Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 377: Prepare for a test

After reading the report, Xiao Lin's mood was obviously not much better. He even had the urge to ask the principal now, but he soon sat back down again. The principal is still in the new world. Will he see him? Seeing are all unknown.

Just as Yu Mei said when he sent him back, at his current level, it is too early to get involved in the game between high-level and even academies. It is too early to say that it is awkward.

Yu Mei hurriedly sent him back, which might have been a protection for him, Xiao Lin finally sighed, calmed down a bit, and continued to read the newspaper boredly.

The Dawn Evening News has always been divided into two major sections, the new world edition and the school edition. The biggest news in the new world edition is undoubtedly the assassination of the principal. In addition to the report on the assassination, the biggest news in the school edition is another one, the Academy for Hegemony. Match.

Xiao Lin is no stranger to this. He has heard from An Fumin and Song Junlang that this competition jointly organized by all colleges can be regarded as a competition for the comprehensive strength of each school.

Calculating the time distance from this competition, there is only half a year left at most, and the Dawn Academy has naturally begun to enter the selection of candidates. The specific screening methods can be said to be different for each college, while the Shuguang College adopts a comprehensive consideration of three methods: voluntary registration + teacher nomination + actual screening.

There are 6 places for the freshman year. Although normally the squad leader’s combat effectiveness is generally higher than that of other students, half of the 12 squad leaders have to be eliminated. Moreover, the school obviously hopes that everyone has equal opportunities, so this kind of registration + actual combat Integrated approach.

Xiao Lin took a closer look at the registration date and found that the deadline was only three days later. He was shocked and secretly thanked that he came back in time. If Song Junlang and An Fumin had hesitated when they mentioned this matter before, he has basically decided now that he will definitely sign up for this competition.

Go back to the room and turn on the computer, fill in his student ID and other relevant information according to the method introduced in the newspaper, but when he clicks OK, he is prompted that he has been nominated and does not need to register again. Xiao Lin was dumb for a moment. Only then did I understand what the teacher nomination meant. He was not in school during this period of time, and the college obviously did not want him to miss the registration and reduce the comprehensive strength of the college.

In fact, all the 12 monitors were automatically nominated, and no one could refuse. This academy’s attitude is very tough, which also shows the importance of this type of competition.

After it was done, he turned on the computer and used his monitor's authority to view the comprehensive information of all the members of the class. The first one to click was Gu Xiaoyue, as he expected. Sure enough, this woman also reached the Black Iron level, and she was also nominated as a candidate for the Contest, the only one among the non-squad leaders.

Although he missed the monthly exam last month, Xiao Lin can also check the results of other people's monthly exams. Starting from the fourth monthly exam, the difficulty of the monthly exam is basically moderate. It will not be difficult or simple. , The results of the seventh class in the fourth monthly exam were also quite satisfactory, except for Gu Xiaoyue, Zhou Feng and other people who got A evaluation. Most people stay at B or C.

I went to the forum and took a look at the discussion about monthly exams. Everyone’s current topics are more focused on the upcoming competition. It can be seen that almost everyone is interested in it, except for the monitor. Anyone who wants to participate needs to sign up on their own initiative, although many people know that the probability of being selected is very small.

The competition is an honor for the school. Needless to say, the awards provided by the colleges are not cheap. Although the awards jointly provided by the various colleges have not been made public, they are definitely very rich, and the record on the personal file will be in the new world in the future. Great use. These are the reasons why everyone is so enthusiastic.

Xiao Lin checked the current course schedule again. This was the fifth month after they entered the academy. The basic courses were gradually over, and at the end of this month there will be examinations for various subjects. Credits will be calculated directly for this exam. If you fail to pass, you will not be able to get credits. If the credits are not enough, you will have to repeat the grade.

Basically, there will be repeaters in every grade, and the scale is not small, especially the freshman year, although the college has very relaxed conditions for admission. However, there are still a group of repeaters each year, and repeaters are not included in the normal class management.

They don’t need to follow the ordinary freshman’s class schedule. It can be said that they have a high degree of freedom, so Xiao Lin rarely meets them, but they are also under great pressure because they need to pay a certain fee for restudy during the repetition. If you fail to qualify for more than a certain period of time, you may be sent back to the earth, or sent directly to the earth branch ~lightnovelpub.net~ Never want to go to the new world.

What surprised Xiao Lin was that the open registration for this competition also included repeaters. Although their talents were very poor, they had a year of study time and a wealth of practical experience. In terms of degree, their 12 monitors are not absolutely selected.

"It seems that you have to pass the exams these days." Since graduating from university, the exams have become very unfamiliar to Xiao Lin, and Xiao Lin has never been an exam expert. He didn't care at all, but he thought a little bit. Now, if he has absolute confidence in tests such as comprehensive battles, but courses like Norma History, Norma Common Language, and Norma Geography obviously require written exams, which is still very difficult for Xiao Lin.

After thinking about it, Xiao Lin directly called Gu Xiaoyue. He believed that this good student's notes, who took careful notes in every class, could help him solve the problem. Unfortunately, he hung up before his communication was connected. After he didn't believe in evil, he fought again and was still hung up.

A few minutes later, Xiao Lin received a text message: I was studying in the classroom and it was not convenient to answer the phone.

Xiao Lin twitched the corner of his mouth twice. Today is the weekend, there is no class schedule. A good student like Gu Xiaoyue will naturally not waste time and will definitely go to self-study. He understands all this, but this woman can go to the classroom to take an external phone. I just don't want to answer my own phone.

Xiao Lin was speechless for a while, and quickly responded to the text message: Which self-study classroom? I will look for you.

"..." Gu Xiaoyue replied with a long series of ellipsis.

Xiao Lin continued to reply: Hurry up! Otherwise, I will go to the classroom in the study area to find you one by one!

"..." This time Gu Xiaoyue replied with two ellipsis.

A few minutes later, Gu Xiaoyue finally replied a few words: The fourth classroom in Area A. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!