Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 211: Counselor goes to war

Realizing that this monthly exam would be very difficult, Xiao Lin didn't plan to continue wasting New World Coins to buy magic scrolls, because it was obviously not very cost-effective.

Xiao Lin was actually a little hesitant about the primary life potion, but thinking about his lifespan still rich, it doesn’t matter if he really died once, but he still couldn’t help calling Gu Xiaoyue to remind the other party that he must buy the life potion. For a long time, only the woman said "Oh", and then she was hung up.

However, Xiao Lin was still not at ease. After the official life water sale ended, he specifically inquired about Gu Xiaoyue's lifespan data, and found that her lifespan was still two years old, he had no strength to anger.

Does this woman really think so confidently that she will definitely survive every exam?

Xiao Lin even thought very annoyed, since even the other party doesn't cherish his life, why should he care so much as an outsider?

With this evil fire, finally came to the day of the third monthly exam.

The test time is still at 8 o’clock in the morning on the weekend. Unexpectedly, the monthly test did not send out materials in advance. The day before the two previous tests, the instructor would give out test-related materials, such as tasks, to the students. Standards, map information, etc. These are benefits that only freshmen have. When the sophomore year starts, there will be no such benefits.

But this time there is no welfare for freshmen. It seems that the college is determined to let them experience the most realistic war, even at the expense of a large number of freshmen.

Xiao Lin got up very early that day, but most people got up very early. The main reason was that they couldn't sleep. After breakfast, they simply packed up in the room, put on equipment and hurried to the public classroom.

When I arrived in the classroom, everyone was almost there. Compared to the previous two exams, everyone was even more nervous. Not many people were making a lot of noise. Even Wang Dalin, who danced very happily, was just whispering and discussing with others.

The appearance of Xiao Lin attracted the attention of many people. Someone immediately joked: "Squad leader, this time I have to rely on you."

"Yes, I will definitely follow you then!"

Xiao Lin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't realize that he, who was usually quite low-key, could still be supported by many people. Looking closely at the past, several people were all on the same road with him in the first monthly exam. The exam Xiao Lin left a deep impression on them. Although it was only a basic task that was completed in the end, it was no exaggeration to say that they depended on Xiao Lin to survive.

Originally, in the month when Xiao Lin went to New Washington, the good feelings they had just raised would soon disappear. But in the second fairly simple monthly test, the results of Class 7 were extremely poor.

The so-called comparison is the only way to know good or bad. They will inevitably think of Xiao Lin. Compared with others, these people are more willing to trust Xiao Lin.

Most of the others followed the crowd. They didn't necessarily care who was the dominant player. When they saw that someone was willing to follow Xiao Lin, they all agreed. Only a few people sneered slightly, and did not object. But it didn't agree with anything.

This exam is directly related to the candidates for the monitor. Judging from the complexity of the 7th class, there are still a lot of people who spy on the position of monitor. Xiao Lin doesn't care, just like his first monthly exam, he is willing to listen. For him, he would naturally be happy to take everyone to pass the exam. If he didn't want to listen to him, he could walk by himself, and he would not stop him.

The counselor Qin Chuan was late. Xiao Lin couldn't help feeling that he had seen this counselor for a long time, but in fact, he was the only one who felt this way. During the time he was away from Dawning Academy, there were many things in class seven. In fact, Qin Chuan is doing it for him. But that is only limited to the announcement of the next college, Qin Chuan does not have the authority of the monitor.

However, Xiao Lin was obviously shocked when he saw the dress of this middle-aged man. The counselor had notified him before the exam. If nothing else, today would be the last day for Qin Chuan to perform his duties as a counselor. .

Because in accordance with the regulations of the college. The responsibility of the counselor is only to conduct daily guidance during the freshman period. The so-called freshman period is the first three months of the freshman year. After three months, when the position of the monitor is officially announced, the next class The affairs are completely managed by the monitor.

Everyone knows this, but today it’s a bit weird. Qin Chuan actually stepped into the classroom with full arms. He is dressed in a very sophisticated steel armor, with two broad swords on his back and a silver helmet on his head. His armor made loud footsteps on the floor, causing the distracted students to suddenly raise their heads and look at Qin Chuan with surprised eyes.

"Counselor, what are you?" someone asked uncertainly.

Qin Chuan glanced at everyone present, and then said in a very plain tone that shocked everyone: "Accept the notice from the Student Union, this month's exam, the counselor will be with you!"

After a short silence, the entire classroom suddenly exploded. While thinking about the exam, everyone was finally able to squeeze some time out to be shocked by other things ~lightnovelpub.net~ The counselor took the freshman exam, which is actually not Although there is no precedent, Dawn Academy did have this system at first, but it was abolished after only a few years of implementation, because the college believed that the ability of the instructor was too strong for the freshman mock exam scenario.

However, if the difficulty of the examination is increased, the mortality rate of freshmen will also increase. In the end, the college found that it was unnecessary for the instructor to participate in the examination and simply abolished this rule.

This rule has been a hundred years ago. Professor Dai mentioned it to everyone in the history class, so they are not unfamiliar. But the problem is that today, Suguang Academy has made an exception and restored the rule for instructors to participate in the exam. The last monthly exam in the freshman period.

Xiao Lin sighed slightly, looked at Gu Xiaoyue sitting next to him, and smiled bitterly: "If I remember correctly, the instructor is a senior who has been studying for at least one year. No matter how bad he is, he will be much better than us. , Even the talented students may not be able to compare with them now. I am really more and more curious now, how difficult the exam is, actually involving the instructors, the college is worried about the mortality rate of the freshmen Is it too high?"

Gu Xiaoyue's face was calm, she didn't even lift her head, and she gently shook her sentence: "No matter the difficulty, I will win."

"You are really confident, so you still refuse to exchange life water?" Xiao Lin sighed. This is always his heart knot, but at this moment, there is no way to persuade him. It will go smoothly. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!