Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 376: Information in the Evening News

"But this time the matter is even more troublesome. Lilith's matter irritated the Adjudicator Academy. Originally, Assabeno's matter was enough to cause a headache for the Adjudicator Academy. Now several things are brought together on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It's almost noisy. "Bar".."

"What does the principal think about Asabeno?"

"Of course it was resolutely suppressed. This time the cooperation with the adjudicator was only successful under the principal's power." Yu Mei's face gradually didn't look good: "It's a pity that those stubborn old men made trouble!"

As for whether the military’s opposition is a good impression of Asabeno or just against the principal, it is impossible to know, but no matter what, after the incident in Wildfire Town, there is not much between the Adjudicator Academy and Dawn Academy. Trust it.

The group said as they walked, Yu Mei's face was always gloomy. After a long time, she probably noticed Xiao Lin's frowning brows. She stretched her expression a little, and said softly, "You don't need to think too much, these things are not needed. Take care of it. If you have the principal, nothing will happen to you. After this incident, the principal will probably act."

Yu Mei sneered twice, but did not disclose what they were going to do. She only asked Xiao Lin to return to the school earlier. At least the military forces could not extend to the school, where Xiao Lin was absolutely safe.

Yu Mei also asked Xiao Lin, but Xiao Lin chose to answer some of them appropriately, like the native native talent near Yinguang Lake and the half-blood orc hammerhead. ﹎__﹍8··=-

But regarding the identity of Yinguang’s descendants of Atlantis, and the creation fragment that Onesia handed over to him, he did not say that it was not that he did not trust Yu Mei, but that this part of the content was too sensitive and obviously not suitable. Speak out here.

Ibea’s affairs are not easy to conceal. Although I have doubts about the identity of this girl, and Xiao Lin has noticed that when fighting against a dark elf, the elf said "the blood of the true ancestor", but Ibea has been on the way. It helps them a lot, no matter what the blood of the true ancestor is. It did save Xiao Lin's life, so when he talked about the girl with Yu Mei, Xiao Lin naturally said something nice.

"If possible, let him live in Dawn City." Xiao Lin said tactfully.

"Huh. I don't think you have this hobby." Yu Mei rolled her eyes and continued without waiting for Xiao Lin to explain: "This is not easy to handle. As our capital, Dawn City, although there are a lot of people coming and going every day. If you want to settle there for a long time, it requires strict scrutiny. Especially after the Assabeno incident, the scrutiny is even more demanding. People with unknown origins basically don’t want to settle in Dawn City."

"Are you going to drive her away?" Xiao Lin obviously couldn't accept this result. _8﹍﹍﹏=-=

"But there is also a second plan, and that is to give her to me." Yu Mei said.

"Give it to you?" Xiao Lin obviously wanted to bend, looking up and down at Yu Mei with suspicious eyes, and then looking back at Ibeya. The girl immediately waved happily. This cute girl was definitely killed by men and women.

"What are you thinking about!" Yu Mei stared angrily: "I mean let this kid come to the Sixth Army. Originally, there are only a few people in our Army. One of them counts as one!"

"Is it appropriate?" Xiao Lin frowned.

"If she is really a member of the Rose Kingdom, you don't need to take care of this matter, leave it to me." Yu Mei is thoughtful, she obviously has plans, but is not ready to tell the whole story here.

The journey back to Dawn City was fairly smooth. Although it was traveling through the orc territory, it was all within the actual jurisdiction of Dawn Academy, plus Yu Mei had a warrant from the principal. When you arrive near the town, you can directly recruit local guards to help.

Six days later, the group finally arrived at Dawn City. The guards outside the city were also strengthened, and the patrol team moved through the streets. But this was not because of the appearance of Asabeno, but because of the headmaster's injury. The headmaster was assassinated on the outskirts of Dawn City, but it was a shocking thing to allow the murderer to penetrate into the hinterland.

Xiao Lin's return was very low-key, and Yu Mei didn't even take him back to the military headquarters. On the day she entered the city, she led Xiao Lin to board the space train in a hurry.

"The current Norma world is a place of right and wrong. It's too early to get involved with your current power. Go back and study hard!" This was the last word Yu Mei said to him, and it didn't even give Xiao Lin a chance to meet Ibea bid farewell alone and drove him back to school.

After spending half an hour in the golden sands of time, pushing the car door and looking at the blue sky of the school, Xiao Lin was stunned for a while. He didn’t think it before, but he stayed longer in the Norma World. After returning On the contrary, some are not used to it.

His return did not cause the slightest disturbance, and even the student council president was not alarmed. It has been more than half a month since he left. Except for a few acquaintances who occasionally met on the way, they would say hello to him in surprise, Xiao Lin didn't go back to the dormitory directly, but went to the rest room, grabbed a copy of the Dawn Evening News and read it.

Because he came back in a hurry, he was almost forced into the space compartment by Yu Mei before he had time to understand many things. Although the waves of the Norma World could not have any impact on the school, many things can be reflected in the evening paper. of. Sure enough, as he expected, the headline in the Evening News was that the principal was assassinated, and almost half of the page was occupied with a few shocking scarlet letters ~lightnovelpub.net~. The assassination was very simple, and it was basically what Yu Mei told him. almost.

The second page is the analysis of the assassination. The comments made throughout the article made Xiao Lin frowned. The report used very direct words to accuse the Royal Academy of the United Kingdom and the Academy of Adjudicators of the United States. Several colleges inside planned the assassination.

This is nothing in itself. From a neutral point of view, it is not too surprising that the Dawn Academy is plotting against Lilith, and the Arbiter Academy is so embarrassed to do something extraordinary.

However, after this speculation, the report very cryptically pointed out that the reason why the Royal Academy and the Adjudicator Academy dared to be so arrogant in our own colony is in the final analysis because of the policy mistakes of the Dawn Academy over the past few decades. Material resources are placed on the guard against the orcs, ignoring the threats from inside the earthlings.

Although there is no name, people who know the inside story can see it very clearly. This report is ostensibly unfair to the principal and condemning the murderer, but in fact it clearly implies that the principal's assassination was entirely on his own account!

Undoubtedly, the person who wrote this report is from the military. Xiao Lin can't help but gritted his teeth. Although he and the principal are only related to each other, some people deserve to be trusted forever even if they only see it once. Xiao Lin believes in this. The principal's.

On the contrary, the military not only used Xiao Lin as a gunman to deal with the principal, but even used him to kill Lilith, which had already aroused great disgust from Xiao Lin. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the cabbage of the end. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!