Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 144: Injured

Chapter 144:


The sword's edge began to glow with cohesion. Xiao Lin’s heavy blow cut is at the MAX level, but it takes longer to gather strength, but the skeleton’s flexibility is not high, and with his instant turning, before the skeleton turns around. , Xiao Lin's sword actually gathered all the time.

The big sword slashed down in anger, and the firelight entrained on the blade doubled its power. Although the skeletons of these skeletons are fused together with special metal powder, the strength is much higher, but this heavy blow is still as powerful as a bamboo, from the skull. The place goes down and runs through the entire breastbone.

The green flame in the pupils of this skeleton soldier extinguished instantly, and the bones that made up the body were like a collapsed house, all falling apart. The skeleton soldier was actually killed by a single sword.

Even Xiao Lin himself was surprised again by the lethality, but it was not the time to be complacent. There were six skeleton soldiers left. Xiao Lin did not back up. After using the heavy blow, his arm was slightly sore, but he was still within the tolerance range. The use of skills consumes physical strength, and after continuous use, the physical strength consumption increases exponentially.

However, at this moment, Xiao Lin's physical strength seemed to have increased a lot more than usual. He decided to make a quick battle, not giving other skeleton soldiers a chance to surround him.

His basic swordsmanship has played a role again. These skeleton soldiers may have high physical strength, but their bone knives wield out of order, more like slashing, and the big sword in Xiao Lin's hand dances with ease. The inexplicable increase in the strength and agility of the upper body, he interspersed among the skeleton soldiers extremely easily, taking advantage of the lack of flexibility of the skeleton's turn, and often seizing the opportunity, he did not hesitate to use the heavy blow.

This is the only skill he can master at present. It is not very practical, but it can exert unexpected effects when facing these skeletons. After killing the three skeleton soldiers, Xiao Lin probably figured out the skeletons. Intensity, heavy hitting does not require full concentration, it only takes three seconds of concentration. Coupled with the bonus of its own power, it is enough for an instant.

So Xiao Lin took less time to kill the last few skeleton soldiers, but when he was not careless, he quickly left the street. He ran to a more remote place on the periphery, until a burst of exhaustion surged in his body, he immediately slumped down, and he understood that Longwei's bonus had disappeared.

It was still early in the evening, Xiao Lin sat down and breathed slightly. He quickly recalled and analyzed in his mind. Now he can basically confirm that although the golden dragon failed to be summoned, the dragon power stored in the streamer jade was unexpectedly attached to himself, and his agility, strength, and physique were all fully integrated. Bonus, as to whether the intelligence gets a bonus, it is still uncertain, but this is enough to surprise people.

As for the reason, it is really not easy to guess, Xiao Lin thought about it, and thought it might still have something to do with this so-called final place, high priest Asabeno also said. This is the birthplace of the world, where all the laws are chaotic, whether space-time or space, the new world is very different. Perhaps because of this, the Jade of Streaming Light is not easy to use here.

"I want to live!"

Xiao Lin clenched his fists, his confidence increased a bit. The only thing that bothered him now was that he wasn't sure how much Dragon Power was still stored in the Jade of Streaming Light. It would be great if he could reduce the Dragon Power released every time.

The dragon power needed to condense into the golden dragon is undoubtedly massive, but the dragon power that just defeats the skeleton soldier does not need so much. The extra is undoubtedly waste.

"Next time I will try how to control Longwei."

Soon Xiao Lin got such an opportunity. He had nothing to do while hiding in the building, and he muttered to himself to analyze what the old high priest was doing now, but Asabeno's name had just been pronounced. A white shadow suddenly fell in front of him, startling him.

"You can't escape! As long as you are still in this city, I will catch you sooner or later! The winner of this hunting game must be me!"

After the high priest finished speaking coldly, the figure disappeared again. A few minutes later, there was the sound of creaking footsteps characteristic of skeleton soldiers. Xiao Lin's face turned pale, and he gave a wry smile. He suddenly reacted a little. Could it be because he had pronounced the name of the high priest, that the old man would be able to detect it immediately.

Carefully reminiscing about yesterday’s situation, the carpet search by the skeleton soldiers showed that the high priest could not directly locate his position. It could only be caught by the old man because he had pronounced the name, just like releasing a radar wave. .

In addition to sighing that he was too cheap, Xiao Lin had to flee again. In the middle of the journey, he encountered two teams of Skeleton Soldiers and held the Streaming Jade again. This time he kept his eyes on him, even though he knew he did not have the initiative. He still tried to find some way to control how much Longwei released to control the ability of Streaming Jade.

The jade of flowing light bloomed with a dazzling halo, and Long Wei slowly rose up. After several times, Xiao Lin gradually became familiar with Long Wei, and he murmured silently in his heart, a little less...

Yes, this is what Xiao Lin can only think of now. There is no such thing as a switch on the jade pendant~lightnovelpub.net~ But what is strange is that after he repeatedly chanted several times, the released Longwei is really better than It was much less before.

"That's okay!" Xiao Lin was stunned, and soon he wanted to cry without tears: "But, this is too little, can it be said that I read too many times?"

Longwei is too scarce, causing his bonus power to be far less than before. Even using the heavy blow to kill the skeleton soldier can't kill the skeleton soldier in seconds. Instead, his left arm was scratched by a bone knife with a deep cut. After the power gap, Xiao Lin did not hesitate to use the Streaming Jade again. This time after he silently chanted "more points and more points", Long Wei really increased a lot. He didn't fight again, but just turned around and ran away. , Thrown off the pursuit of the skeleton soldiers.

After Long Wei dissipated, he looked at the wound on his arm, and his brow furrowed deeper, although he tore off his shirt and performed a simple dressing on the way, and cleaned up the blood with the spring water in the square.

But now after unwrapping the bandage, he found that the wound around the wound was dark and the muscles became a little stiff. There was no pain at all to the touch, and even the whole arm seemed to be weaker. This is not a good sign. .

Fortunately, after he deliberately hid, he did not encounter other skeleton soldiers to search. Although there are a large number of skeletons in the palace, it is not easy to search for one or two people one by one in these complicated lanes. In particular, these skeleton soldiers seemed to have been ordered not to damage the workshops in the city, which undoubtedly provided greater convenience for Xiao Lin to avoid. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!