Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 164: Attribute conversion guess

readx(); If the high priest really returned to the world of Norma, in his state of incomplete soul at the time, as long as Asabeno’s brain was not broken, he would definitely not be easily exposed to American eyelids. Underneath, as long as he casually finds a hidden place to hide, who can find it?

Harry asked him to help find Asabeno, obviously just as an excuse not to let people go. Could it be that Xiao Lin would have to stay here for a few years if he couldn't find the high priest?

Now that this was the case, Xiao Lin directly tore his face and asked straightforwardly.

Harry stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Lin's shoulder at the door. In an instant, Xiao Lin felt his shoulder sink, and an unimaginable force was pressing down on his body. His legs almost couldn't help kneeling on the spot. under.

Xiao Lin bit his lip, naturally, it is impossible for Harry to use his full strength. This casual palm is only equivalent to the strength of the black iron level, but even so, for Xiao Lin who has not yet reached the black iron level , Is already a great power.

This old fox! He was clearly warning, reminding Xiao Lin that he had no right to object here!

Xiao Lin bit his lip firmly, but his own qualities were here, and he couldn't resist it by his will. His knees trembled uncontrollably, and when he was about to kneel, he did not know where to rise. A huge force suddenly rose from the body.

He slowly stood up straight again and looked directly at Harry.

The smile on Harry's face gradually diminished, and he raised his brows slightly in surprise, then let go of his palms, frowning as if he was thinking about something, and a few seconds later he put on that somewhat hypocritical smile, and said lightly: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to imprison you. In fact, I can allow you to have your own activities in the new Washington city after some time. If you want to continue training, I can even persuade the senior management to transfer you to school completely. Adjudicator Academy."

After a pause, Harry added: "You are a freshman. You may not understand it. In fact, the transfer system is feasible. Our Adjudicator Academy always welcomes outstanding students from all over the world. Your nationality on the earth is definitely not a problem."

"Thank you. I had a very good time at Dawn Academy, so don't bother you!"

Harry shrugged: "That's really a pity, so let's talk another day. By the way, I heard that your food and drink are resolved in the final place. We still don't know anything about that world, in order to avoid possible diseases. Or if you are infected, you may need to undergo an individual examination tomorrow. Well, today I am actually telling you about this. So, can you let it go?"

When Xiao Lin heard the physical examination, he was subconsciously stunned. Knowing that Harry would definitely not be able to let him go today, he also retreated to the side.

Harry walked to the door, suddenly turned his head, and asked with curiosity: "The information I found shows that you are only a one-month freshman, and your comprehensive attribute value does not even exceed 20. Your strength should not reach Black Iron yet. "

"Ah? Hmm." Xiao Lin nodded, not quite sure what Harry meant for asking, but there was really nothing to conceal in this regard. Of course, he also sighed how quickly the American intelligence came.

Harry nodded, stopped talking, and left the dormitory.

Xiao Lin stretched his breath, and the brief confrontation with Harry made him really uncomfortable. The feeling of being on his back couldn't be eliminated. He didn't know what level Harry's strength had reached, gold level or higher. But even if the opponent only uses a little strength, he can't bear it.

He suddenly felt that the strength of his whole body was loose, and the whole person was slumped on the bed. At this time, he realized that he seemed to have suddenly exploded with a stronger force. Then he realized that Harry asked if he had reached the Black Iron level.

Harry probably used Black Iron rank power, perhaps for humiliation, or warning threats. He calculated that Xiao Lin who had not reached the Black Iron rank was powerless, but the result obviously surprised him a little.

Have you reached the level of black iron?

Xiao Lin didn't think so. Even if his battle in the end of the war would definitely improve his comprehensive attributes, there must be still some way to reach the Black Iron level.

Moreover, this special power bonus does not seem to last, indicating that the power is only temporary. He touched the streamer jade on his chest, with some doubts on his face, but soon shook his head and rejected this guess.

The Longwei in the Jade of Streaming Light has long been exhausted, and he has confirmed this in the Final Land, so it is impossible to use Longwei to improve his attribute value.

Wait, upgrade attributes?

Xiao Lin seemed to have thought of something, his eyes brightened. In the Land of End, he didn't just rely on Longwei to simply increase his attribute value. The conversion between various attribute values ​​was undoubtedly more helpful to the battle.

Although he didn't try again after losing Longwei's help from Streaming Jade, now thinking about it, Xiao Lin felt that he might have fallen into a thinking mistake before.

In the Land of End, he himself did use the Longwei stored in the Streaming Jade to increase his total stats, and the combat effectiveness was greatly increased for a short time~lightnovelpub.net~ He also naturally believed that the conversion between attribute values ​​also relied on the streamer. Jade, in other words, can only be carried out on the premise of upgrading attributes through Longwei.

Maybe this idea is wrong.

The conversion of attributes does not require the jade of streamer, let alone the blessing of Longwei, which is like an ordinary skill, he can use it freely anytime, anywhere!

This speculation undoubtedly made Xiao Lin so heartbroken that the anger of being deliberately detained by Harry under house arrest was temporarily gone, and he urgently needed to verify his speculation.

After thinking again and again, he decided to immediately go downstairs and find the American guarding him, telling him that he wanted to borrow the training field, no matter where he was, but he couldn't understand the other side when he gestured with his hands for a long time.

However, the guards were also more polite to him this time. It seemed that Harry had greeted him before he left. Soon they found Lilith, and only Lilith was fluent in Chinese.

Lilith came quickly. After translating Xiao Lin's request, the guarding Americans hesitated, especially after hearing that Xiao Lin asked them to provide the necessary training weapons.

Xiao Lin was immediately full of anger. He didn't even talk about house arrest. He would even deprive him of basic freedom of movement. After all, he was a student of Dawn Academy, a diplomat, not a prisoner. This was a violation of his human rights and so on.

The guard was a young American and had no opinion. He looked a little flustered when such a lot of big talk fell, and he quickly indicated that he would go back and ask for instructions. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!