Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 167: Spread the word

cpa300_4();The training ground of the Dragonhawk Knights is an open grass, where the young eagles are being trained. The training of the Dragonhawk knights usually starts directly from the young eagles, so as to strengthen the communication and cooperation with the knights .

Xiao Lin’s arrival didn’t make much waves. Obviously, Americans didn’t show any interest in other colleges. It was just that Lilith’s company made many people avoid them with a ghostly expression, making Xiao Lin have to doubt this woman. What has been done.

Holding the saber provided by the training ground, Xiao Lin first practiced basic swordsmanship, chopping, stabbing, and slashing. These are the basic movements that constitute any swordsmanship afterwards. Compared to before New Washington, he clearly felt His swordsmanship moves more skillfully, and his sword-wielding power has obviously increased a lot, which surprised him. This shows that his attributes in all aspects must have been improved during the time in the end of the land.

The next thing is the most important thing. Xiao Lin took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and carefully recalled how he felt when he changed his attributes in Land of Endurance, but it was not as smooth as it was then. Perhaps the magical place of Land of Endurance itself. It has a certain catalytic effect, or it was blessed by Longwei, which had the jade of streamer at that time.

In short, Xiao Lin’s first attempt failed. He did not give up and tried to find other ways. First of all, he needed to transform his agility into pure strength, but agility itself represents many things, such as movement speed, flexibility, and balance. Feeling waiting, he suddenly understood why he failed.

So let’s try one by one. First, move speed and transform his motor nerves into strength. Xiao Lin tried hard again. After an unknown period of time, Xiao Lin suddenly felt that his legs were a little heavier, and he quickly followed the trend. A sword swung from the ground, but the feeling soon disappeared.

"The power of this sword is a little bit stronger than just now." Lilith made a judgment next to her, her eyes full of surprise, Xiao Lin's peculiar fighting style was obviously unheard of.

"It's very interesting! I checked some ancient legends about the world of Norma in the library these past two days. The End is the cradle and birthplace of the world. Xiao Lin, have you ever wondered how our skills come from? Is it?" Lilith lowered her voice a little, she was referring to nature and her own flame that could change its shape at will.

Xiao Lin had also guessed about this for a long time, but his words were still full of inconceivability: "The final place is where the law of creation is. Ivanjevic created the law of resurrection there. In other words, he has also been there. We have also created our own laws, or skills, such as my attribute conversion. For example, your flame shape changes. Is this something that can only be done in the final place?"

"But the dead old man didn't."

Lilith added something at random, and soon the two fell into a bit of awkward silence. What is the difference between Asabeno and them and Ivan? Both of them are not stupid. I am afraid that the reasons for this are already well known. , Just deliberately pretending not to know.

Xiao Lin's heart moved, and he suddenly asked, "Did Head Harry ask you to have a physical examination in a few days? It seems to be worried about the food and water in the final place?"

"How is it possible!" Lilith said incredulously: "I have never heard of such a thing."

Xiao Lin was silent again, but there was a storm in his heart, and an incredible inference emerged in his mind, even though he felt that the possibility was very low. But if it is true, he may never have a chance to go back.

The biggest difference between Asabeno and them is undoubtedly the double S-level talent.

The people involved are very aware of this, but others are not fools. As long as they deliberately make bold guesses, they will probably come to similar conclusions, plus the inexplicable request for a medical examination suddenly.

Xiao Lin felt that perhaps the shrewd Dragonhawk Knight Commander had guessed this possibility, so why did the other party detain himself? This answer was undoubtedly terrifying, Xiao Lin didn't dare to think about it, but he felt that he had to take some measures to save himself.

"Lilith. Please do me a favor anyway and give Song Junlang a word on your behalf. Oh, the Chinese who accompanied me. He lives in the hotel arranged by your Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Uh, I don’t know the name of the hotel. It’s the door anyway. The house with the bust of Asabeno."

"I know that hotel, what do you need me to say."

"It's very simple, just let him know that I'm here."

Lilith's eyes narrowed slightly, seeming a little embarrassed, seeing her hesitate. Xiao Lin quickly glanced around, and did not see other Americans nearby, so he pleaded: "Please! Not let you take me away, but just pass a message for me. I don't think the Dragonhawk Knights are here. Will prohibit you from traveling to and from New Washington City."

Lilith whispered: "You have saved me once in the final place. I don't want to owe you any favors. In fact, after Harry found me yesterday, I was thinking about how to take you out. I can tell. That guy has no plans to let you go, but unfortunately as long as you are still in this barracks~lightnovelpub.net~ I can’t do anything, I hope you can forgive me.”

Xiao Lin said: "I know, you said that you are not the opponent of Dragonhawk Knight for the time being. This matter must be very difficult from your standpoint, so I can understand that you only need to help me pass a message. "

"I don't think he can do it. Even if his strength never declined eight years ago, it would be impossible. What's more, he is just..." Lilith said bluntly. It seems that he has done some investigations on Song Junlang. Not ignorant.

Xiao Lin was silent for a while, and smiled bitterly: "Because I trust him, or if there is anyone in New Washington who can convince me, there is only him, except you."

"The special investigation team dispatched by Dawn Academy has arrived at the port of New Washington." Lilith reminded.

"But I don't know them, and who sent the investigation team? What is their purpose? I don't know anything. At this time, I think it's better to find Minister Song first."

Although Xiao Lin didn't make it clear, the subtext is obvious. The American Adjudicator Academy is still an ally of the Dawn Academy. They even signed an alliance treaty, but Harry still dared to detain him here, if not for Lilith For many months, I have understood this woman's temperament, and Xiao Lin would even feel that Lilith is untrustworthy.

"I understand, I will help you to convey the words, but I don't think you should have too much hope. Head Harry is a very powerful person. I don't think he will submit to a logistics director of your college." To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!