Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 718: Three strokes to kill you

Kun Wu looked at Lu Chen, who was approaching quickly, with a more dignified look in his eyes. The strength displayed by Lu Chen could already threaten him.

"Boy, no matter how much power you borrowed, today, it is hard to escape!"

Kun Wu spit thunder, and on his body, Yuan Li wandered wantonly, a wave of force that was so suffocating that it was suffocating, rippling between the heavens and the earth, that breath made the blood gods far away The strong men, and some of the human races who have never fled, are terrified.

Kunwu deserves to be the power of the blood **** clan, it is too strong, even if he has been sealed for thousands of years, his strength has fallen sharply, and it cannot be reached by the people present.


He stepped out in one step, the energy exploded under his feet, and suddenly, with him as the center, the earth cracked and collapsed for thousands of square meters, and the blood and force in his palm quickly gathered together. In just a short time, the breath rose to the extreme.


Just after the sound of the drink, I saw Kun Wu punched out, the blood-colored element rolled out, and turned into a hundred-footed fist. Lightning over the landing dust, the space passed by silently cracked, and the dark space cracked. , Has not healed.

Kun Wu punched with all his strength, enough to bombard a large group of Venerable Powers, its power is unimaginable.

Lu Chen looked at the **** fist print that shrouded him, the fierce color flashed in his eyes, the soles of his feet circled, the speed wrinkled, and the figure pulled out the residual image of the road in the air, and everyone looked dazzled.

For ten thousand meters, as fast as ghosts, easily avoid the **** palm print, then, without losing speed, went straight to Kunwu.


There was a loud noise from heaven and earth, the **** fist marks fell, the power burst, and the earth was shaken out of a bottomless pit ...

Everyone had a numb scalp and felt the terrible power of Kunwu.

At the same time, Lu Chen also bullied himself in front of Kunwu, and cut out a sword with all his strength. The thick sword gas contained infinite cutting power. Wherever he went, the space was cut open and he was severely cut in Kunwu's body. on.


Sword Qi easily tears Kunwu's body strength, leaving a grisly sword wound on his body.

Kun Wu groaned in his throat, his body shook violently, took three steps back, and after stabilizing his body, his chest was hot, and he looked down, and the anger in his eyes was like a volcanic eruption.

Tall above him, he was actually injured by a ants!


kill! kill! kill!

Kun Wu raised his head violently, his **** pupils stared at the dust, next moment ...


There was a loud noise.

The energy spewed behind Kunwu, the sea of ​​blood poured into the sky, a wave like a hurricane, swept out, the earth cracked silently.

"Boy, I tore you!"

The sound of Kunwu rumbling resounded through the world. Immediately, he raised his palms, and the space in front of him was sharply twisted, as if grasped by an invisible big hand.

Lu Chen's forward-looking figure was like a quagmire, and there was a "creak" sound from the body's vitality.


With a stern drink, Kun Wu's palms snapped together.


The space in front bursts open directly.

Lu Chen groaned in his throat, his body was chapped, blood was overflowing, his body was staggering, and he fell down directly ...

When Lu Chen fell, above the sky, Kun Wu Yin Fa changed, and the palms of Yuan Li's diffused palms were shot. Suddenly, Baizhang's palm prints broke out of the air, and with a roar, they shrouded away from the landing dust.



Lu Chen's forefoot had just hit the ground, and Kunwu's palm print was brutally suppressed.

As the palm print of the Baizhang fell suddenly, this piece of earth began to sag rapidly, and finally in a loud noise, it shuddered fiercely.

When everyone saw this scene in the distance, they all swallowed hard and swallowed. The blow was too powerful. If the palm print is suppressed against them, I am afraid that everyone who is playing again will be punished. Palm into a puree.

"Take a hard blow, then the human kid should die!"

"Unless the boy has nine lives, he will definitely die!"

Hearing the discussion of the strong blood race clan, Li Wuxiang clenched his fists, looking nervously at the dusty ruins.

The smoke slowly dissipated.

When we saw the ruins clearly, everyone's eyes suddenly froze, all of them looked unbelievable.

"How ... how is it possible, why is he not dead yet?"

A strong blood **** clan babbled.

Among the ruins, Lu Chen stood proudly, and his whole body was panicking and rising into the sky.

Kun Wuwang touched the ground, his pupils shrunk, he immediately exhaled, and laughed: "The borrowed power, after all, does not belong to me. Next, I only need to stalemate with you. The longer you drag on, the weaker your strength will be. , Wait until the power in your body is exhausted and kill you, like killing ants ... "

Lu Chen was silent, as Kun Wu said, the energy in his body was borrowed and could not fight for a long time. After some battle, his breath was slightly inferior to the previous one. If he continued to procrastinate, his end There is only one dead end.

"Can't go on like this anymore!" Lu Chen lowered his eyes and said: "It seems so."

Above the sky, Kun Wu looked down at Lu Chen with a playful look. He was not in a hurry to get started, and was happy to prolong the time. The longer the time, the better for him.

"Kill you, three tricks!"

Suddenly, Lu Chen looked up and said indifferently.

Kun Wu was stunned, and immediately smiled angrily, and sneered: "Crazy !!!"

"Are you arrogant?"

Lu Chen murmured, his palm turned, a jade porcelain bottle appeared in his hand, pulled out the stopper, poured out a pale red elixir, and the fragrance of the medicine was pungent ...

Kun Wu looked at this scene quietly, and did not stop it. In his view, the gap between himself and Lu Chen could not be compensated by a panacea.

Under the eyes of hundreds of eyes, Lu Chen opened his mouth, swallowed the panacea, and turned into a heat flow into the abdomen, but ...


There was a muffled noise in the body, a burst of violent energy spread to every inch of the body, and the breath of his body was also lifted up in a short period of time.

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes were different.

When Kun Wu saw this scene, his brows were slightly frowned, and a tingle of palpitations came into his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

Feeling the majestic power of the body, Lu Chen felt his own strength, and once again strengthened, a punch can blow a mountain, this is not an illusion, but a clear understanding of his own strength.

After two successive increases in strength, Lu Chen's combat power is now chasing the peak of His Holiness in the later period. The energy in his body is like a volcano.

Moreover, as strong as his body, there is a burst of tingling sensation, which is a sign that the body can't bear the energy in the body, so he must vent and release madly ...

Slowly raising his head, Lu Chen extended three fingers to Kunwu, and a chilly voice sounded, "Three strokes, kill you !!!"