Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 166

However, Yu Yao thought the matter was too simple, she thought Jiang Tao's few words would not affect anything, but she never thought that after the words were fermented on the Internet, it brought out a melon that shocked fans, and it was about her. At about eleven o'clock in the evening, an insider broke the news that the reason why Yu Yao had such good resources to play the heroine of "She Is Sweeter Than Sugar" after her debut was because she had an abnormal relationship with Qiu Lin. The person who broke the news was a trumpet, and what he said was clear and sharp. After reading it, Yu Yao and Qiu Lin sank in their hearts, but the netizens found it to be very credible.

Because if this person is not one of the two girls who auditioned with Yu Yao at the beginning, then it can only be Chen Yongsheng and his nephew. The four people on Qiu Lin's side are suspicious, but Yu Yao's eyes are locked on on these two girls.

I don't know if it's the girl in the green skirt or the girl in the white skirt. Is it an act of jealousy, or something Jiang Tao did?

She called Chen Yongsheng and inquired about the situation of the two girls. The girl in the green skirt gave up after a while of playing tricks. Since she went home for the New Year last year, she has not returned to Hengcheng until now. Chen Yongsheng called, The other party even changed their phone number. As for the girl in the white skirt, she happened to be in Hengcheng right now, but she has developed fairly well in the past six months, and now she has played the role of the third female lead, although it is not a film made by a famous director.

Yu Yao wanted to know why the girl in the white skirt did this, so she asked Chen Yongsheng to meet her.

After explaining to Chen Yongsheng, Liu Yu's phone came in: "Today happens to be the first day of the movie's release, and it's Valentine's Day, so I plan to announce to you Brother Qiu that we have been together for a long time."

This is no small matter.

Yu Yao hurriedly said: "Sister Yu, we can find other ways. I have a boyfriend, and I can announce it to the public, so that those netizens will not talk nonsense."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Sooner or later we have to talk about our affairs, now is just a good time, firstly, it can prevent you and Qiu Lin from being misunderstood, and secondly, it is Valentine's Day, maybe the fans will be more tolerant to me. After all, I have kept it a secret for so many years, some old fans are afraid that they will feel cheated and feel sad."

She decided to write a long Weibo, when the time comes, she will write all the things of these years.

Yu Yao was just worried that Liu Yu's fans would not accept her. She wanted to say something more, but Liu Yu had already said, "And you are still a student, so it's not suitable for you to announce your relationship. Be good, it's fine. It seems like a bad thing, but you can say It might not be a good thing."

Anyway, it is impossible to hide it for a lifetime, so it is reassuring to say it now. After all, in the past two years, fans have become much more receptive to the emotions in the entertainment circle, and although she is a beautiful female artist, seriously speaking, her female fans are no less than male fans, both girls, maybe they are more I can be more considerate, after all, compared to male artists, female fans will at least not fantasize about female artists as the other half.

Liu Yu had already written a long Weibo, and she didn't even show it to the team staff after she finished writing it. After hanging up Yu Yao's phone, she mustered up the courage to post it on Weibo. The content of the long Weibo is almost 3,000 words, from how she left Zhaoshan, how she spent the most miserable days, when Qiu Lin was with her, to how Qiu Lin supported her through life The most difficult period of time.

At the end of Weibo, she said that Yu Yao is her and Qiu Lin's younger sister, but this time Yu Yao was cast as the heroine not because of this. Qiu Lin is a professional director, and this movie is a stepping stone for him to do it alone. , The box office and word-of-mouth have a great influence on him, and he dare not be casual at all. The reason why Yu Yao was chosen was entirely because she was suitable. Qiu Lin had a high opinion of her during the filming of "Qing Huan", and after that she went to participate in training. During the audition, the husband and wife discussed and decided to use Yu Yao.

She said: "I don't know why there is such a slander against my sister at this moment, but I hope my fans will not believe in rumors, believe in me and Qiu Lin, and also believe in Yaoyao. As for her acting I have watched it three times in advance, and I can only say that I am very satisfied with her performance."

In addition to the text, there are three photos, the first is her and Qiu Lin's wedding photo, the second is their husband and wife with their baby, and the third is Yu Yao.

Her words are very plain and simple, but it is such a simple microblog with a thousand characters long without gorgeous words. After it was sent out, many people cried, especially the **** fans she had accumulated over the years.

These fans have always liked her, so they naturally know what a difficult time she has gone through. Now that they think about how someone was with her during those years, those fans are only grateful to Qiu Lin, and they don't feel that Qiu Lin is not good enough for her. And when they saw their cute son, one by one they called for the couple to take the child to participate in parent-child programs, because the baby is so cute.

Someone even went to Qiu Lin's Weibo to say that he and Liu Yu should hold a grand wedding.

In fact, this is also Qiu Lin's heart disease, so he replied seriously: "I think so too. No one knew when Liu Yu married me, and we couldn't hold the wedding to get the blessings of fans who love her, so I I have always thought that if there is a chance, I must give him a wedding."

There is no woman who does not want a wedding, grand or ordinary.

This incident originally made Liu Yu a little annoyed, and thinking about Jiang Tao felt even more annoying, but when she saw the long list of comments on Weibo expecting her to wear a wedding dress and get married, she couldn't care less about getting angry. She originally thought that she didn't care if there was a wedding or not, as long as the two people in love were together, but at this moment she realized that it was not the case, and she actually had great expectations for it.

The scandal between Yu Yao and Qiu Lin was self-defeating, because the words at the end of Liu Yuchang's Weibo, some people even made conspiracy theories about it. After all, Jiang Tao first stated that Yu Yao's acting skills were not good, and then there was another incident It can be said that such a scandal was obviously framed by the seniors.

Jiang Tao's reputation was originally very good, but because of this incident, there were a lot of sunspots for a while. You are a big star, even if the rookie's acting skills are not as good as yours, but he is a rookie, didn't you come here from when you were a rookie? It's fine to point out the shortcomings with something meaningful, but the attitude in the interview is completely deliberately finding fault. An international star is so modest, but newcomers keep popping up these days, so It's really funny that a famous celebrity eats so ugly.

But Yu Yao felt that this matter had nothing to do with Jiang Tao, just like the comments of netizens. With her status, it was already the limit to publicly express her dissatisfaction with her acting skills. Even if Chen Yuqi had the kindness to know her, she would There's no need to do such a shameless thing.

News soon came from Chen Yongsheng that this matter was just the personal behavior of the girl in the green skirt. She had always firmly believed that Yu Yao had gone through the back door, and now she was also going through the back door to get the third female role. It's a pity that she paid more and got more. Little, because of jealousy, seeing Jiang Tao looking down on Yu Yao so much, she posted those so-called revelations on the trumpet without even thinking about it.

Yu Yao didn't go out of her way to deal with it, Zhou Yan had obtained enough evidence here, she sued the girl in the green skirt directly. This kind of slander can be big or small, but for the current green skirt girl, the compensation alone is enough to make her face green.

Valentine's Day is a normal school day, Yu Yao can only go back to school even if she cares about the box office. She didn't know about the others, but she knew that Zhao Shuqin and Yu Zhaoxing went to the movies. Why did she know, because Yu Zhaoxing asked her to buy the movie tickets.

Although I feel a little embarrassed, but for Valentine's Day, it seems that the only option is to have dinner and watch a movie. Instead of contributing the box office to others, it's better to just watch her movie.


In addition to eating and watching movies, there seems to be another option for couples to spend Valentine's Day-opening a room.

But they probably haven't developed to this point yet, right?

Yu Yao really wanted to gossip with Qing Qing, but Qing Qing and Su Ming had been in contact a lot, and they liked each other, so Yu Yao didn't dare to tell her these things at this time. The little girl Wanqi was curious, but she let go after being coaxed by Su Ming, which would be troublesome.

But not to mention that she was in a good mood, she entered the classroom arm in arm with Qingqing, and just sat down, the gossiping male tablemate came up again: "Yu Yao, do you know that Weng Qianqian was swimming in the school swimming pool yesterday and was almost caught drown."

Weng Qianqian?

Yu Yao said in shock: "What's going on, tell me about it."

Don't let Shang Wei's ghost do it.