Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 117: simulation

After Hank directly showed his official certificate, he took the two directly into the training hall. The inside of the hall is more like a hotel. The first floor is the trading hall, and the second floor is the training room. The hall soon has a burly figure. The man came out and hugged Hank very intimately. The two should have known each other a long time ago.

After communicating with him for a while, Hank introduced to Xiao Lin: "This is Dick Qi, the manager of the training hall. After hearing that you are here to help the Adjudicator Academy, he expressed his willingness to give you more discounts, 10% off. ! This is a discount that others don't think they can get!"

Xiao Lin twitched the corner of his mouth again, but comforted himself. A 10% discount is better than nothing. He asked, "Then how much does it cost per hour? Mr. Hank, you also know that my daily salary is only four hundred new dollars. ."

Hanke laughed and said: "The charging standards are different according to the actual situation of each person. Simply put, this simulation battle system needs to consume energy stones each time it is used. Different simulation objects require different levels of energy stones. And the higher the level of energy stone, the higher the charge. But I think you only need to use the lowest level of energy stone, it only costs SGD 100 per hour, and SGD 90 after a 10% discount."

The price was much lower than expected, Xiao Lin was slightly relieved, and nodded to express his acceptance.

"So how about making a one-hour experience for you first? If you feel good, you can continue." Hanke introduced enthusiastically, then turned his head and asked, "Do you want Minister Song to try too?"

"No, I can't afford such a high-end thing." Song Junlang shook his head and refused, and said to Xiao Lin: "I'm not here to accompany you anymore. You should know the way back. Anyway, don't take down that sentence. Anti-gravity jewelry!"

"Don't worry!" Xiao Lin's answer was as firm as ever.

Song Junlang and Hanke left first. After that, Dick Qi, the manager of the training hall, took Xiao Lin upstairs. Dick Qi did not speak Chinese, so there were only a few simple exchanges between the two. He took Xiao Lin to the corner of the second floor. Push the door in one of the rooms. The room is divided into two parts. The one that comes in directly from the door is similar to the living room, with simple tables, chairs and tea, and two rows of weapons and equipment racks next to it. These are the most commonly used weapons and armors.

There is another small door in the room. Inside is the training room. The training room is slightly larger than the bedroom. It is very empty and the surrounding walls are paved with metal. No other furnishings.

Dick Qi made gestures to explain to Xiao Lin how to use this system. There was a tablet-like screen outside the training room, which was driven by magic. Xiao Lin needed to press his hand against a crystal-clear circle next to it. On the ball, the computer screen will light up.

The settings of this system are also very easy to understand. There are several options in the pop-up screen. The simple English Xiao Lin can also roughly understand, corresponding to gender, age, height, and then strength, physical fitness, intelligence and Agility, and finally the choice of skills. It really makes people feel like playing online games.

Dickie said that there can actually be a race setting here, but that requires an updated analog system, and the charge is more expensive, and it is unnecessary for Xiao Lin. This set is the original model and there is no The parameter settings of other races are added, but there is no difference in most functions.

In addition, this system can also select historical figures for simulation. Everyone who comes here can choose to enter various attributes and skills and other parameters into the system after training. In this way, people who come in the future can directly choose your parameters for simulated battle. According to the number of times you have been selected, the training hall can even provide a certain percentage of share rewards.

After all, it’s just a person who sets up a simulation by yourself. After all, it is difficult to be more realistic. If you want to pursue a more realistic battle. Then you can select the historical character battle interface. Dikchi helped Xiao Lin switch to this interface. Sure enough, many character templates appeared. Of course, those who chose to enter their parameters had hidden their real names, and they didn’t even have gender and name. Secrecy measures are also reasonable.

However, Xiao Lin lost interest after a few glances. The worst parameters of these real characters are black iron or bronze. If you really want to choose, it is purely for abuse.

After the introduction of the basic system, Dickie placed a white cone-shaped energy stone in an empty slot next to the screen, and warned Xiao Lin that this energy stone was of the lowest quality, and the highest could only be simulated. For a virtual character that exceeds the strength of the black iron, if the simulated character set by him exceeds this strength, the energy stone will not be able to load, overload and explode, and the user must compensate for the loss.

Xiao Lin didn't plan to set a black iron level character at all. The main purpose of training here is to adapt to gravity. It is impossible for him to set the value of his virtual opponent too outrageously.

After Dikeqi left, Xiao Lin carefully thought about the settings for a while. Before the settings were completed, there was no billing. He had enough time to consider.

However, his set opponent is definitely the lowest level. A few minutes later, he quickly selected the relevant parameters on the screen.

Strength 2 Agility 1 Intelligence 3 Physical 3

Basic Swordsmanship LV1

Basic Block LV1

Smash LV1

Basic physical fitness LV2

Basic perception LV1

Basic Meditation LV1

Xiao Lin almost halved his attributes and related skills and entered it~lightnovelpub.net~ He drew a training dagger from the weapon rack. After the selection started, a countdown of one hour appeared on the screen. Push The door went into the training room.

The training room is a bit dim, but it does not affect the line of sight in this narrow space. The light beam rises in the center. This is a virtual character simulated by extracting the magic power contained in the energy stone, and soon the virtual person appears In the room.

It’s a bit reluctant to say that it’s a human, because the guy with a blue glow in front of him just looks like a human, his face is blurry, and he doesn’t even have facial features. It’s more like a blue shadow, Xiao Lin set. It is basic swordsmanship and basic meditation, and basic meditation LV1 is not enough to use spells, so Shadow holds a similar lightsaber in his hand.

Almost at the same time, two red blood bars were simultaneously displayed on the wall next to him. When Xiao Lin saw it, the corners of his mouth twitched again, making it more and more like a game. The two health bars represent the health of the two. The virtual image will not cause any substantial damage to the human body, but each hit will be based on the comparison of the attributes and skills of the two parties to calculate the approximate damage value. Estimated, and then displayed in the blood bar next to it.

Of course, there must be a lot of error in this estimation, and it is more just for the trainer to have a general understanding of the victory or defeat of the virtual battle.

After all, it is impossible for things like health and attack power to exist in actual combat, but since it is a virtual battle, Xiao Lin should be playing a game, so he doesn't need to care too much. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!