Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 164

The male deskmate looked carefully at the door of the classroom and said, "It's Teacher Shang."

Teacher Shang?

Yu Yao didn't know.

Seeing this, the male deskmate continued to explain: "It's Mr. Li's girlfriend in our class. I heard that she is Mr. Li's junior. The two have been together since they were in school. They used to be seen often looking for Mr. Li. Okay, I didn’t know what happened, so I jumped off the top floor of the library, the police came early in the morning, I passed by there when I was running in the morning, and saw a lot of people surrounding me!”

"Suicide?" Yu Yao asked.

The male deskmate shook his head: "I don't know, there is no news now."

A real person is gone. Although I have no contact with him, he is still an acquaintance. The male tablemate showed regret on his face: "You are still so young, and you haven't even gotten married. What can't you think about it?"

The girl at the front table turned to join the discussion: "If it's suicide, it must be that Teacher Li cheated. Teacher Shang couldn't accept it for a while and couldn't think about it. Otherwise, why did she commit suicide?"

"Impossible! Teacher Li is not that kind of person!" The male deskmate spoke for Li Long, and turned around to ask for Yu Yao's approval, "Yu Yao, tell me, is that so?"

Isn't Li Long such a person?

There is a saying that people know the face but don't know the heart. Yu Yao dare not make this conclusion.

Before she could speak, Weng Qianqian hurried into the door, and then the class bell rang quickly. And when Yu Yao saw Weng Qianqian's face, she completely forgot that her male deskmate was still waiting for her to answer. Although Weng Qianqian looked calm, her eyebrows were raised and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked. look.

Yu Yao's heart was shocked.

No way?

But regardless of whether it will happen or not, Weng Qianqian has a criminal record, although she is only asking about Su Ming, but given her expression today, she has to make Yu Yao think more. Besides, when school just started, she saw Weng Qianqian and Li Long talking outside the school, and then entered the school, she refused to leave with Weng Qianqian, and Weng Qianqian also returned to school after a while, it is not ruled out that she deliberately stayed with Li Long spoke.

Li Long didn't come to class today, Yu Yao waited until noon after school and deliberately stayed until the end.

"Sister Yaoyao, everyone is leaving." Qingqing got up and called her.

"Okay, wait for me to get off." Yu Yao said, looking outside the door, then walked to Weng Qianqian's desk, and gently covered her desk with her hands. This is something Weng Qianqian has been in contact with for a long time every day. As soon as she touched it, she saw what happened to Weng Qianqian in the next moment.

At the school gate, Su Ming waited for a long time before Qingqing got out of the car, and the next moment he was hit by Weng Qianqian.

Yu Yao couldn't take it anymore and turned her head to look at Qingqing: "Su Ming is here to pick you up, you go first!"

"Su Ming is coming..." Qingqing was a little surprised, Su Ming didn't say he was coming today, but since Yu Yao said so, it must be true. She said: "What do you want to do? Is there anything I can help you with?"

"No." Yu Yao shook her head.

Seeing this, Qingqing didn't want to stay any longer, and told Yu Yao to tell Qin Feng before leaving in a hurry. This time Yu Yao simply closed her eyes, she simply stopped looking at what happened after Weng Qianqian, and urged her mind to think about what happened before. What she saw this time was at night, also at the school gate. Weng Qianqian leaned bored against a tree on the right side of the school gate, and waited for a while for a petite girl.

Weng Qianqian called her Teacher Shang: "Mr. Shang, what do you need from me?"

Yu Yao understood that this was Shang Wei, but she didn't know when it happened.

Shang Wei wore a white mid-length coat, and when she stood in front of Weng Qianqian, she had strong hostility in her eyes, but she didn't seem to know how to speak, and stared at Weng Qianqian for a long time without making a sound.

Weng Qianqian said again: "I'll leave if I have nothing to do, I'm busy."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and wanted to leave, but Shang Wei quickly reached out and grabbed her: "Weng Qianqian, don't go too far!"

Weng Qianqian turned her head and looked at Shang Wei with a half-smile, and was about to speak when her cell phone rang. She answered the phone in front of Shang Wei, and pressed the speakerphone, her voice suddenly became sweet as if she could utter honey: "Hey, I was on my way here, but someone stopped me, I hate it."

"Who? Since you hate it, just ignore it." It was Li Long's voice.

Weng Qianqian still looked at Shang Wei: "I want to ignore it, but standing in front of me blocking the road, I'm so annoying."

Li Long said: "Male or female? Where have you been? I'll pick you up."

Shang Wei's face was already pale, but Weng Qianqian smiled even more proudly: "No need, you wait for me, I'll come now, okay~"

Shang Wei's face became paler, and there were even splashes in her eyes.

"Yu Yao, what are you doing?" Yu Yao's arm was suddenly patted, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Shang Wei with an obviously ugly face in front of her. Yu Yao knew that people like Su Ming were well-informed, and since she already really liked Qingqing, how could she still talk to others.

So Weng Qianqian was devastated.

Yu Yao didn't feel happy, mainly because after seeing the episode just now, she really believed that Shang Wei might have committed suicide. It's just that Mr. Li is really not like the guy at the same table thinks that he won't cheat. He clearly cheated, and it was his student who cheated.

"It's nothing, I'm a little dizzy, help your table." She said in a flat tone, and then she stopped her hands.

Weng Qianqian stood behind her, saw her walking to the door, and suddenly said: "Yu Yao, Yu Qingqing..."

Before she finished speaking, Yu Yao suddenly turned her head: "Shut up!"

Weng Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, and then she was a little embarrassed: "Yu Yao, what do you mean?!"

Yu Yao sneered and said, "I advise you to play tricks less, whether it's Qingqing or her boyfriend, don't get close to her, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!" Although she is only a girl who is still in high school, what she did was not It should be done by a simple girl of this age, no, not even a girl of any age should do it.

Shang Wei was already dead, and Yu Yao couldn't feel sorry for Weng Qianqian's age, so she continued: "You don't kill people, but people die because of you. Weng Qianqian, don't you have nightmares in the middle of the night?"

Weng Qianqian shook her body, her face turned pale in an instant: "You, you..."

Yu Yao didn't listen to her next words at all, turned around and strode away.


Shang Wei's death was a major event, but there was no trouble at school. I don't know how the school negotiated with her family. Anyway, no one in the follow-up school mentioned this matter again. It was the cause of death. The official explanation given by the school a week later was suicide, and the day after the explanation was given, Li Long continued to return to school to attend classes normally.

Others didn't know the truth, and many students in the class even spontaneously comforted and gave gifts, but Yu Yao's affection for Li Long plummeted, especially when she saw Li Long occasionally look at Weng Qianqian during class, Yu Yao felt disgusted. Should panic.

But this kind of thing can only be regarded as Shang Wei's indecision, and Li Long and Weng Qianqian have no responsibility in law. According to Yu Yao's understanding of Weng Qianqian, although Li Long did not make a good boyfriend and teacher, the one who took the initiative between the two should also be Weng Qianqian.

It's not long before the college entrance examination, even if Yu Yao wants to do something good, she can't do anything at this time.

After all, Shang Wei's suicide incident happened in the school. If there is another Li Long and Weng Qianqian scandal, it will definitely affect the mood of the students in the class. As the college entrance examination is approaching, we should not be distracted by foreign affairs at this time. And Weng Qianqian, she did go too far and did something wrong, but Yu Yao was also a little unsure whether to expose her and Li Long's affairs, because she didn't know whether Weng Qianqian's crimes were so serious that she should lose the college entrance examination. Chance.

Words are scary, but Weng Qianqian is a little girl after all, if the scandal is exposed, spitting stars will drown her.

Yu Yao couldn't make up her mind, so she decided to put this matter aside for the time being.

But Weng Qianqian escaped the spittle of the public, but almost followed in Shangwei's footsteps.