Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 66

Seeing that Lin Shu was feeling uncomfortable, Jia Zhikang walked quickly to the bed and held her hand.

Lin Shu loved him very much, and what Yu Yao said made her look very strange. Jia Zhikang found out that it was related to Xue Yan, and finally grabbed Xue Yan and jumped off the building. Although she is still skeptical until now, it does not prevent her from getting closer to her husband.

What's more, with the attitude of daughter and mother-in-law, the only husband who is still facing her is even more precious.

She didn't withdraw her hand for fear of Jia Zhikang's dislike as usual, instead she even held Jia Zhikang's hand, shook her head lightly and said, "Zhikang, I'm fine, don't worry."

Of course Jia Zhikang knew that what he did to Xue Yan just now was too much, but in his heart nothing or anyone is more important than Lin Shu, he said: "Well, you will be fine, you will be completely fine."

Lin Shu opened his mouth, but he couldn't tell Yu Yao's guess about Xue Yan. Apart from not completely believing Yu Yao and Miao Anping, it was also because she and Xue Yan had indeed been friends for more than 20 years. She said she was the little girl next door, but she was actually no different from her own sister. She didn't see any real evidence, and she couldn't just convict someone so close just because of the few words of an outsider.

She sent Jia Zhikang: "I have a big brother here, go and see Yanyan, and explain to her. The most important thing is Tuantuan, don't make the little girl too sad, tell her, when I get better, I will talk to her Yanyan apologized."

If it had nothing to do with Xue Yan, she would definitely apologize.

As for Tuantuan, she is her own daughter after all, and she is still young, no matter whether Yan Yan intends to or not, she can't really get angry with Tuantuan.

Although Jia Zhikang didn't want to leave, he also didn't want to refute Lin Shu's intentions. He looked at her worriedly and walked away with his head turned around.

When only the two Lin brothers and sisters were left in the room, Yu Yao told Lin Feng what she saw, and finally said: "Director Lin, the most urgent task now is to invite another doctor to give Lin Shu a comprehensive examination, and the second is to isolate Lin Shu from now on. , you can find another trustworthy helper, but besides us, even if it is Jia Zhikang, it is best not to let him get in touch with Lin Shu."

Lin Feng was shaking with anger.

He is not as disbelieving as Lin Shuhui. Speaking of which, Xue Yan and Lin Shu are friends, but because of the big age gap with him, he has not had much contact with him since childhood. He treats Xue Yan differently. He didn't have that layer of emotion, and he knew Yu Yao's strength, so he quickly believed it.

But even though he had no relationship with Xue Yan, he could see the relationship between Lin Shu and Xue Yan. Xue Yan actually lied to Lin Shu and coveted Lin Shu's man. How could Lin Feng accept it as an older brother.

He couldn't accept it even if it was done by a stranger, let alone someone who was treated by Lin Shu as his own sister.

"Damn it! I'll kill her! I'll kill her right now!" He didn't listen to Yu Yao's subsequent arrangement at all, and pulled the door with a livid face.

What she was worried about really happened. Yu Yao was glad that she didn't say it earlier, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab Lin Feng: "Director Lin, if you kill her, can you get it? Lin Shu is even more worried when something happens to you. She I was not in good health!"

Lin Feng said angrily: "Then just let her go like this? She dares to harm my sister, and I will do my best to kill her!"

"Brother—" Lin Shu yelled weakly, trying to stand up, but fell back due to weakness.

Seeing this, Lin Feng hurriedly stopped, and when Yu Yao let go, he immediately rushed to the bedside: "Lie down and don't move, don't worry about this matter, there is big brother here!"

"Brother, don't mess around!" Lin Shu said hastily.

Lin Feng remained silent.

He wasn't messing around, he really wanted to kill Xue Yan.

Lin Shu said: "Brother, please help me find a doctor first. If it is confirmed that it is related to her, I will not let her go. But no matter what we do, we can't get in by ourselves, she is not worth it!"

Lin Feng knew that his younger sister still didn't believe it. Right now, his younger sister's body was more important, and he should indeed bring the evidence to his younger sister, so that Xue Yan would never have the chance to coax her again.

He gritted his teeth and finally agreed: "Okay, I'll call for a doctor right away!"


Not to mention that Lin Feng quietly called a doctor from the provincial capital to come over, and quietly moved Lin Shu to an upstairs room, and specially hired an assistant from the film crew to take care of him. On the other side, Xue Yan went to the opposite hotel to open two rooms, and brought Tuantuan and Shao Liqin to live there.

Shao Liqin sat on the bed, curled her lips and said: "I don't know which person was invited from the corner, and they sprayed manure when they opened their mouths. I want to see how they end up if they can't be cured! If Lin Shu dies here, look at me Don't scratch them to death!"

Tuantuan was originally sitting next to Xue Yan comforting him, but when he heard this, he stood up angrily. Although my parents are not here, Aunt Xue is here, and she will protect herself.

Tuantuan was not afraid, and shouted directly: "Grandma, my mother is not sick, she will definitely be fine!"

Shao Liqin was taken aback by the yelling, and when she realized it, she became a little annoyed: "Your mother is not sick, but she has a mental problem! If you are in good health, you can make yourself into that kind of virtue. Now if your uncle messes around, I think She's not going anywhere!"

Tuantuan didn't know if the uncle was messing around, but he knew that his mother did have mental problems. She stopped arguing with Shao Liqin, turned her head to look at Xue Yan whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, and said cautiously: "Aunt Xue, don't be angry, it's all the master's fault, they are talking nonsense. My mother... you said it too , my mother has a psychological problem, she didn't treat you like this on purpose, don't be angry with her, okay?"

Xue Yan wiped away tears while shaking his head: "Don't worry, I won't care about your mother. If she can get better because of our relationship for so many years, even if I am misunderstood, even if I don't see her for the rest of my life."

"Wow... Aunt Xue..." Tuantuan burst into tears.

The door of the room was only ajar, and Jia Zhikang got the room number according to Xue Yan's information, and happened to hear this conversation when he walked to the door. He sighed heavily, feeling guilty.


Yu Yao and Miao Anping didn't leave until the doctor who came from the provincial capital checked Lin Shu, told Lin Feng that Lin Shu had been poisoned, and gave a treatment plan before she and Miao Anping left.

After all, Lin Feng is an experienced person, and he has calmed down now, he can't act recklessly, it's really not worthwhile to take on him. But he was able to seize the evidence, even if he couldn't take Xue Yan to court, he still had to make her pay the price.

But Lin Shu heard what the doctor in the provincial capital said with his own ears, so he had to believe it even if he didn't believe it. It was indeed Xue Yan who was playing tricks. She was obviously poisoned, but Xue Yan arranged for her to go to the city hospital for an examination, but he just said that she was fine. Doesn't this obviously hurt her?

Furthermore, Yu Yao said that she was poisoned because Xue Yan replaced the medicine prescribed by the psychiatrist, and even handed it to Tuantuan to deliver to her, forcing her to take it.

Tuantuan is her biological daughter, Xue Yan's heart can be punished!

The siblings will decide what to do next, Yu Yao and Miao Anping stayed for most of the night, so it's time to go back and rest.

Telling the little assistant to follow Lin Shu every step of the way, Lin Feng hurriedly chased them out, stopped them at the elevator entrance, and handed a card to each of them: "Master Miao, Yu Yao, this is your reward."

Although Lin Shu is still not healed, the root cause has been found out. The doctor also said that although the damage has been serious for more than half a year, but because of the small amount of use, even if it accumulates up to now, it only needs to be recuperated for two or three years. However, it is not a problem to live a good life, so this reward should naturally be given.

Although Yu Yao felt that it was a bit fast, she didn't refuse.

She took her labor income for granted.

Miao Anping was a little hesitant, of course he wanted the money, but last time he helped Chen Yuze, at least he did his best, this time...he didn't do anything at all from the beginning to the end!

But seeing that Yu Yao accepted it, he thought about it and took it too.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, sent the two of them into the elevator with gratitude, and hurried back. As soon as the elevator door was closed, Miao Anping handed the card that was still in her hand to Yu Yao.

Yu Yao looked at the card in confusion, and then at Miao Anping.

Miao Anping said: "I didn't want it at first, after all, I didn't do anything today. But I thought, you did, and Lin Shu will be fine in the future, so I should get the money. It's not easy for you alone I have two copies, and I will give you both!"

Yu Yao chuckled: "Why didn't I do my best? If it weren't for you, people wouldn't believe me at all. Thanks to your presence today, this matter was able to be resolved so smoothly. Uncle Miao, take it. There's a lot going on."

If it was someone else, of course Yu Yao would not be willing to ask others to take advantage of her, but Miao Anping was different. She couldn't teach Miao Anping anything, but Miao Anping devoted herself to teaching her a lot. Since Miao Anping liked money, it was right for Miao Anping to make more money within her ability.

Otherwise, even if Miao Anping didn't mind, her conscience would not let it go.

Miao Anping pushed again, seeing that Yu Yao was sincere, he couldn't help being moved from the bottom of his heart. It seems that he was right when he heard Yu Yao's words. The money in this card must be five figures. It's been less than ten days since it came out, and the money it earned can catch up with the past three or four years.

He also saw that no matter it was difficult to teach or he didn't want to teach, anyway, it was very difficult to learn from Yu Yao. It had been several days and Yu Yao hadn't moved. But even if he can't learn her skills in the end, as long as she keeps needing him, then he will be fine!

After leaving the hotel, Yu Yao thought that she would go to Zhou Yan's in the next two days, so she said to Miao Anping: "Uncle Miao, I'm leaving for a few days, you can go home if you have nothing to do. Wait for me to come back I wrote you a letter, you come here again, okay?"

Of course, Miao Anping immediately agreed.

As expected by Yu Yao, Lin Feng was busy with Lin Shu most of the time, and filmed the scene with Hu Ning the next day, and got a letter from Lin Feng giving her a five-day holiday in the afternoon.

The five-day holiday was not only enough for her to go to Zhou Yan, but also enough for her to take Qin Feng home on the way. Her body has almost recuperated, her contacts have been opened up, and her entry into the entertainment circle has been smooth. She is worried about leaving Yu Zhaoxing alone in her hometown, and she should send Qin Feng back.