Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 415: Legend of Poseidon

In the hotel, Xiao Lin spread out Gu Chengyun's painting and continued to study it, but this painting alone was still difficult to tell what was hidden in the dark water.


Suddenly there was a leisurely sigh behind him, and Xiao Lin was suddenly startled. An excited spirit quickly turned his head back to make a defensive gesture, only to see the silver light that had not been seen for many days floating in the air. Xiao Lin was shocked and reacted subconsciously. Actually, he first looked back to see if the door was locked. If someone broke in and saw it, he might have to make the headlines tomorrow.

Yin Guang had never come out during the time he followed him back to the earth. Xiao Lin couldn't tell her. After all, the two of them were only a cooperative relationship at most. Yin Guang wanted to come out purely based on her own thoughts.

"So I told you last time, don't come out so suddenly, it will scare people to death!" Xiao Lin mumbled angrily.

The fluttering silver light in white ignored his complaints, walked directly to the table, held up the painting, and stared quietly with a pair of beautiful silver eyes, with extremely complicated expressions in his eyes.

Xiao Lin asked curiously: "Do you know Hawaii?"

"Xia, Wei, Yi?"

This time Xiao Lin was shocked, because these three characters Yinguang were actually spoken in Chinese. Previously, the conversation between the two of them was conducted in Ancient Norma, even if Xiao Lin's Ancient Norma is still Not bad, many esoteric problems are still difficult to deal with.

"Language learning is not so difficult for me." Yinguang glanced at him and said lightly: "I have been listening to you and others for these two days. It is easy to understand the vocabulary to store. is it hard?"

Listening to her fluent Chinese, Xiao Lin was speechless, but it was much easier to communicate in this way.

Of course Yinguang didn’t know what Hawaii was, but she pointed to the fuzzy gray area in the black water and said with a solemn expression: “If I’m not mistaken, this is a trace of the guardian, but only with this picture I can Not sure."


Yin Guang took a deep breath and looked away from the painting. He squinted his eyes and murmured like memories: "I don't know how many things about Atlantis still remain in this world. How much do you know about the origin of Atlantis?"

Xiao Lin shook his head.

Yinguang continued to ask and answer: "I have read records from the classics. It was the sea **** Poseidon who created the kingdom of Atlantis. There were many temples of Poseidon in the continent at that time, and Atlantis Si’s strength also stems from the power of the Seagod to some extent, but the subsequent destruction also..."

Having said that, she shook her head and didn't want to continue, Xiao Lin actually checked a lot of Atlantis' knowledge. But the most still circulated on the earth are only legends.

Xiao Lin half-joked: "I heard that on a small island, there was a girl whose parents died. Poseidon married this girl and gave birth to five pairs of twins. So Poseidon divided the island into ten. Each district was given to ten sons to rule, and the eldest son was the supreme ruler. Because this eldest son is called Atlas, the country is called the Kingdom of Atlantis. Is that true?"

"Yes, not right." Yin Guang didn't respond too much to Xiao Lin's ridicule, and said in deep thought, "In short, all you need to know is. Atlantis and Poseidon are closely related, as Poseidon, the sea god. Dun himself never appeared, but there were guards belonging to Poseidon in the ocean at that time, and we called them the guardians of God."

Putting her fingers on the gray area, she said, "I'm not very sure. If this painting is real, I would like to see it."

"Can you hear and see things outside in the ring space?"


"You're a peeping." Xiao Lin twitched, but if that was the case, Yin Guang must have understood Gu Chengyun's situation somewhat. That's why I want to talk about going to the place in the painting.

"Rest assured, I will automatically block contact with the outside world when it is inconvenient for you."

"Hey, hey, when it's inconvenient for me, can it be said that you are really peeping at me every day!"

Yin Guang's expressionless face: "I think it's better for you to take me to this place in the painting as soon as possible. If I don't rush over in time, I can't guarantee whether this world will repeat the tragedy of my hometown!"

Xiao Lin, who was still ridiculing, immediately calmed down, widened his eyes, and said inconceivably: "Wait? You said repeating the same mistakes? The tragedy of Atlantis? You said our earth will be submerged!"

Yin Guang’s cold voice sounded a little scary at the moment: "Do you think Poseidon’s name is really just a joke? He is in charge of all oceans and storms in the world, and Poseidon is extremely aggressive and extremely powerful. He’s ambition is that it’s already exceptionally kind to rain this heavy rain. But if you let it go and wait for his power to fully recover, I can’t stop him from doing anything next."

"There really is Poseidon? Isn't that a myth?" Xiao Lin was suspicious, but Yin Guang's expression didn't seem to be lying, and the woman who had already sunk in her hometown had no need to lie about it. , Anyway, the earth should be her hometown.

"In the world of Norma, I am just a legend. The so-called myth has evolved and passed on from reality. I don't know how many myths and legends there are in your world, but I can tell you frankly, Sea God Wave Seton, there is such a person in history!"

"You mean Poseidon created Atlantis and destroyed Atlantis. Then, where did Poseidon go? I don’t know the history of ancient times, but the ancient times I know In modern history, there is no such a person." Xiao Lin's history class in college was not bad, regardless of Chinese history or world history, there is absolutely no Poseidon.

Yinguang shook his head and said, "Later I went to Norma World~lightnovelpub.net~ but before I left, I knew a few people were going to seal Poseidon. Although I don’t know the result, since your world is still intact, then Probably it was a success."

Xiao Lin paced back and forth, speculating: "That is to say, for some reason, the seal left at the time has been unlocked again, and the current heavy rain has occurred. Poseidon actually wanted to silence the world in the sea. Then he will rule it all?"

Yinguang pursed his lips: "I'm just guessing, so I have to go to the scene to see what happened!"

"I'll go back to school and report this to the high-level staff. No matter what, this matter should be easier to handle if they are asked to come forward." Xiao Lin thought to himself.

"It's too late." (To be continued.)


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