Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 69

Yu Zhaoxing naturally listened to her daughter's call, and hurried forward a few steps, regardless of the pain in her back.

Yu Yao dragged him into the door, no matter what happened to the two people outside, the door slammed shut.

Yu Zhaoxing looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Yaoyao, anyway, that's your mother, and she came to you today for your own good. And that...that person, he really loves you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come here to pick you up and go back to school.”

Yu Yao got Wang Xiangang's business card, she just wanted to see the truth quickly, she didn't bother to explain to Yu Zhaoxing Xue Chunfang's eyes that wanted to eat her, so she went back to the room without further ado.

Qin Feng was so angry that he lost his reason at the moment, pulled Yu Zhaoxing to bend him down, slapped him on the back of the neck, and cursed at the same time: "You blind thing, that Xue Chunfang What kind of ecstasy drug did you take? She looked at Yaoyao with the look of wanting to eat Yaoyao. You are blind and can’t see? Besides, Wang Xiangang, can he be a good thing? If it is a good thing, he can make a good relationship A married woman having an affair? Yaoyao is not his own daughter, he treats Yaoyao so well, even if he thinks about it, he knows there are other plans! You stupid and honest thing, I will beat you to death!"

Qin Feng's voice was so loud that Yu Yao didn't care to listen, but Xue Chunfang and Wang Xiangang at the door could hear it clearly.

Xue Chunfang glared at Wang Xiangang immediately.

Wang Xiangang's face was full of embarrassment when he was punctured, then he saw Xue Chunfang's eyes, and immediately said angrily: "You are right, the quality of this family is too low, Yaoyao is still her granddaughter, she just thinks so, really..."

He snorted coldly, lifted his foot and walked downstairs.

Xue Chunfang glanced at the gate of Yu's house with her eyes spitting fire, and turned to catch up.

The two went downstairs, until they got out of the community and got into the car, Xue Chunfang spoke first: "What should I do, what Yaoyao said is the same, she is eighteen years old, it doesn't seem too good if I insist."

Wang Xiangang said: "What's not so good, you are her own mother, you are taking her back to study, and you are not forcing her to do something bad. Let's forget about not taking her away this time, next time, next time I will Go to the company and call a few people over, and if you tie them up, you have to tie them back."

He said it casually, but Xue Chunfang's eyelids twitched when he heard it.

Wang Xiangang kept saying that it was Yu Yao who seduced him, but if that was the case, why was he so anxious to take Yu Yao back? In Qin Feng's words, Yu Yao is not his own daughter, how can he really treat Yu Yao so well and treat Yu Yao as his own daughter?

Xue Chunfang became increasingly suspicious, but she dared not ask.

She was afraid of getting an answer that she didn't want to know.

As soon as Wang Xian saw her eyes, he knew what she was thinking, his eyes flashed, and he took the initiative to explain: "Honey, tell yourself, how have I treated Yaoyao these years?"

Of course it is very good, what his son and daughter have, Yu Yao also has. Although I don't know what to think in my heart, but on the surface at least a bowl of water is flat. But Yu Yao, that **** girl, has only been willing to call her uncle since she was a child. No matter how much Wang Xiangang loves her, she is just like an outsider.

Wang Xiangang continued: "You also know that I have always regarded her as my own daughter. But I didn't expect...I didn't expect that what happened last time, I am not afraid of you being angry. When what happened last time, she In my heart, it is indeed not what it used to be. This child is not good at all, and I can't treat her as my own daughter. But after all, I have raised her for so many years. unbalanced!"

"Wang Xiangang, what do you want to do?!" Xue Chunfang screamed.

Wang Xiangang frowned, and soon let go, and said lightly: "I have raised her for so many years, but I can't raise her in vain. She looks good, and I want to give her away. You know, the business has not been good in the past two years. It’s easy to do, the country has issued new regulations one after another, if you want to guarantee your previous life, you have to be cruel.”

It turned out to be a gift, Xue Chunfang was relieved immediately.

She thought Wang Xiangang was really seduced by that little bitch!

But to give it away... After all, it is her own daughter who was conceived in October. Although she has hated her for being around for so many years, and she has done shameless things to seduce Wang Xiangang, she is still a little girl after all. If he agreed to give her away, his life would be ruined.

Wang Xiangang said with sarcasm: "Why do you think her grades are so poor? She can do something to seduce her stepfather. I guess she has messed up in school. She doesn't care for herself. It's useless for us to protect her. It's better to be a child." Make the most of it."

That's right, this **** girl sent her to such a good school, but she failed the college entrance examination!

As a mother, she doesn't have the face to look at that score, I'm afraid she really just messed around and forgot to study.

Xue Chunfang nodded slowly: "Okay, then I will listen to you."

Wang Xiangang showed a smug smile, and was about to praise Xue Chunfang, when the co-pilot's door was slammed.

A dark and thin old lady was talking there, and Wang Xiangang rolled down the window.

The thin old lady was the one who was at odds with Qin Feng. When she saw Xue Chunfang when the car window fell, she immediately said, "Oh, I said it looks like you, and it really is you. I haven't seen you for more than ten years. Why haven't you changed at all?" Yes, she is getting more and more beautiful, like a seventeen-year-old girl."

Xue Chunfang didn't want to talk to her at all, so she just smiled perfunctorily.

The thin old lady seemed unable to see her dislike, and still said enthusiastically: "Speaking of which, Yu Yao really looks like you, not at all like Mrs. Qin's stunned son. I just came from Hengcheng when I saw her yesterday. When you come back, that’s really a young you. By the way, did Mrs. Qin ask you to come here? She also showed you that she would take her granddaughter with her, and take her out for a trip, so that her granddaughter will become a big star?"

"What?" Xue Chunfang and Wang Xiangang said in unison.

The thin old lady narrowed her eyes and smiled even more happily: "Oh, you don't know? Let me tell you, didn't Yu Yao commit suicide more than a month ago? She didn't die. After she came back, Mrs. Qin took her I went to Hengcheng. Yu Yao is handsome, and when she got there, she was liked by the great director Chen Yuqi, who told her to make a... what kind of movie, and now she is still making a TV series. Don't believe me, Mrs. Qin not only With Chen Yuqi's signature, Yu Yao also saved a photo with Chen Yuqi in her mobile phone. Tsk tsk, the Yu family will have a cash cow in the future, I mean you are too serious, after raising that child so big, she can finally You made money, why did you let her come back? Mrs. Qin is bragging that Yu Yao gave her tens of thousands of salary, which should be yours!"

After the thin old lady finished speaking, she saw that Xue Chunfang's face was ashen, and turned away with a smile.

Hmph, what's wrong with Yu Yao being a big star? She was raised by her own mother, as long as her mother came to ask for someone, Mrs. Qin had no reason not to let her go! Even if Yu Yao's white-eyed wolf doesn't turn to mother-in-law to mother-in-law Qin, then this matter can still give mother-in-law Qin a good meal.

To show off to her, those who have been trampled by her for decades, want to stand up?

no way!

Xue Chunfang really couldn't sit still. It was recognized that celebrities could make money. Although it was tens of thousands now, it could be hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions in the future. Yu Yao is her daughter, so she can make money so naturally she should give her the money she makes so that she can live a good life.

She was about to get out of the car and kill back immediately.

Wang Xiangang was annoyed in his heart, but he soon had an idea, so he was so busy that he held Xue Chunfang back: "We can't go back now, and it's just the two of us when we go back now. We can't take anyone away if we are soft or hard. In this case, let's go back and find someone to help, and then we will go back together." Come tomorrow morning before dawn."

At that time, there were a lot of them, and as long as they called to open the door, they would not worry about taking them away.

Xue Chunfang thought about it and agreed.

But he warned: "Before this matter is clarified, don't mess around."


On the bed in Yu's bedroom, Yu Yao was lying with her eyes closed, but her face was full of anger, and her hands were tightly clutching the bed sheet.

Five minutes later, she opened her eyes suddenly, almost drenched in sweat.

She stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat, and before her feet touched the ground, she sat on the ground with limp legs.

"Yaoyao?" Yu Zhaoxing knocked lightly on the door.

Yu Yao patted the edge of the bed with one hand, and shouted vigorously, "Come in!"

Yu Zhaoxing opened the door and came in, Qin Feng followed behind, the two saw Yu Yao sitting on the ground, and hurried over. Yu Zhaoxing reached out to hug her: "Yaoyao, you..."

Yu Yao opened his hand.

"...Why, what's the matter Yaoyao?" Yu Zhaoxing asked anxiously, as if he had done something wrong.

Yu Yao shook her head feebly, but couldn't help but feel like crying.

With her eyes closed just now, she saw two scenes.

In one scene, when it was dark tomorrow, Wang Xiangang and Xue Chunfang rushed to the door with more than a dozen young men, beat up Yu Zhaoxing, and kicked Qin Feng unconscious. She had no choice but to leave with them.

In another scene, he saw the reason why Yuan Chen committed suicide.

The original body was beautiful, which was revealed since she was very young, so she followed Xue Chunfang to Wang's house, not only Wang Xiangang liked her, but Wang Xiangang's son and daughter also liked her. But their liking, especially the liking of Wang Xiangang and his son, is not pure.

For these two, his son Wang Ming bullied her since he was a child because he liked her.

Wang Xiangang, on the other hand, discovered her beauty after she went to high school, so he started eating her tofu. But at that time, she was already very big, and she understood some things that should be understood, so at most Wang Xiangang could take the opportunity to touch her hand or hug her shoulders, and nothing else.

But because of this, she became more and more silent, and she didn't want to stay at home more and more.

However, her school is very close to her home, she can't even live in school, and she has to go home every day, so as long as Wang Xiangang is at home every day, she can't do anything, and she is always in fear, afraid that Wang Xiangang will force her. Under such circumstances, it would be a ghost if she could study well.

Whatever is scary comes here. One night before her college entrance examination, Xue Chunfang was not at home, and Wang Xiangang entered her room. Fortunately, Wang Xiangang's daughter, Wang Jia, was at home that night. When Wang Xiangang pressed her on the bed, her screams attracted Wang Jia, and she escaped unharmed.

But because of this, Wang Jia later hated her very much.

And when she had just finished the exam and was forced to lie on the bed by Wang Xiangang but was discovered by Xue Chunfang, Wang Xiangang slandered her for seducing him, and Wang Jia also jumped out to give false testimony, saying that it was not the first time.

Xue Chunfang believed in the father and daughter just like that, but did not believe in her biological daughter.

Although she was just watching as a bystander, when Xue Chunfang's extremely unpleasant insults and unceremonious slaps all fell on Yuanshen, Yu Yao only felt chills all over her body. How could there be such a mother whose daughter was almost ruined, she didn't know how to feel sorry for her daughter, but listened to other people's one-sided words and beat and scolded her daughter.

Wang Xiangang's clothes were disheveled, his ugly face seemed to be enlarged a little bit in front of Yu Yao, he pressed the original body and did not move, no matter whether the original body cried or beat him, they still couldn't do anything to him.

Looking at this scene, Yu Yao felt deep sympathy and...boundless despair in her heart.

So after opening her eyes, she didn't even want to be touched by Yu Zhaoxing.

"Yaoyao, what's wrong with you? Don't scare grandma." Qin Feng's voice trembled when he saw Yu Yao's embarrassed appearance.

Yu Yao felt so sad in her heart, and was about to comfort her when the phone rang suddenly.

Seeing Zhou Yan's name on the caller ID, Yu Yao didn't care about anything else, she answered the phone and shouted: "Zhou Yan, where are you?"