Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 9

Coming out of the police station, Qin Feng lowered his head, looking listless.

Yu Yao didn't notice what was wrong with Qin Feng, her face was flushed now, partly because she was angry with Wang Ermei, a family of four human traffickers, and partly because Shame herself lied to Xiao Guocheng, she never saw Wang Ermei abducting people in H City. However, Yu Yao felt a little relieved when she thought that Wang Ermei was crying bitterly because she refused to admit that she had abducted a child in City H and was forced to question her by the police.

Xiao Guocheng wanted to stay temporarily because of this incident, and it happened that he was fine now, so he planned to send Zhang Lanlan's mother and son, who were obviously frightened, for a ride. When they arrived at the gate of the police station, he glanced at Yu Yao, whose face was flushed red, and said with some embarrassment, "Well...where are you going? I'll see you off too."

He felt ashamed because he thought he was stupid, and was actually deceived by Yu Yao's appearance.

But Yu Yao was really embarrassed to see him, he was scolded just now inside.

"No, we'll just take a taxi and go to the bus station." She quickly refused.

Although Zhang Lanlan was frightened today, Yu Yao and Qin Feng are her great benefactors. Therefore, seeing that they were going to the bus station, she hurriedly asked, "Where are you going? Did Auntie say on the train? Going to Hengcheng? It's past five o'clock now, where are you going in Hengcheng? Is there a place to stay in advance?"

Not really.

Originally, I planned to arrive at Hengcheng around 4:00 pm, because I might have to stay for a long time, so I thought about it when I got there. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen on the train, it was already past five o'clock, and it was past six o'clock in Hengcheng, and it was almost dark even in summer.

But if you stay here for one night, you will be delayed tomorrow morning.

Yu Yao didn't hide it, looked at Xiao Guocheng and Zhang Lanlan and said, "I want to go to Hengcheng to see if there is any chance to participate in acting as an actor, and I haven't settled down yet, do you know where I can find a place to live? I may have to stay longer."

What a little girl, how could she have such an idea...

Xiao Guocheng was speechless, and Zhang Lanlan was also stunned.

Yu Yao smiled: "It's fine if you don't know, I'd better go and have a look first, it's such a big place, I'm sure I can find a place to live. I'll get in the car and check my phone to see if I can make an appointment first."

Zhang Lanlan quickly stopped her: "Wait! Although I don't know if it's good to find a place to live there, but my second sister is married there, and you want to be an actress... My second sister and second brother-in-law opened a supermarket nearby. , At the same time, I am also helping the crew to recruit extra performers, you will be easily deceived if you don’t understand anything at first, wait a minute, I’ll give my second sister a call.”

Zhang Lanlan carried the child to the side to make a phone call, and Yu Yao asked Xiao Guocheng in a low voice: "Wang Ermei's group is not the first time to kidnap and traffic people. Will they... be sentenced to death?"

Looking at Yu Yao's expectant eyes, Xiao Guocheng paused and said, "I'm not sure yet. If you want to be sentenced to death for abducting and trafficking children and women, unless the circumstances are particularly serious, at most it will be life imprisonment and confiscation of property."

Yu Yao felt a little uncomfortable, if she didn't have the ability to predict disasters, Zhang Lanlan would have died.

This is why good people don't live long and bad people live thousands of years?

Just as Yu Yao was about to talk, Zhang Lanlan came back with red eyes, but she smiled and said to Yu Yao: "I told my second sister that you helped me save Ding Dong, my second sister said you just go and find him Her. I'll give you a call, and you can write it down."

Although it is said that doing good deeds does not leave a name, and doing good deeds does not ask for anything in return.

But people really reciprocated, and it was what she needed, so Yu Yao didn't refuse.

Anyway, she did a great job.

After writing down the phone number of Zhang Lanlan's second sister, Zhang Meimei, Yu Yao was about to leave.

Xiao Guocheng glanced at her regretfully, and asked Zhang Lanlan: "Sister Zhang, are you in a hurry? If not, you can get in my car first, and I will send them to the station, and then I will take you home?"

Zhang Lanlan immediately said: "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, send them off first."


City D is very close to Hengcheng, and places like Hengcheng naturally have many shuttle buses every day.

Yu Yao and Qin Feng waved goodbye to Zhang Lanlan and Xiao Guocheng at the gate of the station. After entering the bus station, they immediately bought tickets for the departure twelve minutes later. They arrived in less than an hour.

The grandparents and grandchildren were quite tired from the bumps this day, and they were so busy that they hadn't had dinner yet. When they got out of the car, Qin Feng's legs gave way. up.

"Grandma, are you okay?" Yu Yao looked at her worriedly.

Qin Feng's face was pale, and her lips were bloodless, but she shook her head: "I'm fine, let's go, and see where Zhang Lanlan's second sister's supermarket is."

Yu Yao couldn't work hard with her left hand, and she had to carry her bag with her right hand, so she could only say, "If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me immediately."

Qin Feng shook his head, straightened up and walked away: "I'm fine!"

There was no need for two people to look for it. Zhang Meimei was standing beside her with a big boy who was taller than her by a head. The boy held up a whiteboard with Yu Yao's name written on it.

Yu Yao called Qin Feng to stop, and the grandfather and grandson stepped forward.

She asked first, "Hi, is this Sister Zhang's second sister? I'm Yu Yao."

After all, they are sisters, Zhang Meimei and Zhang Lanlan are very similar, they are both thin and dark.

She had already learned from her younger sister that Yu Yao was a great benefactor of her family. Seeing Yu Yao now, she immediately said excitedly: "You are Yu Yao, right? Lan Lan told me, if it wasn't for you, Ding Dong That child is in danger! You are the benefactor of my sister's family, and you are also my benefactor, walk around and go home quickly. "

After speaking, she took all the luggage from Yu Yao and Qin Feng's hands, and she and the boy shared the luggage.

Not to mention being taken home with enthusiasm, Zhang Meimei even closed the small supermarket at home early, and told her man Chen Yongsheng to buy vegetables, wash vegetables and cut vegetables an hour ago, and he has already prepared a table full of vegetables. When Yu Yao and the others arrived, Chen Yongsheng was waiting there with a pair of daughters.

Yu Yao was already hungry at this moment, and she was not too polite after dinner, she was full.

Even Qin Feng didn't know what was wrong, although he said he was fine, but he ate very little for dinner. With her appearance, Yu Yao didn't dare to stay downstairs to ask Zhang Meimei what was going on with the extras, so she went to the guest room on the second floor with her early.

The hotel prices in Hengcheng are high, and there are some cheap places, but even if the conditions are poor, it is not safe enough. Yu Yao thinks that the 50,000 yuan in her hand has not been spent at all for the time being. Although it is not a problem to book a one-month hotel stay, if there are other things that need money in the middle, it will be troublesome.

But Zhang Meimei here, she kindly invited their grandparents to stay for free, saying that it was vacant or vacant.

Yu Yao thinks it's better to stay here tonight, and tell her to rent the room tomorrow, firstly, don't worry about safety issues, secondly, maybe Qin Feng can stay here and cook a meal by the way.

There's no way, even if she doesn't care about her mouth, her body is still not in good shape and needs to be taken care of.

So when she went to the second floor to put down her luggage, while Qin Feng was taking a shower, Yu Yao came out just in time to see the big boy who had gone to the other side with Zhang Meimei to pick her up, so she stopped her. This person also met at the dinner table. It is Chen Kai, Chen Yongsheng's nephew. Like Yu Yao, he has a star dream, and he has been at his uncle's house for half a year.

There are three rooms on the second floor of Chen Yongsheng's house, Yu Yao occupies one, his two daughters have one, and Chen Kai has one. In the early days, I wanted to rent it out, but because the two daughters were crying and crying, and because it was inconvenient to have outsiders living together, it was always vacant.

Chen Kai was about to go back to his room, when he heard Yu Yao's call, he turned around and walked over.

"What's the matter?" He asked in a gentle voice.

Chen Kai has a good impression of Yu Yao, not only because she is very beautiful after meeting her, but also because this girl is one year younger than him, but she is so courageous, and so smart and capable, she actually got her from a trafficker. Get the baby back!

He is 1.82 meters tall. Although he is not handsome at first glance, he is actually very attractive, especially because he probably loves to exercise. From Yu Yao's point of view, if he is taller, he will The male models are even better and the bodies are just too good.

Yu Yao shook her head, she is no longer the eldest lady of Zhaoshan Media, she thinks these are superfluous. So he whispered: "I want to ask you, if you want to rent a room like the one I live in Hengcheng for a long time, how much will it cost per month?"

Chen Kai immediately understood Yu Yao's meaning, and he said: "You can stay here, my aunt told you to stay here for free."

Yu Yao didn't need to tell him too much, she just smiled and said, "I just want to inquire, and some friends want to come over."

As soon as Chen Kai heard this, he said to her seriously: "It is not difficult to find such a house, but the key depends on the location. There are differences in distance and safety. If your friend wants to come and rent , My uncle and aunt’s house is close to the filming place, and there is no problem with safety. There are few people living here, and there will be no competition for the bathroom. There will be no situation where you can’t sleep because you come back from a night scene. How can it last a month? It must be four or five thousand!"

Even if it was five thousand, it was within Yu Yao's tolerance.

"Okay, I see, thank you."

"You're welcome." Chen Kai smiled embarrassedly, and suddenly complimented: "You are so beautiful, you must be popular!"

Seeing the pretty little girl, Chen Kai instinctively praised it.

Yu Yao didn't mind, on the contrary, she liked to hear this very much. She said seriously, "Thank you for your kind words."

Only when she became popular, would she have a chance if she wanted to take revenge.

Chen Kai wanted to say something else, but Yu Yao heard a sound coming from the bathroom, and pointed, "I'm going back first, my grandma is coming out."

Chen Kai nodded regretfully, and watched Yu Yao leave.


After running around all day, after taking a shower, Yu Yao didn't have the heart to do strategies or think about anything.

Seeing Qin Feng already lying down quietly, she also yawned and turned off the light.

But just when she was about to fall asleep in a daze, a suppressed cry suddenly came from her ears, Yu Yao suddenly opened her eyes, and found that Qin Feng's body beside her was trembling slightly.