Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 68

Xue Chunfang turned her back to Wang Xiangang, gritted her teeth, and knocked on the door reluctantly.

There was no one in the room, so no matter how she took pictures, there was no movement.

Xue Chunfang breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said, "There is no one at home."

Wang Xiangang said: "Then call, call your ex-husband, or your ex-mother-in-law."

Xue Chunfang had no choice but to call Qin Feng.

When the phone rang, the family of three had already walked downstairs. Qin Feng took the phone and looked at it. Although she had deleted Xue Chunfang's number, she still remembered the eleven numbers very clearly. With a look of disgust on her face, she hung up the phone viciously.

"Mom, who is it?" Yu Zhaoxing asked casually.

Qin Feng said in a very aggressive tone: "It's a sale!"

Yu Zhaoxing rubbed his nose and fell silent.

The family of three went upstairs, and at the top of the stairs, they saw Xue Chunfang and Wang Xiangang standing at the door. Qin Feng didn't know Wang Xiangang, but she hated Xue Chunfang so much that she even forgot about Yu Yao's scruples when she was next to her. She climbed up the stairs two or three times, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Xue Chunfang! What are you doing at my house?" ? Go away, you are not welcome in my house, how far can you go!"

In terms of quarreling, Xue Chunfang is no match for Qin Feng.

But she was well aware of her weakness, so she ignored Qin Feng and hurriedly took a step back, looking at Yu Zhaoxing. The words of sowing dissension came to his lips, and then he suddenly remembered Wang Xiangang behind him, and shut his mouth in a hurry, so fast that he almost bit his tongue.

But Qin Feng still saw her eyes, and his face turned blue with anger.

"Xue Chunfang, are you still shameless? Your man is right behind you, where are your eyeballs looking? My Zhaoxing is not something you can see, and look at me gouging your eyes!"

Wang Xiangang had only heard Xue Chunfang say that the quality of this family was low, but he didn't expect it to be so low. He took a step back with a look of disgust, and at the same time, he also felt disgust towards Xue Chunfang. But when his gaze fell on Yu Yao, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This stepdaughter was unexpectedly beautiful, but after not seeing her for more than a month, she became even more beautiful.

If you said that you were shy and said that you didn't know your beauty before, then now it's completely grown, slim and seductive.

He rolled his eyes, stopped going back, took a step forward and pulled Xue Chunfang behind him, smiled and said to Qin Feng: "Auntie, you misunderstood, we are here today for business, can you sit down in the room Say?"

Although Qin Feng had never had direct contact with Wang Xiangang, she hated this person as much as Xue Chunfang. Although there might be others without him, since he made his son wear a cuckold and helped Xue Chunfang **** Yaoyao away, then this grudge cannot be resolved.

She snorted coldly and said, "Who is your aunt? Don't use your dirty mouth to call me auntie! Don't even try to enter my house. I have nothing to say to you. Take this woman away quickly, and don't dirty my door the land before!"

Wang Xiangang's business is not too big, but because of the right timing, although he only opened a few small real estate agency companies in this city, he saved money earlier, and when he went out, he would have a reputation. Everyone would call Boss Wang characters.

He hasn't met someone like Qin Feng who scolds him without giving him face in ten or twenty years.

He couldn't pretend to be good-tempered anymore, his face became cold, he simply ignored Qin Feng, his eyes passed her and fell on Yu Yao: "Yaoyao, you have been out for a long time, school is about to start, hurry up and talk to me Let me go back with your mother. I'll ask someone to contact No. 1 Middle School for you, and you go and repeat your studies for a year, and you will definitely pass the exam next year."

She looked very concerned about her stepdaughter.

But when Yu Yao looked at him, she felt disgust from the bottom of her heart.

Yes, not resistance, but disgust.

Wang Xiangang was wearing a black suit, shiny black leather shoes, and a high beer belly. Because he was fat, he looked simple and amiable when he smiled, not annoying at all. But Qin Feng and Yu Zhaoxing hated it, and even Yu Yao, who was regarded as a bystander, hated it too.

Before Yu Yao could speak, Yu Zhaoxing hurriedly stepped forward to block her.

And Qin Feng was so angry that he took a deep breath, pointing at Wang Xiangang and yelling: "Go ahead and be your mother's dream! Yaoyao is my granddaughter, the daughter of my Zhaoxing family, what does it have to do with your surname Wang?" ? This is from my Yu family, why will my Yu family be here in the future, don’t worry about it!”

Yu Zhaoxing followed suit and said, "That's right, Yaoyao has me here!"

Wang Xiangang's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was still gentle: "I know you are Yaoyao's relatives, and it's normal to think about children, so Yaoyao is staying with you this summer vacation, and her mother and I didn't say anything wrong? But we can't just because we want to My child, you can’t ruin your child’s life just to win, right? Yaoyao is only eighteen, what can she do if she doesn’t study? Is it possible that you want your child to work as a coolie for the rest of his life, not to mention that he won’t make money, and he won’t be able to marry in the future? To a good family?"

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled Xue Chunfang out.

Xue Chunfang gave Yu Yao an annoyed look, and echoed, "That's right, we are doing it for Yaoyao's good. A girl of this age doesn't know what to do if she doesn't study, and she looks like this. If she doesn't study, she doesn't know what will happen to her." Well. That's all, all right, stop arguing, Yaoyao was sentenced to me, no one has more power over her than me!"

As she said that, she waved to Yu Yao: "Go and clean up, come with us!"

When Xue Chunfang and Yu Zhaoxing divorced, Yu Yao was indeed sentenced to Xue Chunfang, and there were also reasons for this, so Yu Zhaoxing gave her a large sum of money by discounting half the price of the wedding room, except that he liked Xue Chunfang and hoped that Xue Chunfang could Besides living well, I also hope that Xue Chunfang can take good care of Yu Yao.

So for the moment he was speechless.

Qin Feng didn't know much about the law, and when he saw that his son was silent, he immediately became anxious.

Yu Yao stopped her and looked at Xue Chunfang coldly: "I'm already eighteen, legally an adult. So don't use the law to scare my grandma and my dad, I'm already an adult, and I don't need anyone to come Well, I will be responsible for myself."

It was not the first time that Xue Chunfang saw her daughter showing such dissatisfaction towards her, but it was the first time that she was not angry when she saw such a look, but had fear that she couldn't explain.

She opened her mouth, and said sternly: "What's wrong with eighteen, you are twenty-eight, and you are also my daughter! I am a mother, and I am not qualified to care about you? Joke! I will feed you and dress you up You are so old, if you say you run away from home, you run away from home, who taught you to be so white-eyed?"

"Bah! Xue Chunfang, you have to show some face! You feed her and drink? Where did you get your money? It wasn't from Zhao Xing when she divorced Zhao Xing back then. The money that can't be spent raising two Yaoyao, How could it be that you feed and drink for her?" Qin Feng was so angry that she spit all over Xue Chunfang's face.

Xue Chunfang was disgusted and angry, and said angrily: "That's the joint property of husband and wife, and I deserve it... ah... ah..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Xiangang gave her a hard tug.

Xue Chunfang wore 7cm high-heeled shoes, so she couldn't stand firmly when she pulled it like this. There was no support for her back, so she just waved her hands and threw herself forward. Qin Feng and Yu Yao hurriedly stepped aside, but Yu Zhaoxing stepped forward and hugged Xue Chunfang, but he hit a wall heavily.

Xue Chunfang screamed in fright, and hugged Yu Zhaoxing's neck tightly.

Yu Zhaoxing didn't care about the pain in her back, and reached out to pat her on the back: "It's okay, it's okay."

Qin Feng was so angry that his eyes almost popped out, he pulled the back of Xue Chunfang's black dress, and angrily pulled her away. Seeing Yu Zhaoxing's face turned pale from the pain, the raised slap paused, but he couldn't bear to slap it.

Yu Yao looked at it coldly and felt a little headache.

She saw the shadow of Zhao Shuqin in Yu Zhaoxing. I don't know what this kind of person thinks.

Yu Jiangshan is nothing, Xue Chunfang is even more so, but these two...

She got angry for a while and didn't want to care about Yu Zhaoxing anymore, she dragged Qin Feng up the stairs, Wang Xiangang was about to talk to her, she pushed Wang Xiangang aside, took the key and opened the door, and lost the grandparents who were at the door The two went straight into the house.

The door closed with a "bang", but Yu Yao's face turned pale.

She pushed Wang Xiangang away so hard just now, and naturally touched half of Wang Xiangang's body, and because of this contact, she actually felt nauseated and couldn't help but want to vomit.

This is very abnormal.

This is not normal, it suddenly reminded Yu Yao of Yuan Shen's suicide.

She didn't know the reason for the original suicide, but at this moment, she was sure that she had something to do with Wang Xiangang!

Qin Feng was also angry, so when Yu Yao wanted to open the door, she noticed Yu Yao's abnormal expression: "Yaoyao, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Yu Yao said casually, and opened the door.

Outside the door, Xue Chunfang was standing at the stairs, pointing at Yu Zhaoxing and cursing, while Wang Xiangang was standing at the door. As soon as Yu Yao opened the door, he immediately looked over.

Yu Yao stretched out her hand towards him: "I changed my phone number and I don't have your number, so give me a business card."

Because of Yu Yao's actions, Qin Feng's eyes widened in disbelief, Yu Zhaoxing also looked over in surprise, Xue Chunfang didn't even care about him, and rushed forward in two or three steps, staring at Yu Yao with resentment.

Wang Xiangang was stunned for a moment, and then impatiently took out his mobile phone: "Oh, it turns out that you have changed your number, no wonder I have been unable to get through. Don't bother, just give me your number, and I will call you now, you Just save it."

Yu Yao repeated impatiently: "Business card!"

Now that she has entered the entertainment circle, she naturally has higher requirements for her external image than before. Although she is in her hometown, she still put on makeup and changed into a newly bought light green dress with pinched waist when she went out today. Exquisite make-up, white skin, slender waist not enough to grasp, she was originally youthful, beautiful and charming, but with such a cold face and impatience, there is more of a sacred and inviolable beauty.

Wang Xiangang almost stared straight at him, he didn't know he was angry, so he hurriedly put away his phone and took out his business card.

Yu Yao snatched the business card and held it tightly, looked back at Xue Chunfang coldly, and waved to Yu Zhaoxing anxiously: "Dad, I'm hungry, come back and cook for me!"