Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 375: The conflict between the principal and t

Although Xiao Lin was sure that he should be considered safe for the time being, he still had doubts waiting to be solved. Yu Mei was obviously the most suitable insider to explain for him, and when Xiao Lin thought, Yu Mei Speak first, his voice is very soft and low, his tone suppressed anger.

"The principal is injured."

Xiao Lin's eyes widened and he was almost about to exclaim, but soon he suppressed the horror in his heart and felt that he was a little fussy. To them, people on earth, injuries are really not a big deal, let alone they are perfect. Even if it’s really hard to heal wounds, it’s a big deal to be resurrected after death. I believe that the principal and his elderly will not be short of a 20-year life span.

But Yu Mei’s face told him that things are not that simple. She worriedly said: “It is not that simple. The principal’s trauma comes directly from the soul. You should understand the mechanism of the resurrection tower. You can resurrect after death, but the soul There will be no changes."

"Is it similar to Minister Song Junlang?" Yu Mei's reminder reminded Xiao Lin of a better example. Minister Song used to be a master of the gold level, but now he is downgraded to the bronze level. Obviously, this cannot be changed by resurrection.

Yu Mei stunned and nodded: "En, yes, I forgot that you have a good relationship with Minister Song. That's right, although we can be resurrected, the resurrection is not everything."

"Who did it? A member of the military?"

"No, they don't have such courage yet. At present, the murderer is still uncertain, and we have different opinions within us." Yu Mei sighed: "Now everyone is arguing very badly. Some people say that the orcs did it, and some say it was the Arbiter Academy. ."

After a pause, Yu Mei said with a cold expression: "But even if it is not done by the military, they can't escape this matter. They have always been responsible for the security of Dawn City, and murderers of that degree can sneak in. If it weren't for them to respond internally, it would be impossible!"

"What about my wanted warrant?"

Yu Mei smiled a little: "You have to thank the principal for this. The military was very tough on your handling of the problem. After this incident, the military probably knew that it was wrong, and it was also about your problem. I made a concession, and the wanted order was revoked when I left Dawn City. Don't worry."

To make sure that the wanted order was not issued by the principal, Xiao Lin felt a little warm, but he still had a knot in his heart, and asked vaguely, "Who made the decision about Wildfire Town?"

Yu Mei fell silent for a moment. With a wry smile, "You are still a member of the military. You should understand Lilith's value to the Arbiter Academy. In their eyes, using you to exchange Lilith's life is a very good deal."

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Xiao Lin expected, but this did not calm the anger in his heart. All he knew about the entire army was Yu Mei, the commander of the Sixth Army in front of him. He had not even seen anyone else, let alone offended people. However, the group of guys who had never met before made things difficult for him. Want to kill him.

"Don't be angry, in fact, you can only be regarded as being affected. The conflict between the military and the principal is not a matter of one or two years, and you happen to hit the gunpoint, and the principal takes you seriously, the more they will suppress you. Originally these There is no need to tell you now, this is our miscalculation!"

"I think I need to learn more, at least I have to know who my enemy is." Xiao Lin felt a little big head, and suddenly understood why the principal treated him at the first school opening ceremony, which was a rare double S in a century. The gifted is left alone. Maybe at that time the principal knew what the consequences would be if he took extra care of himself, but then the principal had to change his original intention for some reason.

After that, Yu Mei briefly told him the contradiction between the military and the principal, or more accurately, this should be the internal contradiction of the entire Dawn Academy in the past few decades.

The current principal was appointed by the former principal during the orc war. Also because of his outstanding ability in the chaotic situation at that time, the principal's influence on the whole school continued until after the war.

At first, there was nothing wrong with each other, and the entire college was working together on post-war reconstruction, but with the sudden emergence of the Adjudicator College during that period, the use of peaceful surroundings developed extremely fast. The relationship between the colleges has never always been harmonious, and there is a lot of competition secretly. The Adjudicator Academy has obviously become the biggest threat to the status of Dawn Academy.

Contradictions gradually emerged at this time, that is, the future development policy of Dawn Academy. At that time, there were great internal differences, mainly divided into two factions.

The headmaster advocates a high-pressure policy against the orcs. Although the orcs are the defeated, the headmaster believes that as long as the orcs recover, the second orc war will be a matter of time.

This suggestion was strongly opposed by the military at that time. During the Orc War, a large number of new students were forced to join the battle. The casualties were very heavy at that time. The military thought it was meaningless to continue this kind of war. On the contrary, they felt that other people including the Arbiter Academy The rapid expansion of the academy will sooner or later threaten the colony of Dawn Academy~lightnovelpub.net~ The military suggests that proper support should be given to the orcs, including the elves, to support pro-Dawn Academy regimes everywhere, and use local natives to fight against other academies. , Thereby expanding the actual jurisdiction of Dawn Academy.

In fact, in the final analysis, the suggestions of these two schools are all for the future development of Dawn Academy, but with the passage of time, the wars of the entire Norma world have ended one after another, and the differences between each other have continued to expand and gradually involve When it comes to dominance, it is almost impossible to relax.

Some people questioned the power of the principal and wanted to be dictatorial, while the principals criticized the military for too much control and a tendency to engage in a military government. Everyone is a modern person, and naturally understand that no matter which world you are in, whether it is a dictatorship or a military government, it is definitely not a fun thing. Such mutual attacks can be said to be commonplace within the Dawn Academy, and so far, the principal's faction has the upper hand.

"So you belong to the school of the principal and advocate a high-pressure policy against the orcs?" Xiao Lin said half-jokingly.

Yu Mei glared at him: "Nonsense! I only have one creed, dead beasts are good orcs!"

Xiao Lin remembered that Yu Mei’s grandfather was captured in an orc war, and his life and death are still unknown. Yu Mei’s hatred is excusable. Xiao Lin understands that he must be regarded as the principal now, even though from an objective perspective In terms of the policy concepts of the two factions, he still can't explain who is more suitable. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!