Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 154

Su Ming followed several people downstairs to the side of the road in a daze, no matter whether it was Qin Feng or Zhao Shuqin, he refused to leave no matter who advised him to leave. Because Qingqing walked closest to him in the past, Zhao Shuqin had no choice but to ask Qingqing to persuade them once they got into the car.

Because of the sympathy for each other, we can empathize more.

Qingqing went willingly this time, pulled Su Ming a little farther away, and persuaded: "Today is the first day of the new year, you can't be so depressed at the beginning of the year, there are no sister Yaoyao and others , your conditions are so good, you can always find a girlfriend who likes you and likes you, why is this so?"

There are tens of thousands of people in the world, but there is only one Yu Yao.

No, not right either.

There is another one in front of me, but even though they have the same name and surname, even they were born in the same year, the same month and the same day, they are not the same person after all.

Su Ming lowered his head, his shoulders sank weakly, he raised his eyes to look at Qingqing, and said, "You don't understand."

Why do I not understand?

I also have a heart, and I also like people. I even broke my heart earlier than you.

These words rolled in Qingqing's throat, but seeing Su Ming's appearance of crying, his heart was so soft that he couldn't say it. She thought for a moment, and said: "Why don't you go home now, order a barbecue takeaway, and have a bottle of white wine, so that you can stay drunk for a while."

Are you alone?

Wouldn't that be more worrying about drinking wine?

Su Ming glanced at the van parked not far away, and said, "Why don't you come back tonight, and find a place to have a drink with me!"

Qingqing couldn't believe it: "What did you say???"

Su Ming said, "Auntie Zhao is not your own mother, so she shouldn't be too obstructive if you want to leave. As for your grandma and your father, they don't know the truth yet, and they have no position to stop you."

So am I going to go with you?

I'm a girl!

I'm alone with you at night, I'm crazy!

Qingqing didn't persuade her any more, she glared at Su Ming angrily, turned her head and left without saying a word. Back in the car, he said to Zhao Shuqin and Qin Feng: "He's fine, he's a little uncomfortable, but only a little bit, and he's all right now."

Others couldn't help with emotional matters, and Qin Feng was even more afraid that Zhao Shuqin would get angry because she found out that Su Ming liked Yu Yao, so she shrank back in her seat and simply pretended to be asleep. Yu Zhaoxing was a little apologetic, but he was stupid and couldn't speak, so he looked at Zhao Shuqin apologetically and didn't say anything. Zhao Shuqin was the only one who knew the truth, and Yu Yao was her own daughter, so of course she would not have other ideas.

I just feel sorry for Qingqing.

"Then leave him alone, let's go first." She took Qingqing's hand and said, then turned her head and closed the door directly.

It was already very late, Yu Zhi had already fallen asleep, Qin Feng leaned on the back of the chair and squinted and snored unknowingly, the three of them who were awake were quietly thinking about their thoughts, no one knew that Su Ming behind him hesitated for a moment Drive to keep up.

Su Ming didn't really think about it, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't seem to be able to think anymore. He watched the van drive out and subconsciously followed it. As for why he followed, and what he thought about following him, he didn't think about it. But following up the neighborhood where Zhou Yan's house is located all the way, and parked the car far away to see the car of people getting out of the car and entering the house, he leaned back in the chair, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

This is not the first time he likes someone, nor is it the first time he is rejected by someone. In fact, although he looks good in all aspects, he cannot always attract all women, so after all these years, some women have looked down on him. But those people, as long as they show signs of not wanting to follow him, he can turn around and leave without blinking.

But Yu Yao, Yu Yao is also unwilling to follow him, and even her attitude is very firm.

According to his original temperament, he should actually turn around and leave without staying too long. What is beauty, there is no shortage of beautiful women in this world. But I don't know why he didn't leave, not only did he not leave, but he also sank his heart into it bit by bit, and even liked her so much that he thought it would be okay even if she didn't have a pretty face.

As long as it's her, it doesn't matter if she's a little ugly.

He even played tricks and pulled Lao Zhou into it. Now it's all right, if you really shoot yourself in the foot, how can Lao Zhou do this? How could Yu Yao do this? Didn't it be agreed that it was the relationship between the elders and the younger generation, and it was agreed that it was between the niece and the younger uncle? Didn't she never know the truth and was only attracted by her beautiful appearance just like him?

How can we be together!

I can't figure it out, and I don't want to figure it out, and I feel uncomfortable and angry at the same time. But he has no position, Yu Yao never promised him anything, and Lao Zhou even acted as a matchmaker to Yu Yao, and even joked that if one day Lao Zhou knew the truth...

Well, people know the truth, and they just got together after knowing the truth.

Su Ming raised his head, heaved a long sigh, then slowly raised his hand to cover his eyes. Probably because of staying up late, I haven't slept for a long time, my eyes can't bear it, and the self-protection function is activated, sore and tears.

In the capital city on the first day of the new year, he knew how cold it would be. He didn't think of turning on the air conditioner when he was driving to catch up. Sitting like this until his limbs were almost stiff, he suddenly got up and lay down on the steering wheel, staring straight at the familiar car in front of him.

Sure enough, after the car came to a complete stop, Zhou Yan got out of the car first, then went around and helped Yu Yao out.

Old Zhou was tall and handsome, Yu Yao was petite and exquisite, standing together, even he had to admit that they were a natural match. But even though he thought so, he still took out his cell phone and made a call.

Zhou Yan stopped and took out his phone.

Who could it be this night? Yu Yao looked curiously.

"It's Su Ming." Zhou Yan said, and after answering the phone, he smiled and said, "Mingzi, happy new year!"

New Years is not good at all.

Holding the phone, Su Ming took two deep breaths before saying, "Old Zhou, Happy New Year!"

Close friends, from this pause, they realized that something was wrong, Zhou Yan paused, and asked directly: "Where is it?"

It was cold, even though she was wearing a down jacket with a white shirt and a woolen skirt underneath, Yu Yao was still shivering from the cold. She was reluctant to go into the room. Although her mother already knew about her and Zhou Yan, she was sure that tonight, let alone living in the same room with Zhou Yan, the two of them might not even be able to hold hands after entering the door.

So even if it was cold, she didn't want to go in first, she just slipped into Zhou Yan's arms, and seized the last time to be together.

Zhou Yan whispered: "You go in first, it's cold outside."

"I don't." Yu Yao refused.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and the neighborhood was unbelievably quiet at this point, and the voices of the two of them reached Su Ming's ears clearly. He was startled, and then smiled: "I'm at home, I was held down to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and I just went back to the room to lie down. What's the matter, I heard your voice is still outside? It's cold today, hurry up Go into the house, I'm fine, I just wish you an early year."

What do you mean I still can't hear you?

But he couldn't ask even if he could hear it, Zhou Yan followed suit and laughed: "That's fine, what's your sky, let's meet and talk."

But after hanging up the phone, he tightened his arms around Yu Yao's waist, but he turned his head and looked around.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Yao didn't hear anything.

Zhou Yan also didn't explain, other people like Yaoyao, to this extent, he just needs to know, Yaoyao better not to know. It's not that she's afraid that she will be moved, but knowing this kind of thing will only increase troubles, so it's better for him to solve it. Besides, Su Ming is his good brother, no matter what the reason is, as long as Su Ming doesn't alienate him, he can't alienate Su Ming, so if there is a chance to get in touch with him in the future, in order to avoid embarrassment, it's better not to know.

"It's nothing." His eyes stopped for a moment, and he retracted his gaze, "Go back, is it cold?"

"Cold!" Yu Yao did not deny it, "But I guess my mother must not be asleep yet..."

This is to hate myself!

Warmth surged in Zhou Yan's heart, and he lowered his head to touch Yu Yao's forehead, and said, "I will rent you a house near the school when the school starts after the year. It’s also a bit inconvenient together.”

It's inconvenient, Yu Yao didn't intend to live on campus at all, but she narrowed her eyes after hearing Zhou Yan's words: "You want to come and live with me?"

Zhou Yan nodded: "Aren't you welcome?"

Really not very welcome.

In the past, it was fine even if they lived under the same roof, but now...the two of them are so close, but they are not husband and wife. If they live together now, wouldn't it be so ugly that he would see it? Although Qingqing's appearance is very good, but no matter how beautiful people get along for a long time, they can also see eating, drinking and messing with each other. If they live together like that now, will they get bored with each other soon?

Yu Yao didn't hide the thoughts in her heart, Zhou Yan became anxious when she saw it, is this really unwelcome?


He didn't understand, what did he do wrong?

Just as she was about to ask, Zhao Shuqin didn't know when she went downstairs, and standing not far away, a voice came from gnashing her teeth: "Yaoyao, what time is it, why don't you go upstairs when you get home? Wearing so little clothes, you are not afraid of getting sick in such a cold day!"

The meaning inside and outside the words is accusation, saying that Zhou Yan doesn't know how to care about people.

Well, of course I can't ask this question, Yu Yao had already shaken off his hand and ran over quickly.

After entering the house, Zhao Shuqin drove Yu Yao upstairs first, then turned around and couldn't do anything to drive Zhou Yan away. After all, this is Zhou Yan's house, so she pointed to Yu Zhi's room and said, "It's getting late, You should also go to rest early, Azhi sleeps in a big bed, you two should squeeze together."

What can Zhou Yan say?

Now that Zhao Shuqin has become a mother-in-law, how dare he resist? Of course, Zhao Shuqin has no extravagant expectations for Yu Zhaoxing, and later generations have understood. A qualified mother. Yu Yao listened to her, so Zhou Yan could only listen.

Seeing Zhou Yan enter the room, Zhao Shuqin sighed, and then dragged his tired body back to the room.

It's too late, even if you want to say something to Yu Yao, wait until later!


After the house was completely quiet, the door of Qingqing's room was quietly opened. She didn't dare to turn on the light, and went out quietly by the light of her mobile phone. I took the elevator downstairs and didn't go far. I wrapped myself in a down jacket and looked around. When I saw a familiar car, I trotted over.

The people in the car were lying on the steering wheel, and they couldn't tell if it was Su Ming just by looking at them, but if they didn't go home and stay in the car at almost three o'clock in the morning, who else could there be besides him?

Qingqing raised her hand and patted the car window: "Su Ming!"

The voice was not loud, but it was clear enough at this time. Su Ming raised his head and looked over with his red eyes.

Seeing him in a daze, Qingqing took another shot.

Only then did Su Ming come to his senses, and hurriedly opened the co-pilot's door, Qingqing went around and got in the car, rubbing his hands as soon as the door closed: "I thought it was unnecessary to get down by myself, but you are really still here." She looked around strangely I took a look, "Why isn't the air conditioner turned on in your car, aren't you cold?"

When Su Ming heard these words, his heart that was almost comforted suddenly became cold again.