Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 28

Qiu Lin first took Yu Yao to see Chen Yuqi.

Gui Feng injured his face in a fight, and Qiao Xinran accidentally broke his leg. Everything was so urgent that it took a day or two for the filming to stop. Chen Yuqi stayed in the hotel room with a sullen expression on his face. When the doorbell rang, he was turning his cell phone, wondering if he should ask someone to come and see.

The people in the entertainment industry are actually very interesting, many people are not superstitious, but these people who are not superstitious start shooting a new movie, but they still burn incense and worship Buddha at the opening ceremony, begging the gods to bless everything goes well. Some production crews who value this even have to ask Feng Shui masters to calculate the start time to be accurate to the time, minutes and seconds.

And Chen Yuqi is someone who believes in this very much.

He now feels that the level of the Feng Shui master he hired at the beginning has regressed, or that his mental state was not good that day, so he made a mistake. Otherwise, this good filming, how could it go wrong again and again. Counting up to now, including the original Cai Rong, three of the actresses related to his movie have broken their legs.

Who would believe it was a coincidence? !

He doesn't believe it himself!

After opening the door and seeing Qiu Lin and Yu Yao outside, Chen Yuqi's tone was not very good because he was upset.

"What's up?"

Qiu Lin knew that he was under more pressure, but he didn't care about his attitude. He just pushed him into the room and said, "Let's talk in the room."

After entering the room, Yu Yao first pretended to look at Chen Yuqi's room, and waited for Qiu Lin to quietly tell Chen Yuqi the reason for inviting her here, then looked at Chen Yuqi calmly.

Chen Yuqi didn't believe it at all.

Master of metaphysics?

He is almost fifty years old, not almost five years old. An eighteen-year-old girl, even though she is talented and has been exposed to metaphysics since she was a child, but she dares to say that she is a master of metaphysics even if she hasn't figured it out in ten years!

The point is, Qiu Lin actually believed it!

And tell him so seriously...

Although Chen Yuqi remembered that Qiu Lin mentioned his daughter-in-law and that his daughter-in-law regarded Yu Yao as her own sister, but seeing that Qiu Lin was being cheated by Yu Yao at the moment, he also looked at Yu Yao's face, which was prettier than most of the female stars in the entertainment circle, There was still some doubt in my heart. Heh...Brother-in-law and sister-in-law, such a thing is not impossible, besides, Yu Yao is not the sister of Qiu Lin's daughter-in-law, so there is no need for such two people to have a psychological burden when they get together.

Qiu Lin didn't pay attention to the evil thoughts flashing in Chen Yuqi's eyes, but Yu Yao could see it clearly when standing directly opposite him. The thought of "Sure enough" flashed in her mind, sure enough, the godfather of a woman like Pan Jiaying, no matter how professional he is, his character still conforms to the old saying that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups.

Before Chen Yuqi could speak, Yu Yao took a step forward and said, "Brother Qiu, Director Chen probably doesn't know what's going on, I'm here all the time, I'd better go over and have a look, and find out the truth later, before you Just tell Director Chen."

It's true to say so, but isn't he trying to claim credit for Yu Yao in front of Chen Yuqi?

Although this time I can only play a female supporting role with only two lines of lines, it's good to sell this one. Director Chen may think of her if there is a suitable role in the future. After all, Qiu Lin thinks that Yu Yao is very smart and highly malleable. He originally thought that after Hua Xiang finished, he would ask the teacher to give Yu Yao an acting class.

After improving step by step, he believes that Yu Yao's future will be better and better.

In addition, Yu Yao is a master of metaphysics, Chen Yuqi invited her to film, and even saved the time of finding someone to start the film.

It's a win-win.

But Yu Yao...

Qiu Lin sighed, and was about to nod along with Yu Yao's words.

Yu Yao is too confident.

Judging by her tone, she really seems to have some great skills.

Although Chen Yuqi didn't believe it, his curiosity was really aroused. All three actresses broke their legs accidentally, and Shen Miao was the one who watched the fall with his own eyes. Normal logic could not explain that weird scene at all.

How would Yu Yao explain it?

Chen Yuqi was not afraid of being embarrassed seeing Shen Miao and Gui Feng, so he took a deep look at Yu Yao, and said, "Don't bother to come back and tell me, I just happened to be idle, so I just walked with you, and if I found anything, I was with you at the time. I can say it."

Knowing Yu Yao's ability, Qiu Lin agreed wholeheartedly.

Yu Yao laughed from the bottom of her heart, she didn't know if she suddenly had a new gold finger or what, she looked at Chen Yuqi, although she didn't touch any of his personal items, but just by feeling, she dared to conclude that Shen Miao broke her leg and He has a certain connection.

With Chen Yuqi leading the way, Yu Yao met Shen Miao smoothly.

At the same time, I also saw Abel who looked embarrassed and aggrieved.

Guifeng's manager, Zhang Xia, apologized to Chen Yuqi with an apologetic face: "Director Chen, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect Guifeng to be so impulsive. Don't worry, I've asked the doctor to prescribe medicine for him. Don't let him be so impulsive for two days. The face will be healed, and then I will put on makeup to ensure that the injuries on the face will not be seen at all."

Chen Yuqi nodded lightly, his eyes swept across Guifeng's face, and he didn't speak.

After all, Gui Feng was so angry and confused that he didn't care about his own future, he had already obediently stood up, greeted Chen Yuqi and Qiu Lin respectively, but when it was Yu Yao's turn, he quickly looked away and didn't speak.

As a man, being cuckolded, especially Shen Miao who helped him cuckold bully Yu Yao before, could not bear it now.

Yu Yao ignored him and walked past Zhang Xia to the end of Shen Miao's bed, "Miss Shen, can you tell me about your broken leg and the red spots on your face?"

When Chen Yuqi entered, Shen Miao immediately lowered her head.

She didn't dare to see Chen Yuqi now, apart from the embarrassment last night, she was also afraid of Chen Yuqi's ruthlessness.

She broke her leg and Chen Yuqi can ignore it, but if she looks at Chen Yuqi later, she can't help the anger in her heart, and tells that Chen Yuqi may have caused her broken leg, maybe Chen Yuqi will kill her.

In order to avoid that fate, she could only take a step back.

But she didn't expect that she heard Yu Yao's voice.

Yu Yao, who hooked up with assistant director Qiu Lin and snatched her Huaxiang role, what are you doing here now? Knowing that she broke her leg and ruined her face, did she come to see her on purpose?

Shen Miao tightly grasped the thin quilt covering her body, her body trembled slightly due to anger.

Zhang Xia had sharp eyes, and immediately noticed something was wrong with her, and quickly winked at Ye Wei who was beside her. Ye Wei was Shen Miao's manager, he narrowed his small eyes wearing glasses, and blocked Yu Yao's gaze towards Shen Miao with a smile.

"Are you..." He asked suspiciously.

"My name is Yu Yao." Yu Yao said, looking back at Chen Yuqi and Qiu Lin, "I'm here to find out what the reason is, why Miss Shen broke her leg on flat ground, and why her face turned red all of a sudden idea."

Ye Wei looked at Yu Yao and guessed that she was probably invited by Chen Yuqi and Qiu Lin. Although this status was a bit wrong, she might have some skills.

Shen Miao lowered her head, so she could only hear Yu Yao's voice. Yu Yao broke her leg on the left and had red spots on her face on the right. Every sentence was more poignant than a sentence, and she was so angry that she opened her mouth to mock: "Why, can you still find this out?"

He's just a rookie who has sharpened his head and entered the entertainment industry, so what are he pretending to be.

No matter how Qiu Lin's "fucking" sister is, then she has no right to mock her! I'm not qualified to read her jokes!

She didn't believe it, but Abel's eyes lit up as if he saw a savior: "Yu Yao, what do you want to know, let me tell you!"

Asking Abel was the only way to know what was going on with the red spot on Shen Miao's face, Yu Yao hesitated for a moment and thought it was okay. With her golden fingers on the left and right, it's just that the two problems should be solved first and the other will be solved later.

"Do you know what happened to the red spots on Miss Shen's face?" she asked Abel.

Abel shook his head and said: "Her face is definitely not my business. Although the makeup remover I used for her was prepared by myself, I not only use it myself, but also the employees of my company. Among us There are dry skin, oily skin and mixed skin, but there is no problem after using it, at most oily skin is less effective. Shen Miao's face turned red, I wondered if she had eaten something wrong, caused by allergies of."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Miao immediately shouted angrily, "Nonsense! The doctors even said it was not an allergy, they couldn't see what was wrong, it must be poisoning!"

Abel was not to be outdone: "Even if it's poisoning, it has nothing to do with me!"

Ye Wei waved his hands on both sides, and said in a moderate tone: "Don't make noise, don't make noise, haven't we already invited the doctor from the provincial capital to bring the equipment for inspection! Wait a minute, won't the truth be revealed after the inspection? "

Abel said angrily: "That's not the meaning of holding me down like this!"

It was the first time that both Chen Yuqi and Qiu Lin had heard this statement.

Chen Yuqi interrupted in surprise: "What kind of statement is this?"

Didn't report to the police, Guifeng's brokerage company actually detained him?

Abel is the staff member he invited.

Zhang Xia saw that Chen Yuqi's face was not right, and quickly explained: "Director Chen, don't misunderstand, there is no such thing. Isn't this a dispute between the two sides? We said that we should send the makeup remover for inspection. Abel is not at ease here, probably It was because we were afraid that we would take the opportunity to play tricks, so we had to ask someone to come over and check it. And he was worried about putting the makeup remover in this room. If he wanted to take it away, we couldn't agree to it, so we had no choice but to We can all wait together."

What they said was that they were very fair, but in fact Chen Yuqi knew the truth, Shen Miao broke her leg suddenly at his door, and the reason why she needed makeup remover must be that she was crying from the pain.

Abel should have borrowed her makeup remover out of kindness, but he didn't expect to do something out of kindness, but was relied on.

Chen Yuqi has lived such an age, but he can actually see clearly that the reason why Abel is so weak now is because his makeup remover is a three-no product. If so, even though he did good deeds, he was still caught. As long as Zhang Xia and the others want to mess with him, it will be a matter of minutes.

After all, people's hearts were bad, no matter what happened to Shen Miao's face, it would affect her work for a period of time. Who will pay for the expenses during this time? Although Abel was not very rich, but it was no problem to get 1.8 million. If Shen Miao really wanted to blackmail like this, it was not impossible.

Chen Yuqi hesitated to help.

They are just an ordinary working relationship. Although Abel's skills are good, he is not indispensable. And if he opened his mouth, it was inevitable that Shen Miao would yell indiscriminately, which would affect his reputation at that time. Now that something happened to Qiao Xinran, the filming must be suspended. She might not be able to find a stylist if she has this time, but it would make no sense to give Abel the lead without asking for benefits.

Although it is good for him to stand out, but... isn't this Master Yu?

Chen Yuqi sighed twice in his heart, and said directly to Yu Yao: "Master Yu, what do you think about this matter?"

Yu Yao couldn't hear the sarcasm in his words.

Even Qiu Lin realized that he had misunderstood. Chen Yuqi really believed in metaphysics and geomantic omen, but he didn't seem to believe that Yu Yao had this ability.

There are people here, and he can't say anything about Yangyang, but seeing Yu Yao's calm look from the corner of his eye, he feels that he doesn't need to say anything at all. Just wait. When Yu Yao finds out everything, Chen Yuqi's expression will definitely look good!

Yu Yao smiled, and asked Abel: "What about the makeup remover, let me see."

The makeup remover was on the bedside where Shen Miao was lying now, under everyone's noses, Abel ignored Zhang Xia and Ye Wei's instantly changed expressions, rushed over and handed it to Yu Yao.

Ye Wei wanted to get angry, but he expected that Yu Yao would not be able to move much under the eyes of everyone, so he swallowed the words again.

Yu Yao got the makeup remover, and suddenly her eyes went dark again.

She couldn't help being a little puzzled, twice.

Is it a matter of Abel's people or something?

Why did her eyes go dark when she touched his personal items?

The room was full of people, and she didn't have time to calm down and think. She frowned slightly and closed her eyes.

The light in the corridor was a bit dim, and Abel was walking while swiping his phone. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a woman moving slowly against the wall in front of him, and he couldn't help but stop.

A woman with a slender figure, but who seemed to be having a hard time walking.

Abel hesitated and took two steps faster, and actually heard the woman crying. Looking down, I finally found that there seemed to be something wrong with the woman's left leg. Her left leg seemed to be unstressed, and she was completely driven by her right leg jumping forward halfway. It will step on the ground, and then the woman will cry louder.

No matter who it was, in such a situation, Abel instinctively wanted to help.

He hurried to catch up: "Hi, do you need help?"

The woman turned her head, revealing a face that was already crying.

"Brother Abel..." He cried even more pitifully.

Abel also widened his eyes, "Shen Miao? What's wrong with you?"

Shen Miao opened her mouth, but did not dare to say Chen Yuqi, she only said, "I accidentally fell and my left leg seems to be broken. You, lend me your mobile phone, can I make a call?"

Of course, Abel immediately handed over the phone.

Shen Miao was too nervous to go out and forgot to take her mobile phone, but now that she borrowed the mobile phone, she found that she could not recite Gui Feng's number at all. And... She called Gui Feng with this appearance, and when Gui Feng asked, she didn't know how to answer.

She didn't move, and Abel kindly said, "Shall I call you an emergency?"

Shen Miao immediately shook her head.

Even if she went to the hospital, she had to be accompanied by someone of her own, and she had to take off her make-up and change her clothes. Otherwise, if she was photographed by the media, tomorrow her ugly face would be seen all over the Internet.

She returned the phone to Abel: "Brother Abel, I can't remember the number. Can you take me back and I'll call again?"

Abel understood the female star's concerns, and nodded immediately.

Supporting Shen Miao and walking two steps, he really couldn't stand it anymore: "Shen Miao, your injury seems to be really serious. If you don't care, I will carry you over? It is very late now, I should not meet you Who, let me go faster."

What if it happens?

Shen Miao was indeed in pain, but she was even more afraid of meeting someone who saw her appearance.

Besides, she can't save the near fire by calling her agent now, so she can only find Guifeng. Guifeng has his little assistant watching over her. When she came back, it was his little assistant who helped her change clothes and remove makeup. Thinking of what the little assistant said Shen Miao felt bored.

She hesitated for a moment, then said: "Brother Abel, can I go to your place? If I meet someone on the way, it's hard to say, I'll go to your place, first remove the makeup, and then help me contact Guifeng. He It’s my senior brother, he will definitely come to help.”

This is not a difficult task, Abel agreed again.

The next thing was that Shen Miao borrowed makeup remover, Abel not only lent it to her, but also kindly helped her. And then... Gui Feng came with Zhang Xia and Ye Wei, Ye Wei screamed when he saw Shen Miao's face, while Gui Feng had doubts.

Shen Miao had already found that her face was ruined and she was questioning Abel.

Of course Abel did not admit what he had not done, the two had already quarreled twice, Shen Miao was sure that Abel was intentionally harming her, so she acquiesced to Gui Feng's suspicion.

Guifeng felt that Abel was an adulterer, so he shot without thinking.

Then, there is the confrontation now.

"Miss Yu has been watching for so long, did you see anything?" Seeing Yu Yao keeping her head down, Ye Wei asked coldly.

Yu Yao opened her eyes, raised her head abruptly, and looked straight at Shen Miao who was on the bed.

"Of course I found out. I found out that the makeup remover is fine, and I also found out that some dogs bit Lu Dongbin. I don't know good people!"

Shen Miao exploded all of a sudden, raised her head and roared, "Yu Yao, who are you calling a dog!"