Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 354: beat

Lu Chen frowned slightly, his wrist flickered, and the fifth sword light came out.

Suffering from minor injuries, he got a chance to breathe. In the face of the fifth sword light, Lei Yang no longer rushed before, he allowed his strength to punch out.

The heavy fist shattered the air, collided with the blazed sword light, and then annihilated together.

The strong wind roared and swept through the huge ring, while Lei Yang stood proudly, and did not retreat in the slightest. Instead, Lu Chen was destroyed, and the pace of continuous advancement was blocked, and no new steps were taken.

Lu Chen sighed, and did not continue to shoot.

The aftermath dissipated, and the two figures stood 20 steps apart, facing off.

Lu Chen's face was cold, and his hand was not a sword.

Lei Yang's face was gloomy, with dozens of tiny wounds all over his body. This was caused by Lu Chen's fourth sword, and was also the price he paid to break the latter's rhythm.


The two didn't move, but two huge momentums rose into the sky at the same time, carrying a mountain-like weight and a sea-like endless power, constantly impacting and colliding.

Finally, in the rumbling sound, the air waves visible to the naked eye were formed.

The audience nearby was pale, and under the oppression of the two, they only felt chest tight.

"I admit that I had looked down upon you before, and almost got your way, and overturned the boat in the gutter. But, next, I see how you resist."

Along with the imposing competition, suddenly, Lei Yang grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a greasy smile to the landing dust, his body burst out, and a sharp breath erupted above the Senhan sword.


His speed is very fast, and he appears in front of Lu Chen almost at the speed of instantaneous movement. A sword is swayed, and the internal force is also accompanied by the crazy surge of this sword, turning into a terrible swordmans. Straight cut.

"Condenser sword!"

The terrifying sword gas separated the airflow, and roared with violent strength, blowing up the black hair in front of Lu Chen's forehead, revealing a pair of dark pupils.

Among these pupils, there is no fear, and only calmness, terrible calmness.

Being watched by such eyes, Lei Yang raised an inexplicable coldness in his heart, chilling, so that he could not help but shudder.

"If you want to beat me, I'm afraid you don't have that qualification yet!"

Lu Chen looked at Lei Yang, who was in close proximity, and finally raised the corner of his mouth, and then shocked with one arm, Bie Yunjian also burst out a buzz, the golden sword light sprayed out thinly, and the cut sword , Fierce confrontation.


A deep voice suddenly burst above the ring, the golden sword light and the dazzling sword fierce confronted fiercely, and then a terrible strong wind broke out, and the strong wind came out, as if the air was shocked Twisted.

Countless people narrowed their eyes and looked at the collision center on the ring. Because the strong wind was too strong, everyone could only vaguely see two blurred figures.

The strong wind dissipated, the sight was not obstructed, and all the people saw the scene on the ring.

The two figures were on the ring, facing each other 100 meters apart, one with a stern look and a sneer on the corner of the mouth.


Suddenly, Lu Chen's body shook, and a ray of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Lei Yang shook his shoulders violently, and then took a step back, but compared to Lu Chen, it was much better.

Who wins and who loses, at a glance, Lu Chen fell into the wind.

This is, is Lu Chen going to lose?

Everyone looked at each other, thinking so.

"Hey, hey ... kid, it's over." Lei Yang finally raised his eyebrows and sneered with a blow.

Ignoring the blood at the corner of the mouth, Lu Chen lowered her head slightly and said quietly. "Yeah, it's over."

As the voice fell, he looked up sharply, and his eyes were reflected in his eyes.

Lu Chen twisted his right hand and put away Bie Yunjian.

Lu Chen, do you want to take the initiative to admit defeat?

The audience regretted and lamented.

Victory smile appeared on Lei Yang's face.

However, the smile just bloomed, it was stagnation.

I saw that Lu Chen held his right hand again, and a huge black axe was taken out by him.

This giant axe is named Tiger Blade, a two-star magic soldier, which he obtained from Li Fei.

"What ..." People wondered, "Don't Lu Chen use a sword? How to take out a giant axe."

Lu Chen suddenly took out the giant axe, causing a restlessness.

"One move, defeat you!"

Ignoring the restlessness of the audience, Lu Chen looked at Lei Yang, said slowly, and his voice was firm and confident.

Lei Yang sneered ...

next moment.

In Lei Yang's sneer, the pure Yuanli whizzed out and quickly gathered above the tiger's blade. It was only a short time, and it became bright.

"Cracking the sky!"

The tiger blade held high and chopped out violently.


At the moment of chopping out, the terror's elemental force roared out like a tide. Immediately, a bright axe was seen roaring out, instantly bursting the air ahead.

The forceful surging force pervades this world.

Seeing this blow, Lei Yang felt an urgent crisis, and his scalp was numb.

Thinking about it or not, I just stepped back, and at the same time, the sword in my hand waved out again and again.


A dull collision sound came, and the two's attacks erupted instantaneously. At the next moment, the terrible Yuanli storm swept out from the collision center and swept out in a platoon.

A huge collision sound spread around in this large performance martial arts field. All the people in shock shuddered, and then they all looked over together.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. At this look, everyone's heart hangs.

All the audience narrowed their eyes and looked at the ring No. 7 with a strong wind.

Through the strong wind, two faint figures could be seen faintly.


The energy was arrogantly diffused. Suddenly, a figure shuddered and murmured out. The next moment, I saw that the image of the person was hit hard, coughing up blood and flew out, and then under everyone's attention , Throwing heavily out of the ring, hitting the ground.


As soon as he landed, Lei Yang turned his body and Yin Hong's blood spewed out.

With the spitting out of blood, the fluctuation of Yuan Li's body, which is unique to the peak of the Hundred Yuan Nine Layers, also fell instantly and became depressed.

"How is this possible, Lei Yang actually lost ..."

After seeing that the clear and defeated person was Lei Yang, all the audience exclaimed in unison, a look of disbelief.

Lei Yang, Hunyuan Nine Heavy Peak Powerhouse, one of the top ten seed players, was actually defeated by Lu Chen.

To everyone's shock, Lu Chen was just a bludgeon.