Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 295: Rating (on)

It's time to harvest.

Song Junlang urged Xiao Lin not to be too late, go to the student union to apply for a certificate, and then go directly to New World to get the money.

Xiao Lin was also very happy, but suddenly felt wrong when he heard this, and asked: "Wait, didn't you go to the new world?"

Song Junlang waved his hand and took out a note and handed it over: "It was betting in the casino in your name. This money was originally yours. Naturally, you need to take it away. After taking it, you can directly transfer half of the money to this account. Enough."

"Four or six is ​​40%!" Xiao Lin corrected.

"Hey, you are estimated to have to pay 10% of the tax for this amount, and you will pay the tax according to the promise, so after you get it, it will basically be equal." Song Junlang laughed at the thief.

"How do you feel that you have scammed you again."

"This is a lot of money. With this money, you can do a lot in the new world!"

This is true. According to the odds of 1 to 150, his bet of 9,000 New World currencies will receive a bet of 1.35 million. After paying 10% of the tax and dividing it evenly with Song Junlang, Xiao Lin also got 540,000. .

In the gambling game on the internal forum of the college, based on the odds of 1 to 18, Xiao Lin’s 2000 exchange point can also earn 36,000 exchange points, but this income is completely inferior to the 540,000 New World Currency. It is worth mentioning that Song Junlang is really grateful for this, otherwise Xiao Lin himself would never think of going to the New World Casino to bet.

"But can I go to the New World?" Xiao Lin expressed his doubts again.

"Didn’t the principal give you that appointment letter? Tsk tsk, captain, don’t underestimate this status. The military direction is a special task. Originally, it’s not difficult for you to go to the new world. Nodding long is fine, but now you don’t even need to inform anyone, take the appointment letter and go directly to the gate of space, no one dares to stop you!"

After a pause, Song Junlang shrugged and said: "Recently I received a more important thing. I have to go back to the earth. It is estimated that I will not be able to return for a long time. During this time, you should be careful. If you cause trouble, no one will give it to you. Aftermath."

Xiao Lin rolled his eyes. I have to admit that Song Junlang is indeed his invisible backing. For example, Minister Song helped him after he ran away a few days ago, but it seems that the reason why he ran away is also due to this...

Leaving the logistics department, Xiao Lin went straight to the student union. According to the regulations of Dawning Academy, students’ upgrades need to be verified by a specialized agency of the Student Union, and a certificate will be issued after confirmation, proving that the student’s strength has reached this level. Because of the particularity of the Colonial Academy, this kind of certificate will never be faked. , It is also difficult to fake.

Xiao Lin is also considered to be a small celebrity in the Student Union. Stepping into the classical-style building of the Student Union, Xiao Lin's rate of turning back is quite high along the way. Everyone will look surprised or strange. But no one said hello, after all, he really didn't know a few people.

I probably feel that I have caused a lot of trouble to the student council president many times. This time Xiao Lin hesitated, instead of directly approaching the president himself, he inquired all the way to the grade assessment office. The whole assessment organization occupies almost the entire floor. The space of the building, after all, is for students in the fourth grade.

Xiao Lin was stopped by someone at the door, and then he gave him a form to fill out first. It was nothing more than basic information such as name, grade, and grades assessed by the election, which was a time saving for both parties.

After a few minutes, it was filled out and handed to a woman who sorted out the information. After receiving the form, she simply glanced at her as usual, and then her formulaic face immediately changed color, and she covered her mouth and exclaimed: "freshman! You, are you sure you want to perform the black iron rating?"

Her voice is loud. So much so that almost everyone in the waiting room behind her heard it, and then they leaned out and pointed at Xiao Lin.

"That guy is a freshman?"

"Black Iron Level!"

"In other words, the bet is about to come out today?"

"My God! I made a big bet, hey, who knows who that guy is?"

Xiao Lin was a little helpless, and she noticed that the face of the woman in front of her was turning black. So he asked, "Senior sister, what should I do next?"

The senior girl coughed a few times, shook her head in a panic, gritted her teeth and repeated: "Are you really sure that you have reached the black iron level? We have a strict testing system. Don't have any fluke mentality, although it is the first time for freshmen The evaluation is free, but in order to prevent someone from deliberately making trouble, every time after that, a fee will be charged."

This woman just said directly: How can you reach the black iron level, hurry up and go quickly...

Xiao Lin was stunned for a while, and suddenly reacted and said with a laugh: "Senior sister, although I don't know who you bet on, don't worry, I really don't lack the appraisal fee."

After all, she couldn’t just stop Xiao Lin from letting it go. After confirming that the form was filled in correctly, she could only let it go. She weakly pointed to the second door behind her and said, “The rating of the black iron level is in the second room. You go straight in. That's it~lightnovelpub.net~ There is no one else at this moment anyway."

"Thank you senior sister."

"My exchange point!"

"Senior sister, gambling will ruin your life. Be careful next time!"


The arrival of Xiao Lin made the originally more serious and quiet floor become lively. In fact, since the start of the betting, many people's eyes have focused on this. After all, the final outcome must be determined by the evaluation agency of the Student Union. The news spread like wildfire on forums of all grades in just a few minutes.

Many people were moved by the wind, intending to give it a try at the last moment, but the casinos and the people who manage the betting on the forum that have also received the news have temporarily closed the betting channel, quietly waiting for Xiao Lin's assessment results.

It is a few young people who are responsible for the evaluation of the black iron level. They are probably also members of the student council of the junior or senior year. What made Xiao Lin laugh and laugh is that after reading his form, these people almost all made facial expressions crying.

But it's normal. There are indeed very few people who really like Xiao Lin and bet. Xiao Lin still didn't know that after temporarily closing the betting channel, the noise on the forum was quite loud. Everyone expected that his assessment was just a fool. This was their last hope.

Although this innocuous assessment has attracted the attention of countless people, and several raters have tried to make the process more cautious and serious, the assessment process for the black iron level is actually not complicated. There are three steps in total. Physical examination, actual combat test, and final assessment results. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!