Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 165: Supreme Council


Lilith who was left suddenly apologized to Xiao Lin. She was not stupid. Although it seemed that both of them were temporarily detained, the detention of Lilith was obviously perfunctory, and she herself had great freedom.

Xiao Lin sighed, knowing that this resentment could not be sent to Lilith, but he still couldn't help complaining: "What are you guys doing? At least you have to give me a reason!"

Lilith stopped talking, and finally just said: "Harry asked me about you yesterday, your strange way of fighting, um, I mean the jade of streamer, I did not disclose it, but Harry is very Smart man, I'm not sure if he inferred it himself, and I think this action may be Harry's personal behavior."

Xiao Lin's eyes lit up: "In other words, the Adjudicator Academy is not willing to detain me?"

"I was allowed to return to New Washington City late yesterday. I asked a few friends to inquire about it. The city hall has already been upset. Now it is not only your Dawn Academy that is under pressure, but also the city hall. Mandatory order to release people to Harry." Lilith was probably dissatisfied with Harry's behavior, and there was no concealment in her words.

"Then the result?"

The bitter smile on Lilith’s face has already given Xiao Lin an answer. She shook her head and said, “In New Washington, or within our colony, Harry is a very powerful person, plus the Dragonhawk Knights are basically us. As long as he does not let go, it will be difficult for anyone else to convince him."

"Persuasion?" Xiao Lin said a little annoyed: "Why don't you give the order directly! Since he is a soldier, he should always obey the order!"

"Order?" Lilith was a little strange: "How is it possible! The city hall is not qualified to order Harry, this is determined by the basic management system."

Xiao Lin was dumb, he didn't know much about the management of the entire colony.

Lilith explained a little bit, in fact, any academy basically has two sets of management institutions, one is inside the academy, and the other is the new world.

Xiao Lin, the internal management organization of the college, also generally understands that it is the student union, but once students graduate, they will not be managed by the student union, but will be part of the new world management system.

However, the management system of New World is different for each college. Adjudicator Academy adopts a system of separation of military and political affairs. Every city in the colony will set up institutions such as city halls. The chief executive only has the right to govern all administrative affairs in the city, but cannot involve the military.

The entire Adjudicator Academy will have a dedicated military system. It has direct management over all military aspects of the colony. As for Harry's Dragonhawk Knights, he belongs to this military system. Because the knights' own combat power determines its particularity, Harry's position is also important.

Although he is responsible for guarding the new Washington, the city hall has the power to advise him at best. If he wanted to give orders directly, Harry could ignore it completely.

"So what is the highest management organization?" Xiao Lin was a little curious.

"The U.S. is a large council system. The speaker has almost the same power as the principal. The difference is only one responsible for the new world and one responsible college. This is just the country. You Dawn Academy is not so troublesome. As far as I know, the president of Dawn Academy is concurrent In addition to the management authority of the college and the new world, there is no parliament, and it is directly governed by various departments. In terms of power, it is much larger than other colleges. Of course, it is also because the principal of Shuguang College is also very powerful.

"Where is the Supreme Council?" Xiao Lin simply asked the questions in his mind, and it would be better for him, who is behind bars, to clarify these things as soon as possible.

Lilith paused for a moment and continued: "The Supreme Council is an institution that overrides all colonial colleges. It has management power over everyone regardless of nationality, color, race, or college."

"Equivalent to the existence of the United Nations on earth?" Xiao Lin quickly understood.

Lilith shook her head: "No, the United Nations is just an empty shelf, but the Supreme Council is different. This parliament has great powers. Although they do not easily formulate regulations, they can release measures once they are implemented. Any college must Unconditional compliance, for example, prohibiting the use of the abilities learned in the academy on the earth is set by the Supreme Council. No one dares to treat this rule as a trifle."

After a pause, Lilith looked at the incredible Xiao Lin. Said: "Do you find it difficult to understand?"

Xiao Lin nodded. If it was just an organization like the United Nations, he could fully understand it. After all, if you want to carry out colonial activities together in the new world, everyone always needs a place for mutual coordination and consultation, but what he can't figure out is that the Supreme Council actually Have such a large capacity to restrain all colleges.

Seems to think of something. Xiao Lin quickly asked: "Who are the members of the Supreme Council?"

Lilith glanced at him appreciatively: "You said the point, yes, the composition of the Supreme Council is the reason everyone must obey. First of all, you need to know that the Supreme Council was created by Ivanjevic. of."

"It's him again!" Xiao Lin exclaimed~lightnovelpub.net~ He has heard this name more than once, but think about it carefully, the Supreme Council created by such a person is indeed very important.

Lilith continued: "He is just the founder. There are only five members of the parliament. They belong to our Arbiter Academy, China Dawn Academy, France Shenghui Academy, Royal Academy and Russian War Academy. Unless everyone agrees. , It is possible to increase the members of other colleges to join the Supreme Council, as long as anyone opposes it. Of course, the Supreme Council will not easily intervene in college or colonial affairs most of the time."

Xiao Lin was a little speechless: "Uh, these are not the five gangsters, oh no, am I talking about the five permanent members?"

"In fact, this is understandable. These countries basically have extremely glorious histories, so it is understandable whether they have a very high status on the earth or in the new world." Lilith said proudly.

Xiao Lin murmured silently in his heart, but the history of the United States is very short...

"Then there are the constituents. The representatives of each college in the parliament are the earliest pioneers. To put it bluntly, these people almost represent the strongest combat power of all our colonists!"

Lilith's expression is a little serious: "No one knows how strong their strength is, but at least it is legendary. If the law of resurrection created the future of colonists, then these five people are our colonial academy's The ultimate guarantee for the world to maintain its current status!" (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!