Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 472: Departure for monthly exam


Choosing Lu Renyi was not because Xiao Lin’s brain was hot for a while or who was pleasing to the eye. In the previous comprehensive monthly examinations, Lu Renyi’s evaluations were all b or a, which is not very prominent. But it is also at the forefront, and in terms of attribute growth, this guy is also quite impressive.

Most importantly, Lu Renyi is currently the only person in the seventh squad who chooses shooting skills. The long-range attack position allows him to have a broader field of vision and investigative capabilities. From the overall point of view, the alternate leader can also make him better. Good to make judgments.

In terms of combat effectiveness, he can't guarantee other people, but Gu Xiaoyue still has enough confidence, especially this woman majors in auxiliary spells, which will actually help the team even more, but he arranged for Lu Renyi to have another intention I also thought that Gu Xiaoyue would enter the elite club sooner or later in the future, and Lu Renyi would probably take over the command position.

Ordinary student Yuekao Xiao Lin also asked a little bit. On the next day, he went to Lu Renjia to fetch equipment and weapons. After he was ready to go, he joined others at the entrance of the dormitory building. According to the previous instructions, they would be on the space platform. Go to the New World with Yu Mei first.

"The entrance to the new world and the entrance to the earth are both in the space square, and Dawn Academy is a transit point between the two."

"What about the exit?"

"Our main city, Dawn City."

"Is Dawn City very prosperous?"

"Of course, that's the equivalent of our capital."

"Are there many beauties?"

"Uh, quite a lot, there are many aliens there."


Unconsciously, there were more and more people talking and communicating with Xiao Lin. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, everyone knew that this trip to the New World would undoubtedly be a great help for Xiao Lin, who has past experience.

Only corps commander Yu Mei was accompanied. Although the president of the student council saw him off in the square, he, who was in charge of many affairs of the school, could not leave casually, but his words also expressed concern for Xiao Lin and others. Repeatedly explain that they must first ensure their safety.

The space train roared out, and thirteen people were seated in the carriage covered with golden time-space sand. It still seemed a bit crowded, because the identity of Yu Mei's army commander was placed here, and the others were sitting in jeopardy. Even Chen, who was more active on weekdays, hadn't spoken until now.

Xiao Lin had no choice but to speak up on his own initiative: "What is the specific mission this time, can't you disclose it yet?"

His words are also the confusion in the hearts of all the other squad leaders. Seeing Xiao Lin say it, I can’t help but look at him a few times. I can’t help wondering how much face this Xiao Lin really has. It seems that even the army commander can talk freely like friends. .

But soon everyone turned their eyes to the information bag in Mei's hands. She has been holding the information bag since just now, and there are a few big characters written on it: Yuekao (Top Secret).

"Want to see?" Yu Mei shook her information bag with a smile.

"I don't want to." Xiao Lin twitched blankly: "Anyway, we all need to know sooner or later."

"You're really boring." Yu Mei curled her lips, opened the bag directly, took out a few sheets of paper from the inside and handed them to the place next to her. The nearest famous fame quickly picked them up and distributed them to others one by one.

After getting this document containing the mission of the elite club members, everyone looked seriously with the light brought by the sand in the compartment.

However, Yu Mei said at the right time: "I will summarize it briefly. In fact, the task is very simple, just let you go to the Duchy of Rose to **** a few people back safely."

Xiao Lin looked up a little speechlessly. He had already browsed through ten lines, and added: "Simply speaking, it says that the **** is a member of the royal family of the Duchy of Rose. Don't forget that there is a rebellion, which means that our mission is destined to be with the rebels. Opposition, we only have twelve people, how many people are there in the opposing rebels, one hundred thousand? Or one million?"

"If you make a good plan, it's not impossible."

"You think too simple, how easy is it to **** people in a chaotic army."

"According to the data, the capital city is already surrounded. How do we get in is a problem."

"It's easy to get in. It was said in the history class that our identities were destined to be intercepted casually. The problem is that it is troublesome to come out."

"What language do the people of Principality Qiangwei speak?"


With the beginning of Xiao Lin. More people have raised their own questions, but the implication is unanimous. This thin piece of information is too simple. Apart from a few words about the mission, it doesn't even have a secondary map. Everyone even looked at the information bag in Yu Mei's hand eagerly, thinking that there must be something in it.

Yu Mei turned the information bag upside down and shook, and hummed, "What? You still expect this to be the previous monthly exam. Can you provide you with all the materials, equipment and weapons? Don't dream big, you know what an elite is? It means that in the future, each of you will have to be on your own! Collect the information yourself! Logistics, you must supplement it yourself! Weapon and equipment, you must prepare yourself! These are the three main principles of this monthly exam!"

Half of the people were disappointed, but this was somewhat expected. Xiao Lin pondered for a moment, then raised his head again, and said weirdly: "In other words, after arriving in the new world, all our actions are completely arranged independently?"

Yu Mei stunned ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said: "We will send someone to send you to the territory of the Duchy of Rose, but you will choose everything in the whole process. This task is very broad, as long as the time limit is given. Within 10 days, you can complete the task. As for how to complete the task, it is up to you to choose."

"Ten days? Isn't that going to be absent from class?"

"The purpose of all your courses is to have a place in the new world in the future. If you can successfully complete the task, I believe you will gain more than the ten-day course."

Xiao Lin's expression was a little weird. Obviously this was not what he wanted to ask, so he had to interject: "That is, no matter what we do in the new world, or whoever we contact, we are allowed to take the exam?"

Yu Mei was stunned for a long time, and finally reacted, and said with no good air: "I still miss your loli, whatever you want, I said, everything you do is within the allowed range!"

Xiao Lin stretched his breath. After knowing that this mission was to go to the Rose Kingdom, he naturally thought of the little vampire Ibea. He remembered that Ibea even quietly told himself that she was the princess of the Rose Kingdom, even though she was. An illegitimate daughter, but I believe she knows the situation in the capital better than anyone else.

If you want to grasp first-hand information, Ibeya is undoubtedly the best channel. (To be continued.) Ps: Book friends, I am the end of the cabbage, I recommend a free novel App that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!