Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 165

"She's Sweeter Than Sugar" is a sweet love drama, so even though it was filmed near the end of the year, it still worked overtime to prepare for its release on Valentine's Day.

Yu Yao is the heroine, and this is Qiu Lin's movie, so she has to participate in the promotion due to emotion and reason. Fortunately, Qiu Lin didn't ask too much of her, and only picked a few first-tier cities to ask her to cooperate with the publicity, and basically chose weekends.

The college entrance examination is coming up, and you can't stop studying on weekends, so Yu Yao brings books and test papers with you, and works overtime after work to study. She put on such a study appearance, Gui Feng, who hadn't seen her for more than a month, couldn't bother her anymore, after all, the second semester of senior year was over.

But in fact, Gui Feng already understood Yu Yao's attitude in his heart. She said categorically in front of the media that she had no sparks with him in reality, which was enough to prove that he had no chance at all. Adults understand the pros and cons. Now that he has joined Xinyao Media, Yu Yao is already his boss. Naturally, some things cannot be mentioned, and some feelings must be suppressed when they are not deep.

Zhou Yan saw it, and finally withdrew his attention from him.

When Zhou Yan used to manage a company under his own name, he did many things by himself, so it can be said that he was very busy. And now he has to take care of Xinyao and Zhaoshan, and he has three companies to take care of. He doesn't have enough energy alone, so he can only delegate power. All three companies are managed by professional managers. As long as he controls the general direction, he will not be so busy.

He likes the current state very much. He has been tense since the death of his adoptive parents, and now seeing Yu Jiangshan's appearance, he can finally relax a little. That being the case, of course he wanted to enjoy life to the fullest. When he learned that Yu Yao was going to participate in the promotion of "She Is Sweeter Than Sugar", he told Chen Yuze that he came here with Yu Yao without even bringing an assistant.

It's just that there are too many people in the hotel, and for the sake of Yu Yao's reputation, they dare not live together.

But Yu Yao didn't bring a manager or an assistant, so he had to take care of all the travel matters. Fortunately, Yu Yao was not difficult to take care of, and he had experience as a temporary assistant twice, and he was able to handle it with ease.

Today is the premiere held in the capital, Qiu Lin is not as famous as Chen Yuqi before, so he can play big names, so the media group interview before the premiere is in the afternoon. After the interview, some people will be able to watch the movie in advance. At this time, the stars who came to help out will leave first, but Yu Yao, as the heroine, must stay, and there will be a short thank you ceremony after the movie. Must attend.

There was time for dinner between the group visit and the movie, and Zhou Yan ordered Yu Yao's takeaway separately. Since Gui Feng is also Xinyao's person now, he and his assistant also included a portion. They belonged to the same company, and Zhou Yan was with them all the time, so when Yu Yao and Gui Feng were arranged to have a lounge, he didn't say anything.

At this moment, four of Gui Feng's assistants are eating together. Seeing that Yu Yao eats little, Zhou Yan has no scruples about the presence of outsiders. Daddy, don’t lose weight for the time being, besides, you are already very thin, so it’s okay to eat more.”

Yu Yao actually felt that she was gaining weight. Qin Feng's cooking with meat and vegetables was very nutritious. She also thought that she didn't have to worry about her mouth now that she was studying intensively. The result was probably too serious compared to her previous deliberate diet. When she came out to promote this time, Abel Let's just say she gained a lot of weight. But with Guifeng and his assistant at the moment, Yu Yao would be too embarrassed not to eat it even if she wanted to act like a baby, so she could only pick it up and eat it reluctantly.

Zhou Yan nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Gui Feng: "You like Jiang Tao very much?"

Gui Feng was distracted, these days, no matter how close people are, it is inconvenient to use their own chopsticks to pick up food for others, if they really want to pick up food, they usually use serving chopsticks. But Zhou Yan...how could he use his own chopsticks so unapologetically? Moreover, Yu Yao didn't seem to care, she put it in her lunch box and ate it.

Are these two people more than a working relationship?

Yes, it seems like they've been too close for a working relationship!

Could it be... Gui Feng's heart skipped a beat when he discovered the truth, and the next moment his assistant pushed him. He turned his head to look at it like in slow motion in a movie, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Mr. Zhou asked if you like Jiang Tao very much!" the little assistant blushed and gritted her teeth.

Oh, Jiang Tao.

Gui Feng finally came back to his senses: "Well, Jiang Tao is my goddess, but this time it's very strange, why did she come? I wanted to take a photo with her at that time, but she left in a hurry. After asking Director Qiu Director Qiu said that he had no relationship with her before."

Zhou Yan shook his head: "I don't know."

Hua Luo looked at Yu Yao, but Yu Yao immediately understood what he meant.

Jiang Tao is the first "strange girl". She has no relationship with Qiu Lin, and even if she knows Liu Yu, it is impossible for Liu Yu to invite her. Who is that? It's not that Guifeng is not herself, let alone the other supporting roles who don't have such a big face, even if they have, there is no need to invite her.

Did she come here on her own initiative?


No, it's because of Chen Yuqi, right?


"She's Sweeter Than Sugar" has a good hero and heroine, plus there are big-name friendship stars like Liu Yu, the movie's scenes and plots are far above the average, and it's a typical commercial romance movie. I cried, cried, laughed and laughed in the middle of the trip, but it was all laughter at the end. Since the next day is Valentine's Day, you can see that a lot of pre-sale tickets have been sold here.

And after the movie viewing at the premiere, there was thunderous applause at the scene. Yu Yao went to touch up her makeup to go on stage, and Zhou Yan was just below so she could hear everyone's discussions. There are few comments from men, but a lot of comments from girls. This is a typical story of Cinderella meeting Prince Charming. Since Prince Charming came out, it has been going all the way to the end. It can be said that although there is no depth, but in the upcoming On the eve of Valentine's Day, it can definitely impress girls.

After all, what girl hasn't dreamed of Prince Charming?

Even if they grow up and know that it is impossible to achieve, urban women who are tired of fighting in the workplace can still have their own little fantasy time. After such a sweet laugh, it is still a beautiful thing to re-enter work with full energy after the end.

Besides, Gui Feng's face is still very good, and Yu Yao's face value is even more unremarkable. Even if you look at the face, you know that there must be a market for such a movie starring two people.

Everything went smoothly, but I didn't expect that Jiang Tao, who had been sitting somewhere for a long time, appeared after the main creator said his thanks. Naturally, when a superstar like her appeared here, she was immediately surrounded by the media. Living.

It was already surprising that she came to help out, and she actually stayed to watch the film. Naturally, reporters followed up to ask questions.

"Miss Jiang, may I ask why you stayed to watch the movie?"

"What do you think of this movie? If you were asked to rate it, how much would you rate it?"

"Miss Jiang, is there anything you want to say to the hero and heroine? Can you briefly tell us how they behave here?"

One question after another, Jiang Tao kept a decent smile on his face. After everyone had finished asking, he said calmly: "The story is not bad. It will be released on Valentine's Day. It should be very popular with girls. The leading actor Gui Feng is very handsome, and his acting skills are also very good, as for the heroine..." She stopped talking and just smiled politely: "I'm sorry, I still have something to do, let's go first."

This attitude is obvious.

It's like pointing at Yu Yao's nose and saying that her acting skills are terrible.

These days, the spread of information is almost rapid. If such a word comes out of Jiang Tao's mouth, it will be known to the whole network almost immediately. The popularity and reputation of her and Yu Yao are almost the same as the sky and the earth. Even if some people chase after saying this, but she doesn't care about the scolding. These curses disappeared.

The difference in status is too great, whether it is public or private, Jiang Tao has the qualifications to say this.

What's more, she doesn't need to explain, passers-by fans will say it first, among the actresses in this country, there are really few who dare to talk to Jiang Tao with their acting skills, because once they are compared, they will be beaten.

After the event here ended, Yu Yao knew about it immediately, but she was not too surprised because she was already mentally prepared. When Jiang Tao and Chen Yuqi met Yu Wei, he also heard that if it wasn't for Chen Yuqi's personal favor, she would be forced by her family to marry randomly, let alone become a star. So now Chen Yuqi is already being beaten by everyone in the entertainment industry, and her family has a lot of messes and can't return for a long time. She came out to do this for the sake of her old friendship, and Yu Yao still admires her a little.

Of course, it was more because she watched the movie. She already liked Zhou Yan when she was filming "She Is Sweeter Than Sugar". In such a romantic movie, it can be said that she played 80% of her true colors. In addition, she has received intensive systematic training, and Guifeng took it all the way. She has watched the whole movie from beginning to end by herself. From the perspective of a bystander, she can even give herself a 90%.

Therefore, she is not afraid of what Jiang Tao said, the eyes of the masses are discerning!