Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 103: Kill and save

In front of Jiang Zhenyue's confession of killing his son and rejecting Yu Muhua's solicitation, Jiang Li knew that he had deeply enemies with the two forces.

But he didn't care. As long as he was strong, no one wanted it.

Next, the security group held a "psychotherapy" event in Jinghua City, inviting him, Wang Changrong, and Chu Shan to attend a gift to customers of the security group.

The three "intermediate hypnotherapists" only need 3,000 yuan per person for hypnosis.

You have to know that a person who is hypnotized by a junior hypnotist is already worth 1,000 yuan. An intermediate hypnotherapist can no longer use money to calculate it.

And now the security group is hosting this event, so that all customers of the security group can enjoy the hypnosis of intermediate hypnotists. As long as 3,000 yuan, it is a feast of gifts! Of course, no business will do loss-making trading. This event can greatly increase the visibility of the security group and attract more high-end customers.

However, the primary hypnotist is called hypnosis, and the intermediate hypnotist is called "blessing".

Generally, people would say that the master of XX gave me blessing. That's the intermediate hypnotist hypnotizing him.

Because the junior hypnotist makes people enter deep sleep, at most it is deep sleep, and the sleep quality is only 100%.

And the "intermediate hypnotherapist" can make people's sleep quality reach two hundred, three hundred, or even five hundred! It is more capable of conditioning the human endocrine system, washing the internal circulation, and a single hypnosis can make a person look radiant, which is more effective than any drug.

"Jiang Li, this is all kinds of circulatory knowledge of human endocrine, and how intermediate hypnotherapists use their minds to control the thinking of others to regulate human endocrine. Although you have become an intermediate hypnotherapist, a thought can kill people, but now we hypnotize others, Conditioning the other person ’s body is to save people. It ’s easy to kill, but difficult. ”

Chu Shan passed an e-mail to Jiang Li, which appeared on the light brain chip, and was about various practices of intermediate hypnotherapists.

"Kill, save ..."

When Wang Changrong heard this, he felt something in his heart.

Yes, intermediate hypnotherapists can change people's thinking, let the enemy commit suicide, lose their nerves, and produce hallucinations. But it can also be used to save people, to make people feel at peace, to understand the true meaning of movement, to feel the taste of spiritual power, and to embark on the path of cultivation.

This is how to save people.

It's easy to kill, just one thought.


"I kill people like a hemp on Rakshasa, and even eat people. Now I actually want to start saving people. The occasion of life is really wonderful ..." Wang Changrong's temperament suddenly changed. Yoyo, you can see compassion and compassion in his eyes.

"Huh?" Jiang Li and Chu Shan immediately noticed the anomaly and looked at each other, afraid that Wang Changrong had a breakthrough in his soul and was in a state of perception.

Among the three, Wang Changrong's cultivation is the most profound. Regardless of his vitality or spiritual cultivation, he has long been in the realm of "Dading".

Moreover, he has the richest life experience. He was born in the Wuxue family in the early years, and later joined the Organization of the Nation, and then a major change occurred. He was imprisoned on Rakshasa for ten years, and became a demon in hell. People are living, and now they are back to a civilized society and starting to live. This is a living legendary epic.

This kind of life experience has made his soul strong, and through the vicissitudes of the world, he can realize a higher realm.

"Let's go and save people." Wang Changrong waved his hand, his face was filled with a smile, Jiang Li even felt a taste of "saving suffering".

"You broke through and reached the constant state? Proofless? Seek the Tao, no longer retreat?" Jiang Li asked in confusion.

"No, what's so easy about Changding?" Wang Changrong shook his head and sighed: "But there is a touch in my heart, it's just some insight."

Jiang Li thoughtfully, and began to quickly learn how to use his strong thinking to hypnotize and to regulate the endocrine of others. He has rich knowledge and can be admitted to Xingkong University. The culture class must be outstanding. Medicine and human body must be tested subject.

In the past few hours, he had read some information clearly and knew it well.

At this time, a staff member hurriedly walked in: "Three masters are all ready, our security group customers are waiting in the lobby, crowded ..."

"No need to explain, I have held such events many times." Chu Shan stopped this staff member from continuing and turned his head: "Jiang Li, go, your identity has brought you a lot of popularity, this time It may be tiring, but when you show your strength. "

"I know." Jiang Li thinking has spread out.

The three people walked out of the building and took a flying car to the square at the foot of the mountain. It was really crowded, and there were many flying cars in the sky. News interview cars flew around. Although this was a commercial event, there were rarely three intermediate hypnosis Shot together, so there is still a big news sensation.

In particular, Jiang Li ’s identity just entered Xingkong University after the exam, which is the focus of news.

"Hello everyone, everyone."

Jinghua City's news interview vehicle aimed at Jiang Li, Chu Shan, and Wang Changrong coming out of the car.

"Three intermediate hypnotherapists have appeared. Let me introduce you. This time, one of the three masters must be somewhat familiar. They were admitted to Xingkong University, classmate Jiang Li. Classmate Jiang Li was born into an ordinary family. But the genius is overflowing ... "After introducing the host of Jiang Li for a long time, he directed the camera at Wang Changrong:" This is a mysterious guest of the security group, Mr. Wang Kurong. It is rumored that his spiritual practice has been settled. For many years He has previously obtained the qualification certificate of an intermediate hypnotist, and the other is one of the directors of the security group, Mr. Chu Shan. "

Many news interview vehicles are being broadcast live. At this time, people at 36th Huacheng can directly open the light brain and watch the live broadcast.

This is the first time Jiang Li has faced these scenes, but he has a good soul, and has seen big scenes.

He came to the square, and the staff of the security group had already prepared the site, separated the people, set up a high platform, and then in the open air, invited people to line up one by one to accept "blessings."

Three high stands, one for each.

Jiang Li stepped onto the high platform, and the staff arranged for ten customers to come on stage. These people are all figures with faces and faces. In the eyes of everyone, greet Jiang Li and dare not neglect.

"Classmate Jiang Li, please bless us!" One of the middle-aged people said: "I am the president of Jinghuacheng Daily News Agency. After this first-hand experience of blessing, I will go back and write a report for everyone Know your name. "


Jiang Li didn't answer his words, but slammed his hands together, sending out a thunderous shock.

Suddenly, all ten people on the stage were shocked, and then made the same posture with him, hands printed, and then stepped off the high platform, sitting on the ground, and went into deep sleep.

Immediately, a journalist and security group staff went up to test.

"Into deep sleep, the sleep index is five hundred, and the body's endocrine system is in a highly coordinated state!" A doctor cooperated with the examination and made a live report. At this time, many news footage recorded close-ups on the scene. These ten people, Each hypnotized had his hands imprinted, sitting on the ground in a wonderful state, and their inner circulation seemed to be making thunderous shocks.

Enlightened expressions appeared on everyone's face.

Seems to have suffered a bang.

Everyone can feel a word through their expressions.

The word is "Zen".

They are at peace, they realize, they have a kind of comfort.

"Dear viewers, this is the hypnotic strength of Jiang Li's classmates. It is terrible! I once did an interview with an intermediate hypnotist. The deep sleep index of their hypnotists is only 300 to 400. Every time Jiang Li classmates hypnotize, It has reached 500. And everyone looks at the expressions of these hypnotized people. It seems that everyone has realized something and is practicing. The internal circulation and breath of their bodies have changed, and the state of martial arts resembles a tiger and a leopard thunder. ... "A journalist was excitedly reporting on the spot.

Jiang Li stood still, letting customers come to the stage, and then a fingerprint, a pronunciation, these people made the same actions as him, automatically stepped down to sit on the ground, and began to practice and sleep.

He knows that this is saving people, and every person who hypnotizes makes their minds peaceful, realizes them, and dispels the dark clouds in their hearts.

He felt like he was a Buddha, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com was saying that he was blessing, relieving sufferings for the world, and living beings.

All the negative emotions of cruelty, viciousness, jealousy and so on disappeared, and he felt that what he did was indeed sacred and great.

The reality is indeed the same, every person who is hypnotized, mentally and physically, will benefit.

"This boy, how strong!"

At the same time, on an island in Jinghua City, the base of the Sun and Moon Group, Jiang Zhenyue and Gu Xiong are watching this commercial activity.

Gu Xiong saw Jiang Li's continuous hypnosis, and his face turned pale: "The spirit is so strong, so many people are hypnotic, and their brain cells are simply against the sky!"

"I have reported all of his words to several old men in the family, and some old men were angry! I have arranged for someone to deal with this young man." Jiang Zhenyue has returned to normal, and has recovered from the bad news of his son's death, no longer hysterical, but Very calm.

"What do some fathers say? He is a student at Xingkong University, it's not easy to deal with." Gu Xiong's lips were dry: "He's just afraid that I can hypnotize!"

"Our Jiang family also has students in Xingkong University. Most of Xingkong University are trials. He is just a freshman. To find a chance to kill him during the trial is that he killed my son during the trial and was destined. He will be killed as well. "Jiang Zhenyue closed his eyes." When he is killed, he will seize Jiang Zhenyue! "

"Negotiating from a long-term perspective, don't forget that he also has a mysterious son, Jiang Tao!" Gu Xiong quickly reminded.

"Well, although Jiang Tao is mysterious, it has little influence. It is far worse than the current Jiang Li. After arresting Jiang Zhendong, he can't turn up any big waves." Jiang Zhenyue patted the table: "The security group did this activity I want to increase my influence. I have been ordered to go all out in the black market to destroy security groups! Destroy their industries and drive them out of the black market! "