and five will be gone."

This time even Yu Zhaoxing was surprised, but he looked at Xue Chunfang, but Xue Chunfang turned his head. She put the bag in her hand on the table, and said to Zhou Yan: "The woman who covered her face gave me 20,000 in cash, and I just went to the cash machine outside to withdraw 20,000, I will give you the money, and you will handle it Bar?"

Zhou Yan guessed Xue Chunfang's original plan, he said: "It's okay, you can take this money!"

Xue Chunfang asked in surprise, "Can I hold it?"

Zhou Yan nodded: "Of course, you can take the money and leave now. Whether it's Chen Yuqi or Pan Jiaying, they will lose themselves. Even if you take the money away, they can't trouble you."

I thought the money was going to be lost, but I can keep it for myself! Xue Chunfang didn't feel sad at all, she nodded happily, and stood up holding her bag: "That's fine, then I'm leaving, I'm going to buy tickets now!"

Zhou Yan said: "Give me the card number, and also report the ID number to me. I will arrange someone to buy you a ticket and take you to the airport."

Xue Chunfang nodded, and then asked hesitantly: "Are you... are Yaoyao's boyfriend?"

Zhou Yan admitted: "Yes."

Xue Chunfang smiled: "You look pretty good, Yaoyao is more blessed than me."