Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 374: Awakening and returning

Ibea, who was holding Xiao Lin, was staggering forward in the desert. Her speed was not fast. Fortunately, the vampire race gave her a decent physique. She would not be too tired. At the current speed, she would be sure before dark. Without feeling the destination, Ibea looked worriedly at Xiao Lin, who was sleeping like a dead pig.

She knew very well that although Dawn Academy had established a town here, it was regarded as an orc's territory after all. It was only ceded to Dawn Academy after the war, so she would still be subject to sporadic harassment from time to time.

Until the sound of low and dense horses hoof not far away gradually approached, Ibea was nervous at first, and when the figure of the cavalry in the sand gradually became clear, he let out a long sigh of relief. This is a scout cavalry from Dawn Academy. , Xiao Lin's Dragon Breath Sword was too powerful, and it had obviously attracted the attention of the surroundings. But since they are from the Dawn Academy, it also means that they are at least safe.


Xiao Lin slept very deep, but it was not until the next day that Ibea realized that Xiao Lin might not be simply exhausted, let alone recover from a sleep, especially when the local therapist came over to Xiao Lin. After giving several mouthfuls of high-level treatments to no avail, Ibea was told that Xiao Lin's coma was not a trauma.

In fact, even though Xiao Lin suffered minor injuries during the battle with the dark elves, under the influence of the dragon's blood, he had healed automatically after so long.

What really kept Xiao Lin from waking up all day was his lack of spirit. It was only possible under very severe overdrafts. Life and death strife might not happen. The therapists were very confused and asked repeatedly, but Ibeya's words are vague and perfunctory, even if these people belong to the Dawn Academy, she is as smart as she knows what to say and what not to say.

In this way, Xiao Lin's coma lasted for two days. Others experimented with various methods. Finally, helpless, they were ready to take Xiao Lin back to the capital, Dawn City, for inspection by more powerful people.

When preparing to hit the road in the early morning of the third day. Xiao Lin suddenly came to his senses again, because there was no warning, so that the faces of those who were going to travel with him were full of horrible expressions, and then he hurriedly called others.

Xiao Lin felt very energetic now. He was full of strength and felt better than ever. Ibea, who was crying with joy, flew directly into his embrace, her white tender face constantly rubbing on his shoulders.

Oh of course, it doesn't mean that it feels good. Although the envious eyes around him made Xiao Lin quite embarrassed, he did feel that he was very strong, and he felt light when he walked. He remembered that he was using the Dragon's Breath Sword in a state of destruction to bring his body. I fainted because of the heavy load, but after waking up again, the exhaustion was gone.

From the clothes and words of the people nearby, Xiao Lin could easily determine that they were all his fellow robes, and after pushing away Ibeya, he inquired clearly about his situation in a few words.

This is a town located in the border area between Dawn Academy and Orcs, but it is a town. Rather, it was just a larger-scale outpost. Although it was inhabited by civilians, it was basically the relatives of soldiers. It was basically for military purposes.

Towering city walls, forested defensive towers, there are no dazzling small merchants and hawkers in the town, but more are blacksmith shops selling all kinds of weapons.

"I slept for two days?" After listening to Ibea's words, Xiao Lin was obviously shocked. The sequelae of the use of the Dragon's Breath Sword was so big. It takes two days of lethargy to completely replenish the overdrawn body.

"Have you met anyone else on the road?" Xiao Lin originally wanted to say Asabeno, but he closed his mouth and changed it to a vague suggestion, but I believe Ibea knew what he was talking about.

"Nothing. I met a sister on the way and brought us back."

"Sister?" Xiao Lin was a little helpless about Ibea's hobby of admitting sisters, but he was the only one who was always the uncle.

"Huh? You woke up unexpectedly?"

"Uncle, it's her, she said she is your superior."

Ibea suddenly clapped her hands and said, looking in the direction where she was speaking. The heavily armed Yu Mei was striding towards this side, Xiao Lin was not surprised, Ibeya said that his superior, he guessed who it was.

He could be regarded as his superior, and only the commander of the Sixth Army, Yu Mei.

Yu Mei walked closer, looked up and down Xiao Lin for a long time, then patted him on the shoulder, nodded and said, "Yes, it looks like it's all right, but we still can't stay here for long."

"Wait, don't you think you should give me an explanation first?" Seeing Yu Meifeng walked away and said that he was about to leave, Xiao Lin quickly stopped him.

"Explanation? What explanation do you want to hear?"

Xiao Lin opened his mouth and looked at the soldiers around him again.

Yu Mei waved her hand: "Don't worry, they are all principals."

Xiao Lin understood ~lightnovelpub.net~ and relaxed, and asked bluntly, "What's the matter with that wanted order?"

"Oh, you know, I came here this time to arrest you!"


"Haha! Head Yu, don't scare him!" Someone joked next to him.

Yu Mei curled her lips: "Forget it, don't joke with you, don't worry, we are here to **** you back to Dawn City safely. People in the military department dare not take you."

"Does the principal know?"

"Well, that's right, that's why I came here, but it's really hard to find you. I followed Wildfire Town to Golden City. I almost turned over the silver province these days. But it seems I didn't expect it. Wrong, you really chose this way to return."

When Yu Mei said, she glanced at Ibea, raised her brows, and smiled: "I was worried about you at first, but it seems that your life is going well during this time. Tsk tsk hooked up with little Lolita. , Where did this girl come from? You abducted it?"

"No! Uncle is a good person!"

"Oh good guy."

Xiao Lin looked at Yu Mei's meaningful smile a little helplessly, thinking that this woman must have misunderstood something.

The small talk did not take too long, and soon the team of more than ten people continued to set off, but because of Xiao Lin's awakening, the carriage originally prepared for him was no longer needed. In addition to Yu Mei, there were several others on the road together. Xiao Lin didn't know their identities, but since he was the principal's person, he chose to trust.

Yu Mei’s plan obviously does not include Ibea’s companions, but it is not a safe arrangement to leave this girl near this outpost that may be harassed by the orcs at any time, so she is simply taken with her, and special arrangements are made for three. The individual is near Ibea, protecting this delicate-looking girl at any time. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!