Emperor of The Cosmos

~: 242 Forced signing

Jiang Li ’s mental strength has grown, his vitality has increased to 10, and enough energy has been stored in his body. At the same time, the spirit can also better control others. However, there is still a lot of purple gas in this secret room, and he can't absorb it, so he can only watch Hong Heilian and his mother absorbing it.

"Start, absorb."

The emperor's idea directed the emperor. Suddenly the suction was much greater than that of Jiang Li. Numerous purple qi were swept into the crystal in one sweep, while the **** of Hong Hei prison was swept away, and the fairy qi was incorporated into the body.

Within an hour, the energy of the immortal stone was divided up completely.

Hong Heil's body was purple, and it began to change. The mother emperor squirmed. After the purple gas was consumed, more crystals were laid out. The little emperor thoughtfully seemed to feel that his mental strength had improved a lot, and he was unlocking the mother emperor. Memory and technology tree.

"All right!"

Suddenly, Xiaodi yelled, "Sure enough, the mystery that absorbed the implanted Aura gene, the fungus cultivated by the Zerg, was laid on the planet, and it could absorb the aura in the second dimension of the planet. I can evolve this fungus into the structure of the lingmi . "

A rice-like thing emerged among the crystals of the emperor.

Jiang Li felt that as soon as the rice appeared, a slight aura was absorbed. It's a miracle, just like plants are photosynthesizing.

"It's amazing. I can't absorb Reiki now. I can only rely on the relics of the great emperor, and this rice plant is actually OK?" Jiang Lidao said, "Although it absorbs Reiki very weakly, it can hardly feel it, but it is indeed absorbing it. This What technology? "

"This is the technology of the Zerg. According to the current situation, about 10,000 acres of rice fields are planted, and the total amount of aura that is condensed every day is one gram." Xiaodi shook his head: "So we must continue to study and hope to absorb the effect of the aura Stronger. "

"What? One gram of acres can produce one gram of spiritual stone aura concentration every day, which is also a miracle." Jiang Li is very satisfied. What is the concept of one gram of spiritual stone, which can be sold for 10 million yuan, that is, It is equivalent to one day's energy of the master of the fetal state.

Planting 10,000 acres is equivalent to a fetal master who absorbs aura for you every day. It is also worth it. Every day is worth ten million yuan.

What if planting 100,000 acres? What about millions of acres?

Moreover, you can also use the Feng Shui pattern to form a double field of reiki. Anyway, there is a lot of land on Emperor Star, it is very wide, and it can be planted in large areas, let alone millions of acres, even hundreds of millions of acres can be planted. Jiang Li remembers his previous life. The red line of the cultivated land area of ​​the entire Huaxia Kingdom is 1.8 billion mu. With the help of robots, modern agricultural warships can manage so much cultivated land by one person.

Once planted like that, wouldn't there be hundreds or even thousands of masters in the state of breath taking energy for themselves?

Then, when Lingmi matured, he sold it and dumped it in a large amount in the entire human world. Farming can also have great wealth, which is the foundation of its own.

Of course, this Lingmi was first used by people at 36th Hwaseong Fortress, cultivated their own relationship, and firmly held all the political resources of 36th Hwaseong Fortress in their own hands.

Presumably, when he started dumping Lingmi on a large scale, everyone at 36 Huacheng would be on his side. Even humans on the entire planet will be in their own hands.

At that time, whoever he supports for the presidential election will have a huge voting advantage.

With a ballot of the earth, this political force cannot be ignored.

"Because this Lingmi gene is not perfect, we need to continue research. I will first produce a large amount of seeds. About 100,000 acres of test fields can be planted. And this time you get so many robots, you will open up wasteland on the base of the island. Farming, building a feng shui pattern, according to the current feng shui, can cause about twice the absorption of spiritual power. "Xiaodi talked eloquently, obviously also a farming master.

The entire archipelago, which is about hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, has been constructed with a feng shui pattern. Under a large number of constructions, the general place is 2-3 times aura, and the center of the island is a thousand times aura. In this way, "ling rice" is planted more suitable.

In addition, after the Lingmi was planted, the plants absorbed the aura and took root in the soil, which could even make the soil contaminated with aura, and further improve the appearance of the entire archipelago. Over time, the entire archipelago would really become a legendary blessing.

Hong Heiyu never said a word. He changed his physique wholeheartedly, and the holy fetus appeared on top of his head, and the holy fetus all turned into a purple gold color.

"Jiang Li, you can leave some of the robots now, and you can go. This time you searched for things like Long Tianlang and others, and when they wake up, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble. It depends on you. Suppressed them? "

Hong Heiyu opened his eyes: "I want to retreat completely, and with the help of Xiaodi, I will break through to the Yuanyuan Breath."

"Teacher, rest assured, these people asked me to die, and receiving Jiang's gifts can hurt me. How could I not harm them and let them die?" Jiang Li smiled, and left here, and the great relic broke the air. Began to fly, about a day before landing to the place of surrendering four people.

Jiang Li opened the space portal, collected the light brain chips of the four people, and then stabbed their mental strength, and the four of them all sobered up one after the other.

The first person who woke up was Long Sirius. When he woke up, he spit out blood, and immediately saw Jiang Li. He was surprised. He instinctively raised his wrist to look at the chip, but the chip was gone. Did you take my chip? "

Xiao Kuang also woke up, extremely depressed, almost swearing, boundless shame in his heart: "Miscellaneous, you are so bold, you are almost lawless. This is Star University, do you know that you have violated human law?"

"Human law?" Jiang Li smiled. "Did you not say that a few days ago, are your strengths respectful? Why do you now have legal restrictions?"

"Last few days?" Long Sirius was almost subconsciously startled: "Did we just wake up? What have you done to us these days?"

"There's nothing." Jiang Li grinned. "It's just a search of the private bases of the four of you. All of them have been evacuated and become my fortune. You are really good, Long Sirius. There is such a good thing as Zhujidan." , But it's all mine. "

"Zhu Jidan! You took my Zhu Jidan!" Dragon Sirius instinctively jumped up, as if his wife had been insulted, but Jiang Lijin's eyes flashed: "Sit down!"

Clicking, Long Siren's head was dizzy, he couldn't hold his butt, and sat down. His vitality was very strong, surpassing 20, but his mental strength was far worse than that of Jiang. Especially after the refining of the immortal stone, Jiang Li transformed the meditation of the cosmic brain into three and a half stars, and the spiritual power became more and more concentrated. Now he can surrender him with every thought.

In the past, Jiang Li ’s mental power was scattered, but now it ’s completely different. When the mental power becomes stronger and stronger, there will be more and more stars. In the end, the starlight can even penetrate the body and illuminate a pure land. The realm at this time is equivalent to Buddha.

"You have swept my private base. This is a naked robbery. I want to sue you and let you be sentenced to life imprisonment or even death penalty!" Xiao roared, and he wanted to attack, but he couldn't move half a finger On the head, the other two people, Luo Zhengnan and Duan Chao, were even more unbearable, not even having the strength to speak.

"I can still take your life!" Jiang Li's tone became murderous, and Xiao Xiao was suddenly shocked. He knew that Jiang Li could kill him at any time, but his mouth was still hard: "Dare you, are you? Afraid of Star University sanctions? "

"You can let me die, why can't I let you die?" Jiang Lidao said: "I can completely create the illusion that you were killed by the aliens of the alien planet. Star University will not doubt me because I did not kill you at all. Strength."

"You! You're simply heartbroken." Xiao Kuang was afraid.

"Xiao Kuang, don't say anything." Long Tianlang calmed down: "Stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no wood burning, he can kill us at any time, no wonder the Jiang family gave us Xianshi let us kill him, it turned out he was so difficult To deal with. "He then negotiated with Jiang Li:" Jiang Li, you now have the benefit. Our private base has been evacuated by you. You can let us go. "

"Let you go?" Jiang Li sneered: "How do I know if you will get revenge? I launched various attacks at Starry Sky University, and the university came to investigate me, and I was in trouble."

"We promise not to embarrass you." Xiao Kuang also responded, knowing that the situation is stronger than others, and being able to bend and stretch is the heroic hero: "You killed us more or less, not to mention that an ally is stronger than an enemy. Our There is also a big family behind, as well as Dragon Sirius. His brother Dragon King is the captain of the Heavenly King squad. He is not under your mentor Hong Hei prison. It is also the second layer of breath. The state of God's breath is among the students of Star University. The senior management, even the vice-principal, can't control him. If you deal with Dragon Sirius and offend his brother, that's more than worth it. "

Uranus Squad.

It is a top ten squad.

The top ten teams are completely different from ordinary students. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com They are even the backbone of Star University, owning shares of Star University, they are university shareholders themselves, and every student stands at the top. Even they are big men in the elite zone army.

Students at Star University are just one of their identities.

Sometimes, they are not on the Emperor Star, but they are fighting on the alien battlefield.

"Can the Tianwang squad scare me?" Jiang Li smiled. "The puppet was furious, and the blood splattered five steps. The king can't stop it. I killed you now. Is it true that your soul is going to dream of Dragon King?"

"There is something to talk about, something to talk about, indecent fish broke the net." Long Tianlang quickly said, "Jiang Li, this is good, even if you are a kidnapper, there is also a redemption. I have about 200 billion yuan in cash, now I can transfer it to you, rest assured, this is not a robbery, but a legal procedure. For example, I invested in your Chidi Group. Xiao Kuang also has hundreds of billions of cash on his body, and the four of us can collect about 300 billion yuan of huge funds How about? After you invest in Chidi Group, your company can expand many times. "

"This is fine." Jiang Lidao: "Then sign the electronic contract now, welcome you to become the shareholders of Chidi Group, I will send a message, this news will soon pass to the ears of the Jiang family, the Jiang family thought You collect gifts against the water, so that you are firmly tied to my tank, how about it? "

"This ..." Long Tianlang hesitated. It was not a good thing to offend the Jiang family, but there was no way at the moment. Life and death were in front of him and he could only agree.

At the moment, Jiang Li asked them to transfer money one by one, signed a contract at the same time, and then asked them to make a statement and hang it on the official website of the Chidi Group, publicize it on all sides, said that they would get investment and start full cooperation.

This will soon reach Jiang's ears.