Emperor of The Cosmos

~: 279 God Transcending the Holy One

"Jiang Li, why are so many people peering at you?"

In the mother emperor base, there is only one emperor. The fog is diffused. There are many streams in the base. That is the spiritual fluid. These spiritual fluids penetrate into the crystal cells, which makes the crystal cells in the base keep expanding. It is the process by which biomass can be transformed into flesh and blood.

Human technology has not yet broken this point.

Therefore, the human energy body, after the energy is consumed, disappears out of thin air and cannot condense into a real existence.

The young emperor just cut off the energy on Jiang Li's body, and immediately saw the trace of Marshal Goliath with a flash of his eyes. He waved at will, and suddenly the same energy condensed into a shaped body, and a mirror also appeared on it. Dialogue between Marshal Ya and the principal.

This is how to treat others in their own way.

The emperor's strength is extremely powerful, and the strength is far beyond the triple realm of forgetfulness. Although he can not manifest the sacredness, the strength on the emperor star is increasing day by day, and he can completely compete with the masters of the sacred realm.

"Xiaodi, what about those indigenous peoples? Have you reached an agreement with you?" Jiang Li asked.

"For the time being, they still have scruples." Xiaodi said: "But I taught them some magical powers and refined the Qiankun Promise Map even more wonderfully. Once successful, the dynasty luck in the picture will be emitted and absorbed by me. I also secretly displayed the mother emperor's crystal, attached to the Qiankun Promise map, and began to slowly control the entire picture. One day, the picture was completely controlled by me, and these people were completely used by me. There are tens of thousands of people in this dynasty. The aristocracy is my backbone, and can penetrate into the world of cultivation in the future. For my use, each of them has the ability to preach, establish a patriarch, and develop believers. They are the foundation for me to achieve the Great Emperor. Foundation. "

"Me?" Jiang Li froze.

"Yes, it's you, because the emperor's relic is yours." Xiaodi said, "I'm just a brand placed on the emperor's relic."

"In this world, there really is a god." Jiang Lijun sighed.

He looked at the screen, and the conversation between Marshal Goliath and the principal was clearly heard. Of course, this was a replay. Marshal Goliath stored energy in Jiang Li's body, and this energy was used by the emperor. Naturally, he could record his conversation with the principal and study it carefully.

Jiang Li heard this dialogue replay, and it seemed that a portal had opened in front of him.

He knows the highest secrets of many human beings. He originally thought that the manifestation of the sacred realm was invincible existence, but now it seems that this realm has just begun.

There is God on it.

Condensed Godhead.

Achieve the kingdom of God.

The godhead is what the Taoists call the mixed Yuan Taoism. This is the real shelter of a race. Of course, such records exist in the history of human myths, such as heaven, such as the kingdom of Buddha, such as heaven, and every religion has an ideal kingdom.

This is actually the kingdom of God.

"The kingdom of God is different from the dimension. The dimension is fixed, and the kingdom of God can move. In danger, even if a universe is destroyed, God will take the ethnic group of God to another place, safe and sound. Life. Many planets of humanity on the earth will certainly have a day of destruction. By then, the civilization of the earth will be completely destroyed. "Xiaodi said with a smile.

"It's early. There are billions, even tens of billions of years. The entire three-dimensional universe explodes. Scientific research can still exist for tens of billion years. Now the three-dimensional universe is still middle-aged." Jiang Li was not worried. This one.

"You don't know anything about this." Xiaodi shook his head: "This is the theoretical life span of the three-dimensional universe of scientific research. In fact, the universe changes every moment, and no one knows what will happen next. Because there are also connections in the multiverse, such as the Fire Dimension Universe, if the channel is opened to extract the energy in it, it will cause a loss of balance between the Dimension and the Dimension. When it affects several galaxies, humans will immediately encounter the disaster of extinction. Alien civilization of the United States came to attack. You, the human being, the main god, the light brain, and the civilization of the fallen ship, there is a **** behind, because the main god, the light brain, is a virtual god, which can create this thing, It must be God. A civilization with God makes it easy to crush 11 million humans on earth. "

"This ... how is it good?" Jiang Li was somewhat worried about the fate of humankind.

"Only after becoming a **** and becoming a **** can we control our own destiny and the destiny of the entire human race." Little Emperor said: "Become a saint, you can control part of your own destiny. After becoming a god, you can save the destiny of the race. In the cruel universe, this is the law of survival, and God is the existence that occupies the top of the food chain. "

"The great relic is a godhead?" Jiang Li was very curious about this question.

"Yes, the great emperor relic is a dead godhead. It has lost all its power." Xiaodi said: "But it still has spirituality. I recognize you as the master. I have recently learned a lot about the entire human society. It is not Wang Chao or Jiang Nalan who says that the whole human being has the most hope to become a god, and it is not a saint who thinks of you, but you. "

"Is it?" Jiang Liyi said: "How is it possible that I am still in a state of constant destiny, and I do n’t know what year or month I can reach, let alone sit and forget. , Becoming a **** I never thought about.

"Because the great emperor relic is a dull godhead, which is equivalent to the position of an emperor, you are the crown prince of the kingdom and will inherit the throne in the future." The little emperor said lightly: "The other people want to start from scratch and build a kingdom. Difficulties? It is easy to manifest holiness, but it is difficult to become a god. The realm of manifestation and godhood are ten thousand miles away. "

"I don't want to do this for the time being. It seems that an ordinary civilian does not have enough food and clothing and wants to run for president. The problem I want to solve now is how to reject the saint, without offending him." Jiang Litan Tone: "Restricted everywhere, controlled everywhere. Why do I feel stronger now, but not as free as I used to be, everyday like walking on thin ice, for fear of enemies, problems in the home, the greater the ability, the greater the trouble? ? "

"It's normal. Many big people are eager to live a normal life. The greater the ability, the greater the trouble. It is true. Of course, your ability is not to a certain degree. If you become a god, you don't need to think about it." Xiaodi said: "You don't have to worry, I have my own way."

"What way?" Jiang Li was not afraid of the saints, but felt troublesome and troublesome. He is not worried about himself, but his family.

"Promise him."

Xiaodi said simply three words.

"Promise him? I want to believe him? How is it possible that I want to keep my own independent soul, and I won't do it if I believe anyone." Jiang Li quickly disagreed.

"Who wants you to believe him?" Xiaodi sneered: "This is an opportunity, the biggest opportunity, we have to steal his power, and make him think you believe him, but in fact he does not believe, but believe him is just one Just blasphemy. "


Jiang Lihe never heard of it, "What's that?"

"The blasphemy was created by the mother emperor, the most wonderful kind of worm. This worm is used to steal the divine power. The strongest mother emperor of the zerg family created the lurking kingdom of God, and then attached to the believer to steal the divine power. "Little Emperor said:" This is an existence you can't understand, so is the so-called blasphemy. "

"How does it work?" Jiang Lidao.

"It's very simple, you just need to bring the blasphemy. The blasphemy will condense into a spiritual wave, imitate your soul thinking, and then believe in the saint, Sas, Sas will never find anything strange, and will give you enough The rewards and power. These powers will be absorbed by the blasphemy. So as to steal the divine power. Each **** of the kingdom will reward the most pious saints. The mother emperor creates all kinds of blasphemy, silent. They infiltrated the believers of the kingdom of God, stealing power, and blaspheming the gods. All the power finally obtained was given to the mother emperor. This is the myth of the Zerg, and it is equivalent to a parasite. "

Xiaodi said: "I still need a lot of energy for promotion now. If I steal the energy and spirit of a saint, hey ... I will be resurrected a thousand times faster, and this saint, Sisha, wants you to be His followers, I will eventually make him our food, and you develop a doctrine for him ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ For every additional believer, I will plant a blasphemy in that believer ’s body. To that At that time, the more believers he has, the more he will lose him. The believers were his food, and now they will become his parasite. "

"Awesome, awesome, the Zerg still has such a means." Jiang Li shuddered: "Even God can't find it."

"God can find out, but the kingdom of God is too big, and God ca n’t take care of it one by one. There are always negligent places, but the saints are different. Their spirit is actually very small. They ca n’t find traces of blasphemy and steal them. There is still a great possibility of strength. In this way, you can not sin against him, and you can steal his strength. Why not do it, especially if you are valued by him. He hopes that you will develop a great religion for him and reward him. There must be a lot of things. "Xiaodi said more and more excited," Hurry up, tell the Marshal Goliath now, agree to believe in the saint, Sisha, and establish a sect for him. "

"That blasphemy?" Jiang Li wondered.

"It's your king bug. It has the blasphemy gene. I will condense it a bit and inject will. The king bug will change automatically." Xiaodi said: "Actually, it's very simple. I will remotely control everything and won't let you be affected by anything. hurt."

"Then everything is okay." Jiang Li thinks about it, but it's better to stretch out his head than to stretch his head. But still have to ask things clearly: "How does the blasphemy work?"

"Now you feel the King Worm with your heart, you will find that it has the same mental fluctuations as you." Xiaodi pointed slowly. Jiang Li really felt that his "Little Dragon" king worm was constantly fluctuating on his body, and gradually became like himself. He seemed to be his own clone, even the frequency of his thoughts was exactly the same. He was a replica of himself. .

This is the mystery of the king worm, which condenses into the blasphemy gene in the body.

The Zerg Mother Empress is incredible.