Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 78

Although Yu Yao paid attention to the time, when she opened the door and came out, almost half an hour had passed.

Fortunately, Su Ming entered the room with her, Zhou Yan was calm and did not rush in.

It's just that as soon as she went out, Zhou Yan immediately grabbed her wrist and said nervously: "How about it, can my niece...can be rescued?"

Yu Yao had already agreed with Qingqing that she would eventually change her body, so she naturally nodded her head generously at this moment.

"However, not immediately." She said: "I have convinced her, but I don't know exactly why her living soul can't return to her body. I want to invite Master Miao to come over, and we can study together to see if we can get rid of it." There can be no other way."

Zhou Yan looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming was watching him holding Yu Yao's hand.

Seeing Zhou Yan's actions, Su Ming was very angry at first, but he immediately thought that he is a family, so why is he so angry? Then, he thought that this body is not Yaoyao's at all, so even if he let his brother take advantage of it, it's nothing.

Su Ming was a little distracted, thinking that his friends had kept women away from him for so many years, but there were some exceptions for Yu Yao.

Could it be because Yu Yao is particularly good-looking?

He thinks it's very possible, since his friend likes it...Su Ming thinks painfully, the person he likes is Yaoyao, not this face, he is not as superficial as Zhou Yan. But since they are good brothers and Zhou Yan likes them, he should actually help Zhou Yan. An eighteen-year-old girl, Zhou Yan is young, rich, and handsome. If that girl Qingqing gets in touch with Zhou Yan every day, she should be easy to fall in love with, right? If so, it would be a beautiful thing.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt this way, thinking that his friend's life-long problems had been solved by him, and there was even a smug smile on his face.

But unexpectedly, a fist hit his chest: "Su Ming, what are you doing?"

Su Ming immediately came back to his senses: "Oh yes, that's right, what Yaoyao said is true!"

Yu Yao: "..."

Zhou Yan: "..."

I always feel that it is useless to let this guy follow him inside, so why not follow him?

Fearing that Su Ming's behavior would make Zhou Yan think too much, Yu Yao had no choice but to continue to seize the right to speak: "Come in and tell me, I have learned another thing."

After entering the room, she told her exactly how she went to find Yu Jiangshan that day, and how Yu Jiangshan hurt her.

Zhou Yan sat on the single sofa diagonally opposite her, listening quietly all the time, without interrupting her once from beginning to end. But Yu Yao still found that he was angry, the hand on his side tightly grasped the armrest of the sofa, the veins on the back of the hand were exposed, this was a sign that he was extremely angry. She hasn't woken up yet, Zhou Yan is probably angry and sad, right?

Without even thinking about it, Yu Yao got up and stepped forward, grabbing Zhou Yan's hand forcefully.

She said: "Don't do this, your niece will wake up. And she is in this room, she will be sad to see you like this."

Zhou Yan raised his head, turned his head to look, and said in disbelief: "She... she didn't cry, did she?"

Because he had regarded the person in front of him as his only support since he was a child, although he didn't know her that well, but she knew him enough. Even if there are small deviations in some places, they are absolutely correct in general. Yu Yao could hear Zhou Yan's bewilderment and his nervousness. She seldom cried in the past, but as long as she cried, he would.

"She didn't cry." Yu Yao looked at Qingqing who came out at some point, "She was standing behind you, very worried."

Zhou Yan turned his head, only to realize that he was holding Yu Yao's hand.

He threw it away in a panic and got up quickly.

Su Ming didn't notice something was wrong, neither did Yu Yao, but Qin Feng squinted her eyes when she saw it.

Naturally, Zhou Yan couldn't see anything, but he looked around and pointed in one direction: "Yaoyao, don't worry, little uncle will definitely save you. Also, little uncle will definitely avenge you, for sure! "

At the end of the sentence, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said to Yu Yao: "Yu Yao, I'm calling Yaoyao's mother to come over now, can you tell her the whole thing just now? "

Of course Yu Yao knew what he meant, he wanted his mother to give up on Yu Jiangshan.

She suppressed her excitement and said, "Okay, call me!"

She has lived with her mother for eighteen years. This is the person who knows her best in the world. As long as she shows something strange in front of her mother, her mother will definitely find out! As long as mother finds out, little uncle will know too!


City H, Wang Family.

Wang Xiangang's sons, Wang Jia and Wang Min, were glaring at Xue Chunfang angrily. Wang Min said, "Why don't we call the police? Someone broke into the house and tied Wang Jia and me, and... even hurt Dad. Even you were hurt. Why don't you let us go to the police?" Should we call the police?"

Wang Jia was not so excited. She looked at Xue Chunfang and said slowly, "Don't you have some selfish intentions?"

Xue Chunfang was already guilty. When Wang Jia said this, she was guilty and angry, and she slapped Wang Jia without even thinking about it: "Can't you wait? Even if you want to call the police, you can't wait." Is your father waking up? Although you are not my own, but you are his own, are you so impatient to watch him make a fool of himself? Or, do you think he is like this, and this family will be your world from now on, don't worry about him Have no face?"

Wang Jia was a little dazed by the slap, and then Xue Chunfang scolded her, which made her even more dazed.

How can she have those thoughts, although she doesn't like her father, but her father is her relative after all!

She just... just wanted to catch the gangster and avenge her father.

Xue Chunfang suddenly became wiser at this critical moment, and this yelling and scolding was because of the man's self-esteem, so even Wang Min didn't say a word. Wang Xiangang, who was in unbearable pain, woke up. Although he admitted that what Xue Chunfang said was reasonable, he was in too much pain, and Xue Chunfang was too noisy, so he was still very angry.

"Father, you're awake!" Wang Jia was the first to notice and rushed to him.

Wang Xiangang got irritable and pushed her away.

Seeing this, Wang Min did not step forward.

But Xue Chunfang had to step forward, she didn't want to die, she had to help Yu Zhaoxing to settle this matter. She stepped forward and said, "Husband, you are the head of the family, what do you think you should do now? By the way, how are you feeling now? I didn't dare to send you to the hospital, but I called Xinyi's husband. He took care of it for you."

There is no man who doesn't care about it, Wang Xiangang didn't care to get angry, and said nervously: "I, what's my situation now?"

Is he completely useless? Not a man anymore?

Xue Chunfang said: "Don't worry, Xinyi's husband said that your two stabs were not deep, so they can grow well."

It can grow well, but it cannot be cured.

Xinyi has already secretly told her that even if it grows well, it may not be used in the future.

It's just that there's no need to say these things, and she won't be able to please her.

Although the pain was severe, Wang Xiangang still showed a slight smile, and murmured: "That's good, then..." He suddenly changed his face, turned his head to look at Xue Chunfang with a cold face, raised his hand and slapped : "Jiajiana is also for my own good, why are you beating her!"

His slap was different from Xue Chunfang's. He was a little irritable because of the pain, but this slap directly hit Xue Chunfang on the ground. Her waist was also seriously injured. Although the injury had been treated, the pain was severe even sitting still, let alone being beaten to the ground like this. Almost immediately, she was covered in cold sweat, and her face was distorted by the pain.

Wang Min and Wang Jia watched coldly, no one begged for mercy or helped her up.

It's just a stepmother, or a stepmother who likes their father's money, how could they like such a person.

Wang Jia touched the cheek that was slapped by Xue Chunfang just now, looked at Xue Chunfang proudly, and even stepped on her finger when passing her, and then walked in front of Wang Xiangang: "Dad, what happened to you last night?" The gangster tied me and my eldest brother and hurt you again. I think we should call the police. Otherwise, we can’t feel at ease here. Who knows if he will come again one day. This time we didn’t kill us, who knows next time Well, we don't even know what kind of enmity we have with him, we don't know who he is, we are too passive!"

I have to say that what Wang Jia said makes sense.

Wang Xiangang heard these words, but the pain between his legs was unbearable. When he thought of calling the police, he felt that this matter must not be hidden. He is a big boss, but there are several companies under him. If people know that he was injured there, it can be cured, but others can't understand whether he can do it, and they will definitely point and make irresponsible remarks behind his back. .

He couldn't afford to lose this man, and it would most likely affect his business.

She ignored Wang Jia, and only asked Xue Chunfang on the ground: "...Last night, you seem to say that that person hijacked you? Then you should have heard him talking, do you know who he is? Did you leave anything to prove him? Identity stuff?"

Xue Chunfang trembled in her heart, but she tried her best to keep calm on the face.

"I heard it, but his voice was very low. I only heard his voice was rough, but no one could hear it." She slowly sat on the ground, pointing to the wound on her waist and said: "He hijacked me, And it was very vicious, and even took the tip of the knife back and forth to dig my flesh."

Just hearing what she said, Wang Xiangang felt cold all over his body.

But Wang Jia suddenly said: "Since he treats you like this, does he have grudge against you?"

Wang Xiangang immediately ignored the pain, and his eyes sharpened: "Bitch, did you offend someone outside?!"

Was he dragged down by this woman? If that's the case, he can't spare this woman!

Xue Chunfang always knew that Wang Xiangang had a bad temper and was somewhat selfish, but it was only at this moment that she felt chilled. What did Wang Xiangang want to do? Do you think you can't find the gangster, so you want to deal with her and use her to vent your anger?

She said angrily: "If you really want to say that, you must have offended him, right? He is much more ruthless to you than to me. "

Wang Xiangang was speechless immediately.

That's right, the gangster only injured Xue Chunfang's waist, but he was about to be crippled!

You bastard, don't let him know who it is, if he knows, he must kill this person!

Wang Jia originally liked Yu Yao, and could hold back Xue Chunfang, but later when Wang Xiangang forced Yu Yao, she didn't want to admit that Wang Xiangang was inferior to a beast, so she naturally directed all her resentment towards Yu Yao. Naturally, he lost his tolerance for Xue Chunfang, so he immediately answered, "If he said that, that person hurt my father so much, but he did this to Aunt Xue... Could it be that he knew Aunt Xue and went to our Did you come home to vent your anger on Aunt Xue?"

What he said was really heartbreaking, but Yu Zhaoxing did know Xue Chunfang.

Xue Chunfang's face turned pale for a moment, and she was smart again in the predicament. She quickly glanced at Wang Min, and decided to only target Wang Jia: "Oh, Wang Jia, I didn't want to say it at first, but once you If you slander me again and again, then I can't bear it anymore. If you say that person hurt me lightly and hurt your father hard, but in fact, isn't it hurting you brothers and sisters more lightly? You have never liked me, you don't like you Dad married me, but I think it looks like you hired someone to do it, angry at your dad for being sorry for your mother, so you hurt him! Hate me for taking your mother's place, so you want to slander me and kill me! It’s just that Wang Min is your elder brother, and you didn’t do anything sorry for you. You just didn’t do anything to him because of your family affection. But in fact, no one knows that you spend a lot of money, and you always want to ask your father for a company management. Your father I didn’t agree, you did this because you wanted to seize the family property in advance!”

Before Wang Jia could speak, Wang Xiangang's face was completely darkened. He reached for the bedside water glass and threw it out.

Wang Jia never expected that Wang Xiangang would attack her, and before he could dodge in time, he let the glass of water hit his head, and he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Whether it was his own daughter or not, Wang Xiangang immediately became anxious.

However, at this moment a series of footsteps interrupted him, because the gate had not been repaired, and a group of people in uniform strode into the house. Wang Min ran to the stairs to take a look, and immediately ran back to the house with a face full of panic: "Dad, it's not good, there are many policemen outside!"

Policemen? How can there be police?

Xue Chunfang felt that the sky was about to fall, and glared at Wang Jia, who was unconscious, and shouted, "Did Wang Jia call the police? Did she call the police behind our backs?!"