Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 57: Sunset Canyon

Qin Chuan emphasized the wasting of life, making everyone look serious. One death in the exam will deduct 10 years of life. Many people actually have a lot of confusion in their hearts, even if the Dawn Academy really has life deprivation If the college is aimed at colonizing the alien world, and they should be colonists or soldiers marching into the alien world, why do you waste everyone’s lives in this simulation test for no reason?

However, no one expressed these questions, and it was for this reason. After all, everyone was nervous about the novelty, anticipation, or indifferent attitude towards the upcoming monthly exam.

Xiao Lin buried his head and looked at the data book in his hand. The first data was a large color map. The map was named Sunset Canyon, a topographic map of 1 to 5000 scale. There were a series of markers with various symbols beside the map. As you can guess, some are strange.

Looking over the topographic map, the second piece of information is a text introduction, and the content is the map background of this month's exam. It is quite interesting. Xiao Lin looked at it seriously.

The sunset canyon is hot all year round, the climate is dry, and it is inaccessible. There are a few heat-resistant desert monsters infested. About one third of the canyon is under the jurisdiction of the Thunder Kingdom. The kingdom has two light infantry brigades and one stationed in its border area Wolf Cavalry Squadron.

In the 45th year of the new century calendar, in order to capture the Thunder Kingdom in the Norma world, the U.S. Arbiter Academy sent an elite team to conduct infiltration investigations from the Sunset Canyon to the kingdom’s border troops, and successfully obtained intelligence such as deployment, but was accidentally detected. The kingdom dispatched a light infantry brigade and a wolf cavalry squadron to chase and intercept the ruling squad. A week later, the ruling academy squad not only got rid of the pursuit, but also caused severe damage to the enemy and successfully brought back the intelligence.

The above is a background introduction about Sunset Canyon.

The so-called New Century Calendar is a brand new year set by all schools aiming to colonize the Norma world to distinguish the age of Norma and the earth.

The new century calendar starts with the year when the first pioneers first opened the door to the world of Norma, and it is now the 210th year of the new century calendar.

The battle described in the information took place in the 45th year of the new century calendar, which was more than 100 years ago.

Then there is the last piece of information, which is also the task faced by the freshmen in this monthly exam. In this task, the freshmen will play the role of the American Adjudicator Academy.

Combat goal: Get rid of the pursuit of the Thunder Kingdom army within a week and arrive in a safe area. Those who complete the mission can get 10 credits and 100 exchange points.

Optional tasks: 1. Infiltrate the border barracks of the Thunder Kingdom and draw a map of the army stationed area. If the accuracy of the map exceeds 70%, it is considered a success. You can get 10 credits, 200 exchange points, 2. Kill the wolf cavalry Captain, reward 15 credits and 300 exchange points.

These are all the content of this monthly exam. The amount of information contained in the materials is a bit large. There is silence in the classroom. Everyone may pursed their lips or concentrate, quietly digesting the materials.

Sure enough, it is completely different from the entrance test!

Xiao Lin somewhat understood why Qin Chuan would come out to convene everyone in person, as did the other classes, where the instructor was giving the freshmen a detailed explanation of the monthly exam.

"Thunder Kingdom, if I remember correctly, this country seems to belong to the planet Norma, right." Xiao Lin thought for a while and tilted his head towards Gu Xiaoyue.

Gu Xiaoyue pushed the frame of her glasses and whispered softly: "The Thunder Kingdom, a very small country southeast of the main continent of Norma World. In the 48th year of the new century calendar, the capital was attacked by the American Academy. The entire kingdom fell and the United States passed by. After nearly a hundred years of operation, the former kingdom territory is now the main colony of the American Arbiter Academy in the New World."

After a pause, Gu Xiaoyue added another sentence in a crisp tone: "I said in history class."

Xiao Lin coughed a few times. Professor Dai briefly introduced this country in the third week of Norma World Human Liberal Studies. However, Xiao Lin obviously did not attend the class seriously, and the day before that class, he happened to be eating Minister Song’s The turkey, vomiting and diarrhea, was weak and drowsy throughout the class.

Xiao Lin turned the subject off and said with emotion: "The new century calendar invaded the Thunder Kingdom for 45 years, and captured the capital in 48 years. It only took three years to complete the process of conquering a country. The American academy is very powerful."

This knowledge has been explained in Professor Dai's history class, but for the freshmen temporarily living in the college, the concept of the new century calendar is still very vague.

Gu Xiaoyue turned her head again and looked at Xiao Lin with bright eyes: "The Thunder Kingdom had a population of about 1 million before it was destroyed by the United States. The country's area is almost the size of a small and medium-sized city in our country, and its strength is very weak. These are also mentioned in the geography class."

Xiao Lin touched the tip of his nose with a little embarrassment. He admitted that even if he had the talent for learning hegemony, he could hardly compare with someone like Gu Xiaoyue in the liberal arts such as history and geography that required pure rote memorization.

"This time is going to the new world for actual combat?" Xiao Lin raised his doubts, and at the same time turned his attention to the counselor Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was a little unhappy, but as the acting monitor, the other party had the right to ask his own questions, and the answer was also the accusation of his counselor, which suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. Qin Chuan explained: "Now is the new century. It has been 210 years since the Thunder Kingdom has been destroyed by the Judge Academy for more than a hundred years. Of course, it is impossible for the monthly test to actually put you in the Norma world, and you are not qualified to enter the new world now!"

Many people were disappointed.

Qin Chuan explained: "The so-called monthly test is to create a completely realistic simulation space for reconnaissance, combat and other tasks under various environments and various conditions, and then drop you into this nearly real local war. To adapt to the battle in the new world. The monthly exam~lightnovelpub.net~ is not so much an exam, I prefer to call it an exercise! This is a preparatory exercise for you to enter the Norma world and conduct a colonial war in the future!"

These remarks shocked the whole class. In comparison, the entrance test was really just a little trouble.

As the acting squad leader, Xiao Lin continued to ask: "In other words, this monthly exam, cough cough, is a simulated exercise. We acted as the arbiter academy and did what they did in the past?"

"Yes! Of course, you can also do better than they did in the past! For example, when collecting intelligence, the only mistake in the academy's operation was being detected by the scouts of the border army. The pursuit." Qin Chuan affirmed.

"But we are just new students. Can we compare with the elite students in the United States?" Someone questioned.

Qin Chuan snorted: "When the earliest colonists invaded the Norma world, not only were they very few in number, but they were generally weaker. Although this squad of the Arbiter Academy was known as elite, its strength was only in black iron and bronze. In between, of course this strength was already outstanding at the time."

"Is it difficult to face the entire army? There are only a few people in our class! By the way, is it our entire freshman year to take the exam?" someone asked.

Qin Chuan sarcastically: "You want to be beautiful. This is a monthly exam for each class, so you can clearly see the combat goals in the materials! It is not for you to go to war! If you learn enough in history in the future, you will know This is a well-known reconnaissance operation in colonial history. The American Academy also relied on this reconnaissance back then, drove straight to the elite main force of the Thunder Kingdom. Up to now, many colonial academies in the world are still simulating this battle many times and conducting great First or second year exams.") Book friends hurry up and pay attention!