Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 414: Black water

Gu Xiaoyue came here alone. She didn't care about the origin of the rain or even what happened in Hawaii, but what made her feel a little sad was because she could not accompany Gu Chengyun, and whether Gu Chengyun would be admitted to the college. And feel great worry.

Xiao Lin is also very big. He just came back with a leisure and vacation mentality when he returned to the earth this time, but now it seems that the trouble he encountered in the past two days seems to be more than that in Dawn Academy.

But when Gu Xiaoyue mentioned his sister, Xiao Lin was shocked. He finally thought about where the strange uneasiness in his subconscious came from. He rushed out without even thinking about it, and took Gu Xiaoyue's hand in hand. Little hand, without a word, ran all the way towards the Academy of Fine Arts.

Gu Xiaoyue was stunned for a while, and then she slammed her hand free. Xiao Lin laughed dryly. Taking advantage of Gu Xiaoyue's face wandering, she wisely moved the topic away, and said with a serious face: "I will find it. Yun, one thing I care about."

Then Xiao Lin took Gu Xiaoyue's hand and started running wildly. As for why he had to hold hands when running, he probably couldn't give the most reasonable reason. Fortunately, this time, after Gu Xiaoyue struggled a little at the beginning, After seeing the seriousness between Xiao Lin's eyebrows, he opened his mouth and said nothing.

After arriving at the Academy of Fine Arts, the number of students on the roadside gradually increased. All kinds of single dogs could not help casting blazing gazes at the two holding hands. After all, Gu Xiaoyue had a thinner face and quietly retracted her hands. , Xiao Lin curled his lips, with some regrets and irritation, and cast more ferocious eyes at the people around him, so everyone consciously avoided them...

Gu Chengyun just finished class, but it was not a weekend. There were more students in the painting room, mostly girls. While chatting with each other, Xiao Lin was observing outside for a while, and there were many people around Gu Chengyun. Obviously Gu Chengyun's popularity in school is quite good, compared to her sister's two extremes. Of course, such a lively, optimistic and cheerful girl is indeed worthy of others to know.

"Sister! Xiao Lin!" Gu Chengyun caught a glimpse of the two people outside the classroom and beckoned happily. Last time, he cunningly omitted the "brother" behind Xiao Lin's name, and explained plausibly if Brother Xiao Lin, sister Gu Xiaoyue, then the relationship between the two of them will make people feel suspicious. This reason left Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue speechless for a long time.

Xiao Lin took the initiative to push her wheelchair out and stopped at the corner of the corridor with few people. Xiao Lin smiled and asked, "Cheng Yun, what about your unfinished painting last time, you finished painting later. ?"

Gu Xiaoyue's lips squirmed, but she just sighed silently when she wanted to say something. Gu Chengyun tilted her head in doubt and said, "It's over, because my habit is to finish painting as long as I paint a picture, but..."

"Can you show me that painting?" Xiao Lin didn't notice Gu Chengyun's hesitation and stopped.

"I have many other paintings. You can watch it if you like, but let's forget that one."


"That painting is a bit strange, I put it away after I finish painting it." Gu Chengyun was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Lin patiently persuaded. Gu Chengyun was a very talkative girl, and he believed that Xiao Lin was her brother-in-law. After some persuasion, Gu Chengyun reluctantly agreed. After taking the painting, Xiao Lin hurriedly opened it in the corridor.

Gu Chengyun drew a picture of the Hawaiian landscape. Most of the scroll was the same as last time. However, Xiao Lin noticed that at the very edge of the painting, that is, the blank area last time is now filled with paint. A piece of jet black.

Gu Xiaoyue also leaned her head and watched carefully. She also noticed that this pitch black was really incompatible with the turquoise waters around. And it has seriously affected the beauty of the entire painting, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it. Naturally, it is impossible for Gu Chengyun not to know, but since he knew it, he still insisted on painting, which makes people feel very strange. It is no wonder that Gu Chengyun refused to take out the painting before.

"I draw pictures by imagination, sister, you know, many times I can't decide what to paint."

"What is this black area?"


"Sea water? Black sea water!" Gu Xiaoyue looked suspicious.

Xiao Lin is still observing this painting. This area is indeed painted with black paint, but if you look closely, you will find that it is not completely jet black. A slightly lighter layer can be vaguely distinguished in the black paint. The layers are gray and black, and the two colors are alternated together. If it is not a professional painter, it may be difficult to distinguish.

Xiao Lin pointed to this area and asked, "What's this here?"

Gu Chengyun closed her eyes and tried to think about the memory, but soon there was a trace of pain between her eyebrows~lightnovelpub.net~ and whispered: "I don't know, I just remember it is terrible. There seems to be something terrible hidden in the black water. But I really don’t remember what it is, and I don’t understand why I imagined that kind of picture, so I didn’t even dare to continue writing before Xiao Lin came."

"Okay, okay, it's okay!" Gu Xiaoyue took her sister's shoulders affectionately, then comforted and blamed: "That's just a nightmare, it's okay, next time if you think of a painting that you don't want to draw, just go ahead Forget it, do you understand!"

Gu Xiaoyue glared at Xiao Lin again. Xiao Lin couldn't ask any more. Gu Chengyun's mood fluctuated a little bit. Gu Xiaoyue didn't worry about staying here, and hurried Xiao Lin back to the hotel, but before leaving. Former Xiao Lin still asked for this painting back.

Wang Yuelan said that Gu Chengyun was named by the Minister of Admissions to be inspected. Those who can be inspected must be different people. Just like Mao Tianying said to him, most talented students will be visited by the Admissions Department unannounced when they enroll, or even say Talented students are the core task of each enrollment.

If Gu Chengyun is also a gifted person, should her gift be the ability to predict?

Xiao Lin remembered that when he met Gu Xiaoyue for the first time, the girl also gave himself a painting, a painting of a rainstorm in New York. When he went to the United States a few days later, he saw a scene that looked familiar. Of course at that time he just regarded this as a coincidence and didn't care too much, but today's incident reminded him that if one time is a coincidence, two or three times can't be explained by accident.

Gu Xiaoyue may have realized it, or realized it but deliberately concealed it. After learning this from nowhere, the Admissions Minister sent his assistant Wang Yuelan to investigate. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!