Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 51: Basic swordsmanship

After reading Wu Qin’s post, people who are curious or watching jokes all became silent. If it weren’t for the real-name system implemented in the forum, they would even suspect that Wu Qin was actually Xiao Lin’s vest and sent it deliberately. This kind of post is ostentatious.

Just now, a person who claimed to be in the same class as Xiao Lin posted a short post saying that Xiao Lin did not increase any experience points in the meditation class. This was confirmed by many other people in the class at that time, and there is no possibility of falsehood.

"Fake it! Jump from basic meditation LV0 to LV1 in a few minutes? Even if you are a sophomore elder sister, you can't use our freshmen like this!"

"I'm in Xiao Lin's class, I dare to take my credits as a guarantee, that guy's meditation level is definitely LV0!"

"It's not that I don't believe in geniuses, but I heard that even Gu Xiaoyue, who broke the college record in intelligence, took a class to upgrade to LV1!"

"Gu Xiaoyue relied on her perverted intelligence value! Xiao Lin's initial attribute value did not exceed 10. How did he rise to LV1!"

"Senior sister is not kind!"

"Senior Sister is Xiao Lin's trust!"

"Hey, Xiao Lin is pretty good. I've been sophomore senior in just a few days!"

"Eat soft rice."

People who responded to Wu Qin's post expressed suspicion and disbelief, and the topic soon gradually shifted to speculation about the relationship between Wu Qin and Xiao Lin.

Sitting alone in the dormitory, Wu Qin kept refreshing her posts. The more we looked at the expression on her face, the stranger she became. She didn't care about the replies that teased her, but almost all the people who responded clearly told her that Xiao Lin was indeed true It's just basic meditation LV0, and it's the kind that doesn't even have any experience points.

Raise the basic meditation LV0 to LV1 in a few minutes? What a joke!

Wu Qin rubbed her short hair vigorously, with a dazed look that the worldview was completely overturned. She gritted her teeth and finally decided to post the post to the sophomore forum. She was just a very bad student in the sophomore year. She believed those The top students who are dozens of times stronger than themselves must have a way to answer this puzzle.


New week begins.

Because of the reward and punishment system for attendance, no one dares to be late. The courses are still the same as last week, with mandatory courses in the morning and optional courses in the afternoon.

The history class continues to explain the development history of Norma. It’s quite interesting to listen to it as a novel. Of course, with the experience of last week, everyone now takes the initiative to bring a notebook, although textbooks are actually available. But the price of 200 exchange points is enough to stop most people.

In the afternoon for the swordsmanship class, the female instructor Cheng Na continued to be late because of a nap, but when everyone thought that the female tyrannosaurus would not appear, she suddenly arrived at the scene at three o'clock. When she found that the people in the training hall did not follow suit. When her request was to use a real sword instead of a training wooden sword, Cheng Na went crazy on the spot.

"A bunch of idiots! Do you think this tattered thing is useful for training? Those who have achieved LV3 basic swordsmanship come forward!"

The crowd looked around, and only fame came forward, and only he reached this level.

Cheng Na asked, "Do you think it is easy to continue to upgrade?"

"It's difficult." Fame shook his head distressedly: "Nowadays, you often have to swing your sword seven or eight times, or even more than a dozen times, to increase a little experience point, and sometimes you may not add experience point at all. Up to LV4."

Cheng Na let out a cold snort, and turned the void with her right hand. The space was suddenly torn apart. A stainless steel sword appeared in her hand and picked the tip of the sword towards fame: "Come and try!"

"Come back!" Fame was frustrated. Last week, he was beaten by this woman to lose confidence, but he was an honest person, no matter how unwilling in his heart, he still bite the bullet and confronted Cheng Na.

Sword, swing, chop.

The movement of fame was accomplished in one go, just like what he has been practicing these days, Cheng Na's expression is very serious, not as casual as last time, the steel sword is lifted against her body, throwing a very beautiful arc, and she is famous. Being blocked, the whole person stepped back several steps, and finally fell to the floor, but this time the sword in his hand did not get rid of.

"I have made progress. I have played about 90% of your strength value." Cheng Na said blankly, but these words from this female tyrannosaurus would be enough to excite fame for a long time.

"Look at how much your experience points have increased?"

"Uh, it actually increased by 1 point!"

His fame was stunned. He is now training, and it takes several times the time to gain 1 point of experience. But just now he only fought Cheng Na with a sword, and he actually gained 1 point of experience!

Cheng Na no longer cared about the surprise fame, turned to other people and shouted: "You idiots understand now! I said, there is no better training method than actual combat! Also, your ugly sword swings. I really can’t stand it. I’ll teach you the skills of swords systematically today! Remember, what you hold in your hands is a sword, not a knife, let alone a wooden stick!"

Xiao Lin was a little surprised that Cheng Na was going to give a lecture, but she soon figured it out. If she didn't teach something genuine, wouldn't the so-called teacher be useless.

"Is the instructor going to teach us sword skills?" someone asked excitedly.

Cheng Na mocked and said: "Dream! The minimum learning requirement for swordsmanship is basic swordsmanship~lightnovelpub.net~ In addition to fame...and Xiao Lin, others are not qualified! Today I teach only a few swordsmanship. As your swordsmanship level increases, these swordsmanship will help you increase your experience faster!"

Everyone knows that they have reached the LV3 swordsmanship level, but Cheng Na added Xiao Lin by name. Everyone was secretly surprised.

Only Xiao Lin knew what was going on. This female instructor knew that she had the heavy blow slash skill. Although it was a skill of little practical significance, the size was considered a sword skill.

"Today I will only teach you eight basic swordsmanships, namely, piercing sword, splitting sword, throwing sword, hanging sword, cloud sword, point sword, collapse sword, and cutting sword. , Will be various combinations and arrangements of these basic swordsmanship."

Cheng Na held the steel sword and walked back and forth, suddenly pointing at a man not far away, and shouted: "Over there! What are you doing with paper and pen? Want to take notes? Do you think this is a history and geography class? ! Use your mind and body to remember the essentials of the action!"

Cheng Na stopped talking nonsense, turned her sword, took a breath, lifted the flat sword and pierced forward, the sword and the arm formed a perfect straight line, and then she suddenly stood up the sword again, cutting it from top to bottom.

Cheng Na deliberately slowed down her movements so that everyone could distinguish the details of each movement. During the second pass, she gradually accelerated her speed until the fifth pass. Her movements were fast enough to make people dazzling, but fluent. The sword dance moves left a deep impression on everyone.

This is the sword technique, and what they usually practice is really like playing a house.

"One more time, everyone must practice with real swords, and then let me find out that you will not have the good luck today! Get out of this training hall for me!") Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!