Elemental Archer

Chapter 301: With the dog

Compared with the trial copy of the death tower, the thorny jungle is much more complicated.

One more thing, the buff bonus of NPC blessing effect cannot be enjoyed here.

Therefore, in terms of difficulty, the bush of thorns is several grades higher than the former.

Even if Lin Ye was wearing Misero's Heroic Armor, he could only use normal and difficult levels at best. As for experts and purgatory, it was impossible.

At the entrance of the dungeon, many players have gathered. These are relatively high-end fixed teams, and only they can get through the dungeon at this stage.

Because of this, it is not easy for Lin Ye to find a team.

Everyone has regular players, and it is impossible to kick out teammates just because Lin Ye is well equipped.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Ye didn't release the recruitment information himself, but broke into the copy directly.

Lin Ye was accustomed to the solitary gaming experience, but it was just a single swipe.

On normal difficulty, one person and one pet directly attack the major guarding bosses, almost invincible along the way.

Lin Ye's equipment attributes are too powerful, and Nashin, as a golden elite pet, has swallowed the Ironback Wolf King. Whether it is output or monster resistance, it is the top.

Under the control of the mind, Nassing's combat skills have become more adept, comparable to those of most players in the game.

After the dungeon was cleared, the spoils dropped by each BOSS went into Lin Ye's backpack, but because this was only an ordinary difficulty, the quality of the equipment was very poor, and it was not worth any money.

All things added up can offset the consumption of potion.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ye opened the next difficulty, still a solo entry.

The difficult-level thorny jungle is obviously more laborious than just now. In each BOSS level, Lin Ye can no longer output brainlessly. Instead, it requires a lot of movement, pulling, and potion consumption, which is twice as much as before.

The clearance time is also more than double the normal difficulty.

"There is no treatment, it is indeed a bit difficult." Lin Ye sighed as he looked at the corpse of the final pass BOSS.

Like priests and druids, they can not only heal teammates, but more importantly, they can help you purify most of the negative spell effects, and even their blessings can strengthen your attack, defense, health and so on.

If you bring a high-end priest like squandering charming eyes, even if it is difficult to purgatory, Lin Ye will not feel the slightest pressure.

"It seems that I still have to find a helper." Lin Ye thought for a while, and pulled out the friend list. In this situation, the only way to bring the charming eyes of the stray flowers is.

Riquan Lane.

At this time, the charming eyes are talking with the NPC, and he seems to have made a remarkable discovery.

At this moment, he received news from Lin Ye.

Although this rare task attracted him, the charming eyes of the dazzling flowers left Riquan Alley without hesitation and joined Lin Ye.

Friends and tasks are obviously more important than the former.

"What are you doing in the bush of thorns?" The charming eyes rushed over and asked.

The equipment produced by the bush of thorns is not attractive to Lin Ye at all. The only bright spot is the rare mount, but the charming eyes know that this thing may be extremely attractive to other players.

But to Lin Ye, it was completely scum.

"I'm gaining fame, there is a task, I need to donate a lot of fame points." Lin Ye said truthfully.

Squandering charming eyes nodded, and said: "Speaking of the task, I also found it in Riquan Alley. You may not believe it, you know what the final reward is?"


"Rare quality mount!"


Seeing Lin Ye's disapproval, she smiled charmingly and continued: "This mount is much stronger than your pet."

"Better than mine?" Lin Ye obviously didn't believe it.

Since Neshin is his own pet, he can communicate with himself when acting as a mount. This is something that no mount can replace.

"This mount has the ability to walk on water. Tell me, which one is stronger and weaker than yours?" Squandering charming eyes broke the news.

"Walking on the water?!" Lin Ye was obviously a little surprised.

The mounts in the game can be roughly divided into four categories: ground mounts, surface mounts, underwater mounts, and flying mounts.

Like Lin Ye's Shimmering Seahorse, it is an underwater mount and can only be summoned in underwater environments, including turtles obtained through fishing.

"Yes, this was triggered by a fisherman NPC in Riquan Lane. The task is not difficult, but it takes a long time. It is conservatively estimated to be about 20 days. It is almost stinky and long." Chaohua said charmingly. .

Fisherman? Could it be Nutberg?

When Lin Ye came to Riquan Alley at the beginning, he was focused on starting the daily fame of Riquan Alley. After that, he put his thoughts on the wooden boat. He did not have any experience with the NPC who brought Lin Ye to Riquan Alley. Much care.

"Why don't you wait for the copy to be finished, you come to Riquan Lane with me to have a look." Chaohua charming eyes suggested.

"No, the task time is too long, I don't bother to go, I will make a special trip when I have time." Lin Ye shook his head.

There are so many things about him now.

The charming eyes of the squandered flowers were immediately startled. He suspected that he had heard it wrong. This is a water-walking mount, so...too lazy to do it?

Although he knew that Lin Ye had an intermediate canoe, the speed of the canoe was dead, unlike a mount, which could be affected by riding skills.

Another thing is that the durability of the canoe is not high. Compared with the mount, its functionality is obviously insufficient.

"I already have an underwater mount, so I'm not in a hurry. I will take my time when I have time." Lin Ye explained.

In the waters, Lin Ye's seahorse, that speed, is almost at the tyrant level, even if it is not the fastest, it is also the top.

As for the ability to walk on the water, it's just a bottle of medicine.

"You... have you got the turtle mount?"

"Do you know that someone on the official website has deliberately calculated the data, the probability of sea turtles is less than one in 100,000, and every month, there is a fixed amount of output in the game."

Squandering charming eyes looked at Lin Ye in disbelief, and said in shock.

"Well, even if you get a turtle with a dog, you should know that the turtle mount has only a small 30% bonus to its riding speed. To be honest, the effect is too small."

Looking at the chattering and charming eyes, Lin Ye said: "Who told you that I got the turtle."

With that, Lin Ye sent the attributes of the Shimmering Seahorse to Squandering Charming Eyes.

The squandered charming eyes almost dropped the eyeballs, what did he see? Seahorse mount!

Seahorse, this is one of the marine life, that is to say, the other party has been in contact with the marine environment.

"Although the speed of this mount is not very fast, it only has a 240% bonus, but it can barely make do with it. If you increase the riding skills later, it should be able to exceed 300% bonus." Lin Ye said.

Lin Ye's words made the charming eyes spit out a mouthful of old blood. The words "insignificant", "reluctant", and "make do" were really shocking.

"Well, when I fart just now, I was too young and too underestimated the ability of the dog care, hurry up to enter the dungeon, I have a hunch, with the dog care, this trip to the bush jungle, I will definitely make a fortune!" Hua charming looked at Lin Ye and said sternly.