Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1003: Kun Xiao's hole card

Realizing that the middle-aged brawny man listened to Lu Chen's words, he was already suspicious. After being alert to himself, Kun Xiao looked even uglier. However, at this moment, he was suffering and he was very stubborn.

He knew that at this time, he already had a mouth that was difficult to distinguish and could not explain it, because the more he explained, the more he would make the middle-aged strong man who doubted himself, and he was more wary of himself.

The most important point is that although Lu Chen was talking nonsense with a nonsense mentality, it was not only good luck, but it was still hit by mistake. It was really said.

He did as Lu Chen said at first, but he didn't expect that before the action started, he was hit and missed by Lu Chen. In the initial shock, he showed a trace of flaws, and the final result became more and more chaotic. More and more unfavorable to yourself.

Kun Xiao automatically chose to be silent, not explaining, and Lu Chen's eyes shone slightly when he saw it, and he was even more excited. He knew that his guess was wrong by mistake. Although he was excited and excited, the surface was still the deep Unpredictable, long-term insight into all the wisdom looks.

Lu Chen didn't waste time, swallowed, and organized the language in his heart, he continued to say: "Choose silence, huh ~ is it guilty? Or knowing that something is exposed, even if it is explained, it is useless, so is it the default? ?

Ok? ! Still silent, don't admit what I said? It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, then I'll tell you for you.

In your original plan, you should have the certainty of beheading me alone, and that so-called certainty is the hidden card that you have hidden from you until now.

Your secret hidden cards give you the certainty of beating me alone, but maybe you are not very sure. For foolproofness, you choose to find a helper.

Or, you are very confident in your hole cards, confident enough to not only be sure to kill me, but also take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of two rivals!

No matter what, you know, what is your biggest flaw? "

Not waiting for the salamander to answer, Lu Chen asked himself and answered slowly, "Your biggest flaw is the helper you are looking for. It stands to reason to deal with me as a human warrior who is not even the realm of Venerable Realm. You are not sure that you will leave me alone. This is understandable. After all, at today's daytime banquet, the strength I showed has surpassed some half-step demon saints.

However, according to the thinking of normal people, at this time, looking for helpers, one person is enough, but you are just looking for two helpers, you should not know that every time there is one more person, you will get a share of the benefits.

According to the maximization of benefits, the two are enough. Perhaps you will explain that the extra one is to cope with the change, for example: I will not come alone ... This explanation can also be understood.

One thing, you ca n’t explain it. The two of you who were invited by you have superficial combat power above you. Have n’t you thought about it from start to finish? You ca n’t control the situation with your strength. , Your strength is weaker than the other two, what do you control the situation?

Imagine that you have succeeded, kill me, facing the temptations of Heavenly Sacred Fruit, Broken Cloud Sword and Arcane Origin Crystal, with your strength, you cannot deter the other two, and you will not be able to control the situation. Being marginalized, you end up with a bamboo basket to draw an empty ending. Have you never worried about this situation?

With your wisdom and caution, you should have considered this from the beginning, and as a result, you still did.

Well, there is only one reason. You hide the hole card. That hole card gives you the confidence to fear the other two. Even when necessary, even they will kill without hesitation. In that case, you can monopolize the treasure and Can block the news, at the same time, eliminate two rivals in advance ... "

Speaking of which, Lu Chen found that his thoughts were getting clearer and clearer. He felt that he really made a misunderstanding of Kun Xiao's plot.

Kun Xiao refuted loudly, but he refused to admit, "A lot of nonsense, what you said is just your guess. You know you can't beat us in a short time, so you choose to provoke ..."

The middle-aged strong man with a sullen face, said nothing, but just looked at Kun Xiao's gaze, and gradually became unkind.

Among the ruins, the old man who was hit hard was also shocked by the news that Lu Chen said. For a moment, he forgot the pain and the struggle, and his cold eyes fell on Kun Xiao from time to time.

Lu Chen chuckled and said slowly: "Don't you admit it? Well, then I will continue to speak, until you are speechless and admit it."

"A bluff, you are deliberately provoking, you are procrastinating time. Just now the war, you must consume a lot, and now you have no power to fight, everyone don't believe him, shoot together, kill him!" Kun Xiao was emotional, low Shouted, he was really scared, afraid of Lu Chen to continue to speak, that would be extremely unfavorable to him.

"Are you afraid? Or guilty?"

Lu Chen said lightly, as if hammering **** Sao Xiao's heart like a heavy hammer, making the latter speechless and blushing!

Glancing at the dumb Saoxiao lightly, Lu Chen continued: "Since you are guilty and dumb, then let me continue with what I just said, um ~ where did you just say? , Eradicate two rivals.

If I guessed right, you chose them to be your helpers, precisely because their strength is above you, your rival in tomorrow's competition, the second rock in front of you, you want to kill At the forefront of the competition, you have to play against them. However, under normal circumstances, you are not their opponent.

This competition is different from the past, and it is related to the qualification to enter the Palace of the Thousand Kings. No one should be aware of this.

There is a heritage of kings in the Qianwang Palace. For you and me, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the biggest chance so far. In order to enter the Qianwang Palace and to go further in the rankings, even the same brothers and sisters will be enemies.

And the two of you, although they are the strong demon clan with Kun Xiao, but before that, there should not be much friendship. "

While speaking, Lu Chen has been distracted by the changes in the look of the middle-aged strong man and the old man. When he finished his last sentence, the face of the middle-aged strong man and the old man changed significantly.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, you two didn't have a deep friendship with Kun Xiao, and it's not an exaggeration to even describe it in a general way.

Before you two, you may have doubted that this matter is significant, and it is related to Heavenly Holy Fruit, Profound Truth Origin Crystal and Broken Cloud Sword. It is a rare opportunity for anyone and demon.

Kun Xiao and you are just a general acquaintance. Why did he choose to cooperate with you?

Why would he take the initiative to contact you and let you share his interests with him?

Transpositional thinking, if you are salamanders, when you encounter such good things, one person is not sure to leave me, you need to cooperate with others, and the person you are looking for is an acquaintance? Or is it an ordinary person who has a lot of friendship and is above you? "

After a little in-depth reminding by Lu Chen, the middle-aged strong man and the old man's complexion gradually became gloomy. Their gaze towards Kun Xiao was even more unkind and vigilant. At this moment, although they did not speak, their hearts had already recognized Lu Chen's words.

Sao Xiao's head drooped, and his hair blocked his face, making it impossible for others to see his expression clearly.

"The last point, this matter is about you ...

Lu Chen looked at the old man and said lightly.

"what's up?"

The old man was injured by Lu Chen and his life was dying. He should not have given Lu Chen any face, but at this moment the situation turned sharp and he wanted to hear Lu Chen's next words.

"This matter should start from the fact that you were hit hard by me. You may not know. Before I shot you, the original goal was not you, but Sao Xiao, but Sao Xiao was very cautious and showed a little killing intention in me. At that time, he was alert. In desperation, I had to choose my goal again ...

The final result, you also know, you are my next goal, but you are not very confused, Kun Xiao noticed my intention in advance, but did not speak to remind you, at that time, I suddenly realized, figured out everything.

Not only me, but you are also the targets that Kun Xiao is preparing to eradicate tonight. "

After finishing, Lu Chen looked at the salamander with his head drooping, and said, "I said something wrong?"

The old man who was seriously injured but also stared at Kunxiao without blinking, he now has a sense of suffocation calculated by others, hatred for Kunxiao, and even overshadowed Lu Chen.

The same is true of the middle-aged strong man. He opened his eyes and glared at the salamander. If Lu Chen stared at him, with his fiery temper, after learning that someone had calculated himself, he would definitely explode in place, and he could not bear it now. Shooting is already an extremely rare thing.

"The matter is here, and I have nothing to hide. You are right. All this is my conspiracy. My purpose is not only you, but you!"

Sao Xiao knew that he was powerless to refute, his low head slowly raised, and his eyes suddenly became fierce, as if the knife had swept over Lu Chen, the old man, and the middle-aged strong man.

Lu Chen heard the words, and slowly smirked at the corner of his mouth. It was beyond his expectation that the matter had reached this point.

Compared with Lu Chen's complacency, the middle-aged strong man and the old man were abnormally angry, staring coldly at Sao Xiao. At this moment, their hatred for Sao Xiao obviously overshadowed Lu Chen.

The feeling of being used and calculated by people is not good, not to mention, Kun Xiao not only uses them, but also prepares to kill them at the end, all of the above, no matter which one, makes the middle-aged strong man and the old man. Sao Xiao hated it to the extreme, and looked at the latter angrily.

However, after tearing off the disguise, the salamander at this time seems to be a different person,

Facing the glaring eyes of the middle-aged strong man and the old man, instead of having the slightest sign of retreat, he returned with a contemptuous sneer.

The middle-aged strong man is a hot-tempered man who was angry because he was being used by the salamander. If Lu Chen beside him was afraid, he would have already picked up the salamander. However, he struggled to suppress the anger and saw the salamander Xiao's contemptuous sneer finally broke out,

"Kun Xiao, you dare to count Lao Tzu, you are really bored."

The middle-aged strong man roared out, because of his anger, at this moment, he really used his full strength, his fingers clenched suddenly, and the sound of the air being squeezed and exploded in the palm of his hand, the surging Yuan force wrapped the fist, one punch It exploded, and suddenly the violent force screamed out, screaming at the salamander with an extremely domineering posture.

This punch, the middle-aged brawny man almost did not have any hands left, the power of the outbreak was stronger than when he played against Lu Chen.

The fist is wrapped around the fist, and the air explodes wherever it passes.

However, in the face of a middle-aged strong man who was going all out, even the salamander in the victory period could not take this punch, let alone he was seriously injured and should have withdrawn, but the salamander came next His behavior was beyond everyone's expectation. I saw that Kun Xiao stood motionless on the spot, and there was no meaning of evasion, and there was a trace of disdainful smile in the corner of his mouth, and there was a fierce glint in his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen's heart tightened, and if something went wrong, there must be a demon. At this moment, Kun Xiao was too abnormal. Did he not know that he was not an opponent of a middle-aged strong man?

However, Kun Xiao knows that he is invincible and still has no dodge, so there is only one acceptance, he is ready to use the card that is enough to threaten Lu Chen.

Are you finally willing to use the hole cards?

not sure what it is?

Is it like a thunderball that has extremely destructive consumables, or a secret method to increase its strength, or ...

The answer is about to be revealed.

Under Lu Chen's curious gaze, Kun Xiao's five fingers clenched slowly, and at the moment when his hands were tight, a layer of silver gloves that looked real and illusory appeared out of thin air, covering his entire left hand.


The moment when the silver gloves appeared, a very oppressive breath emanated from the gloves, which made the heart palpitate and tremble ...

"This breath is ... it is the Seven Star Divine Soldier!"

The wounded old man was dumbfounded and stuttered.

Lu Chen's pupils also shrunk, but there was a flash of surprise in the depths of his eyes. Although it was known that Kun Xiao had a strong card, Lu Chen had never thought of the last time he saw the silver gloves. The latter Turned out to be the Seven Star Divine Soldier ...

On the Eastern Continent, the number of Seven Star Divine Soldiers is absolutely rare. No one can imagine that the Kunxiao was actually carrying a Seven Star Divine Soldier. Although the Jiao Family were nobles among the demon clan, they also appeared one after another. It is a demon saint, but there has never been any news that the Jiao Kun family has seven-star magic soldiers.

Therefore, when Kun Xiao used silver gloves, not only Lu Chen, but also the middle-aged strong man was taken aback, but the back was frightened and wanted to pull back.

Since Kun Xiao took the initiative to reveal the cards, it meant that he had already done a good job of killing everyone, including Lu Chen, and how could he let middle-aged strong men easily retreat.

I saw Kun Xiao with a grin, the fierce light flashed in his eyes, the left hand wearing silver gloves, Yuan Li surged, and in an instant, the breath of terror swept from the left fist, and as he punched straight out, the world It was all a shock.


"Fluffy ..."

The Seven Star Divine Soldier is absolutely destructive, and Kun Xiao blows out with a fist. Under the blessing of silver gloves, the fist wind is terrible, and the air in front is under the pressure of the fist wind.

Looking at the punch that swept through the dreadful breath, the middle-aged strong man's pupils contracted into needles, and he felt a dangerous breath.

He wanted to withdraw and retreat, but this time it was too late for any reaction. Under his furious eyes, the fists of the two of them struck all together, and the unbiased heavy and powerful pairs slammed together.


The moment when the double fists collided, the deep voice suddenly reverberated between the world.

At the same time, the ground under their feet was already ruined. In the aftermath formed by this bombardment, a fierce and huge crack, like a spider web intertwined on the earth, then extended in all directions. Unfolding, it turned into a ruin within a few kilometers.

Lu Chen, which is not too far from the center of the battlefield, is naturally the first to face the scouring of the aftermath. If it is replaced by other venerable warriors, under the scouring of this aftermath, even if he is not killed by the aftermath, he will at least be seriously injured. Fly down, but Lu Chen is comparable to the ordinary Venerable Nine-Night Warrior, and he does not see any action. His clothes hunted, and a strong force swept away from him, easily washing the aftermath from the wash. It was three meters away and it was difficult to reach him.

At this moment, Lu Chen's mind was not focused on coping with the aftershocks. He blinked his eyes and stared at the battlefield shrouded in smoke. The smoke slowly dissipated, only to see the center of the battlefield. The fist-to-fist gesture is immobile.

The old man, who had not been seriously injured, had no fighting strength, but was disgraced by the aftermath formed by the salamander and the middle-aged strong man. After struggling to stand up from the ruins, he looked at the two immobile men in the field. Tao figure, uncertain tone.

"Who loses and wins? Is it a tie?"

Lu Chen naturally heard the old man ’s words, his eyes flickered, and when he was about to speak, Kun Xiao ’s body moved, and he slowly withdrew his left hand, perhaps this action involved the body ’s injury, and his lips flicked and snorted. , Yin Hong's blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't reach out and wiped it, raised his head, and looked at the middle-aged strong man in the distance, the corner of his mouth moved, and pulled a greasy smile.

"You lost ~"

As the voice fell, the middle-aged strong man's body moved his eyes, and a husky voice came out of his throat with an unwilling sound of tiger roar.

At the next moment, with only one bang, blood mist filled, the entire arm burst suddenly, flesh and blood mixed with bones splashed around.