Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 941: The way of the beloved's interrogation


Outside the interrogation room, after seeing the beloved entering the door, he hadn't even formally interrogated him, so he punched the man in black.

Junsha also stood in front of the one-way glass window next to him. She was curious to see this person eliminate the bomb crisis by herself——

The police officers who overcame the rioters on how the Supreme Inspector of the Alliance would conduct interrogations were also taken aback by the actions of their beloved.

Jun Sha, who was in charge of the interrogation of the prisoner just now, opened her mouth wide enough to fit an egg.

"Inspector Mu Mu looks so close and kind, I didn't expect it to be so fierce when he started."

"Wow~ Inspector Mumu's force value is simply amazing."



After a brief surprise, he looked at the handsome boy who was taking a piece of paper in the interrogation room and helping the criminals to wipe the bloodstains of his nose and mouth in a gentle and easy-going manner.

A group of male police officers outside the interrogation room, with bright eyes, looked at the beloved in the interrogation room with admiration and said.

Hearing the comments of her subordinates, Junsha, who was still immersed in shock, couldn't help but glance at her beloved's thick, strong arm with clear muscles.

"You...you hit someone!" Compared to Jun Sha and the policemen's quick acceptance of their beloved, the hard-mouthed man in black was shocked beyond words.

He raised his head and stared at the smiling young man in front of him, as if his worldview and values ​​had been subverted.

"Name?" Throwing the blood-stained paper ball into the wastebasket, the beloved sat down and asked in a calm voice.

"This is a violent interrogation. You violated the Union law by doing so. I will definitely complain to you."

The man in black looked at his beloved three-pointer with anger and seven-point resentment and shouted loudly.

"Bang—" The beloved did not answer him, but got up and hit the man in black with a heavy fist in the face.

After exercising with the Pokémon for a long time, my beloved's current strength has already surpassed that of a normal adult.

After receiving a heavy punch from his beloved, the black-clothed man's face seemed to be blooming, his nose and mouth were constantly bubbling with bright red blood.

"The Union Law only protects the citizens of the Union who abide by the law, and criminals like you who carry bombs with the intention of carrying out terrorist attacks are not Union citizens."

"You are the enemy of the alliance, the enemy of all law-abiding citizens, and the enemy of this harmonious and stable society."

"Thugs like you are not even alone in my eyes, so you said why should I be polite to the scum of society like you."

"When you disregarded the Union's laws and ignored the rights of other people's lives, you are no longer protected by the Union's laws. Do you think you can go out without any problems after committing such a serious crime?"

"Perhaps in the past, you felt that the Union’s laws were very lax. Even if you commit a crime, you won’t get too serious punishment."

"But I have to be sorry to tell you that from the moment I joined the Kanto Alliance, the alliance law will no longer be tolerant of **** like you."

Looking at the dumbfounded black man in front of him, the beloved smiled and said: "So next you say it yourself, or you will say it after I let the Pokémon hypnotize you."

"I... I said." Knowing that the person in front of him is not the pedantic and moderate like Junsha and the other police officers, the man in black finally dared not hide it.

"It's the Rockets. The Rockets threatened me to do it all." The man in black was too frightened, and his whole body was shaking violently like a chaff.

"Oh, is there really the shadow of the Rockets behind this bomb attack?" the beloved thought secretly.

When he encountered Shiba in the valley of Giethoorn Peak, he learned from Shiba's mouth.

The Rockets leader Oji Sakagi has not appeared since the disappearance, and Sakagi Silver, the only son of Sakagi, is also well protected by the league.

The Rockets, without Sakagi, fell apart.

Lance, one of the four generals, has always wanted to reintegrate the Rockets' plan through Silver Sakag.

The previous kidnapping case of the mayor of Donghushan Park in Golden City was also temporarily declared bankrupt after being upset by his beloved.

Blocking the border, uniting Chengdu Baiyinshan Alliance and the newly established Orange Alliance to encircle and suppress.

Now that the remaining power of the Rockets is constantly being consumed, the Rockets can be said to have been driven to an end.

In order to prevent extremists in the Rockets from jumping over the wall, the four kings of the league and search teams were dispatched to major cities to garrison.

Joban City is a city guarded by the Four Heavenly King Chrysanthemum, but today the inauguration ceremony will be held for his beloved.

In order to show his importance, Juko, the veteran of the Alliance, also rushed back to the headquarters of the Alliance Quartz Plateau.

Originally this was done in secret, and it was delayed for half a day at most.

Unexpectedly, the Rockets received news and seized this window of time to launch a suicide bombing terrorist attack in Tokiwa City.

"In this way, the occurrence of this bomb terrorist attack has something to do with me." The beloved thought secretly in his heart.



After receiving two punches from his beloved, the man in black, who had been very hard-mouthed at the beginning, looked like a bamboo tube poured into beans, telling the details of the matter.

Although the Rockets are an underground evil force, they also have many legitimate industries as a cover.

As an important branch of the Rockets, Tokiwa City also has a lot of Rockets industry, and this man in black is the bartender of a disco under the Rockets.

After the Rockets lost power, the men in black lost their jobs and owed huge gambling debts because of gambling.

Unexpectedly, all of this was a trap for the Rockets, and the Rockets who forced debts later captured his wife and daughter.

Then he was asked to carry out this suicide bomb attack on the condition of his wife and children's life safety and gambling debts.

"...Who knew I was hit by you, my lord, now I don't know where the Rockets are." The man in black said with his head down.

"Think about it carefully. If you can help us arrest the Rockets and bring the Rockets to justice, you would be considered guilty and meritorious~"

"At that time, I believe that the court will give you a lighter or reduced sentence during the trial. In addition, your gambling debt will also be forgiven, and the police and I will try our best to rescue your wife and children."

Seeing the man in black said that he didn't know where the Rockets were, his beloved did not feel embarrassed, but calmly looked at the man in black and said.

"My lord, is what you said is true? As long as I am guilty and meritorious, the court will reduce my sentence." There was hope again in the dark eyes of the man in black.

"Of course, the premise is that you can help the police catch the Rockets." The beloved smiled and nodded.

Seeing the reaction of the man in black, he already knew that the matter was basically stable.

After the bomb attack is solved, the Rockets will definitely move as soon as possible.

However, the men in black have more contact with these Rockets, and the clues they have must not be comparable to him and the police.

"Well, I will definitely try my best." The man in black nodded heavily.

After experiencing this bomb attack, the man in black also discovered that no matter how difficult life is, there is always hope as long as he lives.

If you can live well, don't think about dying.


"After the Rockets lost power, there were not many remaining old buildings in Tokiwa City, and most of them were shrunk in the old city."

"Even though I was caught with my head covered that day, I was born and raised in Tokiwa City. I used to live in the old city for many years. According to what I heard at the time, I heard some nearby voices."

"Although I don't know where the Rockets have moved to now, I know that the last time I was taken to the site of the Xinyuan Pharmaceutical Factory in the old city."

"My lord, where are you going, maybe you can find some clues." The man in black raised his head and looked at his beloved. "My lord, am I guilty and meritorious?"
