Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 364: Space props

Lilith will leave here. The Golden City is a well-connected city. With this city as the center, nearby roads can lead to various places. According to Lilith's plan, she will return directly to the Arbiter's colony. After reading the book at zero o'clock in New Washington, she will report this incident to the senior management of the college again. As for the future, it will be the negotiations between the colleges.

The first two started to settle a bill. The Star Mine, which was claimed to be 100% smelting, was brought to Xiao Lin at the end, but Xiao Lin had to compensate Lilith for the price. , The two argued for a long time, and finally reached a decision, a total of 50,000 New World Coins, this is the amount Xiao Lin needs to pay, and it will be transferred when Xiao Lin returns to Dawn City.

The spent sword in the center of Yinguang Lake was also returned to Xiao Lin, because Lilith didn't have any interest in this sword that had no effect, so naturally there was no charge.

Xiao Lin himself chose to stay in Golden City for a few days and then return to Dawn City. They were in the next morning. There was nothing sentimental. They were not going to see them anyway, but Ibea seemed reluctant to give up, pulling Lilith’s clothes. Horns, eyes full of sadness.

If she were a man, she might not bear the heart and chose to stay, but Lilith was not. She just gently broke Ibea, who was holding the corner of her clothes, and then left blankly.

Xiao Lin couldn't laugh or cry, but couldn't help but remember Lilith's whisper to herself before leaving, beware of Ibea.

Lilith has always been wary of Ibea along the way, and Xiao Lin's wariness has alleviated a lot, but until now, this lovely girl has indeed not done anything suspicious or unfavorable to them, but has followed them through the experience. Many crises.

"That girl is absolutely extraordinary. Don't underestimate the Dark Race. What they are best at is to hide their truth. In fact, if possible. I suggest you directly submit her to your Dawn Academy for investigation. This is the best choice." This was Lilith's last proposal to Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin just laughed at this, but when Lilith left. After thinking for a while, he still found Ibea and chatted with the other party casually.

It's been two days since I came to Golden City. Originally in Wildfire Town, due to undead attacks that might come at any time, Ibea was forced to follow them to survive. All the way to the present, the Golden City is currently basically safe, but Ibea has no intention of leaving.

Ibeya's reason was that she was already homeless and wandering everywhere. She felt safe to be by Xiao Lin's side, and realized Xiao Lin's intentions. She immediately changed into a coquettish tone, shook Xiao Lin's arm, and said, "Uncle is a good person. Uncle will never leave me alone. If uncle wants, I can do everything for you, so don't drive me away! "

One bite and one uncle made Xiao Lin hear the black line in his forehead. Fortunately, Lilith had already left, otherwise he would have to get a few "dead abnormal" white eyes. However, he also has his own plan and patiently encouraged him: "I will arrange a place for you in the Golden City, so you don't have to wander around. My current situation is not very good, and it may be difficult to take care of you."

"I do not want!"

"be good!"




After a long time, Ibea always wanted to follow Xiao Lin. In the end, she made a compromise proposal. At least let her follow Xiao Lin back to Dawn City, saying that the security there was pretty good.

Xiao Lin froze, but didn't immediately agree, only to consider it again.

As a colony completely controlled by the Dawn Academy. Moreover, it is at the capital level. Dawn City is different from other cities in Norma World. Even the Golden City, although there are powers from various colleges. However, the control here is still very broad, and entry and exit are even more free, which also leads to a mixture of fish and dragons in the city.

But wanting to live in Dawn City requires quite cumbersome procedures. Xiao Lin has heard about it. He doesn't want to make this trouble very troublesome. The most important thing is that Lilith's words make him feel that he can't fully trust Ibea, so that such a background If the mysterious girl goes to Dawn City, if something goes wrong, Xiao Lin himself will be affected.

Fortunately, this matter is still relatively long-term. During the few days in the Golden City, Xiao Lin also wandered around. At first he was worried about whether he would recognize himself, and then directly reported it to the local office of Shuguang College. Soon he was relieved. In fact, the wanted order was not posted as expected. As Lilith said, the wanted order was only posted in a few places where the Earth people settled more concentratedly.

Obviously, as a warrant not stamped by the principal, I don't want to be too public.

Xiao Lin planned to buy a space storage item for himself. After several battles, Lilith's space bracelet was really easy to use. He was a little enthusiastic about it. Originally it was more convenient to buy in Dawn City, but the business of Golden City was also quite good. The prosperous ~lightnovelpub.net~ the extensive transportation makes this place has a large number of businessmen from all over. And because there are more mercenary groups and adventurers nearby, the trade of weapons and equipment is also more frequent here.

After hearing about Xiao Lin’s plan, Ibea volunteered to show him the way. This girl knows more about Golden City than Xiao Lin, such as which weapon store is of poor quality, which equipment store has few supplies, etc. Finally, he was introduced to the shop, which is said to be a century-old shop. There is also a certain fame in Norma World. The most important thing is that this shop is famous for creating space series props.

After taking Ibeya, Xiao Lin really found a large number of space props, but the price also frightened him. The cheapest ones cost tens of thousands of new world coins, and the slightly higher grade ones are all The price fluctuates in the hundreds of thousands.

Of course, Xiao Lin's current worth is able to afford the money, but even for things bought at this price, the quality is not as high as he thought.

For example, a space ring worth 40,000 New World Coins only provides about one cubic meter of storage space, which is too small and completely different from expectations. Thinking of how many weapons are stored in Lilith's spatial bracelet, Xiao Lin shook his head decisively. The slightly larger one, that is, the price level of hundreds of thousands, even Xiao Lin would feel distressed.

"Uncle, do you really understand space props?" Ibea curled her lips and explained patiently: "Space props are very difficult to manufacture because of the scarcity of materials and the high manufacturing cost to use Star Mine. And opening up an independent space is inherently very difficult."

Xiao Lin was a little disappointed. Obviously Lilith's bracelet was not of ordinary value, but Ibea's words also made him raise his eyebrows unexpectedly: "You just said, Star Mine?" (To be continued.)) Book lovers pay attention. Get up!