Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 153: Success!

"Take my body as a container? Seal the Spirit Sword? This is tantamount to putting several nuclear reactors in my body. Is there any problem?"

Jiang Li is a bit frightened, which is not to blame him. In his memory, the spirit sword was born, the ground was shaking, and each attack was almost equivalent to an intercontinental missile.

In addition, the spirit sword still absorbs a large amount of heaven and earth aura every day. Ordinary people can't afford it, and the cost of the spirit stone is so lazy.

"I used to have problems, I was not sure, but now my cultivation is skyrocketing and my mind has risen to a realm. With this battleship built by all of my nets, there is a furnace of energy. Combining the two should be able to suppress it. Plus your That great emperor relic seems to have another mystery? "

Hongheil is full of spirits and sweeps away the violent past.

"My great relic has space inside."

Jiang Li unfolded the space of the great emperor's relic, and suddenly one of the auras rushed towards him, thousands of square meters, ten meters high, and it was a large storage room.

"Dongtian-level magic weapon?" Hong Heiyu stared at this space sternly: "This is the space folding technology that humans dream of. It has not yet been put into production and cannot be used at all."

"My space for this great emperor originally didn't exist, but every time I performed a wormhole jump, the absorbed energy began to expand. I recently wanted to inject more energy into the great emperor relic, but I don't know how to inject it?" Jiang Li suddenly thought, Hong The black jail may help the great emperor relic inject the power of the wormhole jumping.

"If you make a wormhole jump, you will expand the space and absorb energy? Sure enough." Hong Heiyu is deeper than Jiang Li, and his knowledge and scientific mind are much more aware. He is also a great scientist because of his The brain to study science is almost hand-to-hand, and the battleship itself was designed by him: "The space folding technology of our human research is also developing in this direction. This is a good opportunity. In the future, I will study the great relic and use the wormhole to make the base. Energizing it by means can definitely make its space expand again. Maybe my research can make human space folding technology progress again. "

"Then this is a huge wealth, more invincible than any sun and moon essence." Jiang Lizhang lamented that if the instructor overcomes the subject of space folding technology, then he can become the richest man in the blink of an eye.

"Sun and Moon Essence?" Hong Heiyu's tone became slower. "Your father used to be the chief scientist of the Sun and Moon Group Jiang family to study Sun and Moon Essence. I have checked this, and now I am also preparing to study Sun and Moon Essence on Earth, and Zhang An's group cooperates. Zhang An is a personal thing, but this thing must use powerful equipment to go to the moon base and extract the true essence of the space station near the sun. This is difficult to achieve. "

"The mentor originally knew the details of my family." Jiang Li is not unusual. All family information of each Star University student will be recorded. It must be innocent to avoid being mixed in by some indigenous aliens.

"Essence of Sun and Moon is of great research value. Once it is successfully marketed, it is not difficult to become a rich man. You have great potential. You can make a lot of money at Xingkong University to support your father's research." Hong Heiyu patted his shoulder: "This great emperor relic With the built-in space, things are much more convenient. Originally, when the Sword was born, I only surrendered 50% of the time, but with this space, I can get 100% of the time. "

"Did you put the sword in space with space?" Jiang Li immediately understood.

"Clever." Hong Hei prison walked to the front of Death Valley, his eyes blasted out a brilliant light, pierced through the dense fog, and immediately saw the depths of the canyon.

Jiang Li went up to observe, and found that the ground deep in the canyon was actually a kind of dark and heavy stone, hard like diamonds, the entire canyon was narrow and deep, in which the gusts of wind were bleak and bleak, and some free Jinmang penetrated from the ground and drilled again. Go down and give people a taste of sword hell.

Even the magical powers of Hongheil couldn't shine deep inside the canyon.

I don't know what's inside the canyon. It is still dense fog and dark, and Jiang Li faintly sees a huge stone gate inlaid deep in the mountain belly.

There are various paintings on the stone, all of which are line human figures. They are making various stabbing and fencing operations, such as thunder, action, wind, elegance, and dance ...

In the depths of Shimen, there must be something huge and scary.

"Deep in the canyon is a cave house. The cave house sends out huge swords at all times, blocking the entire canyon, and even affecting the gravity of this area. Even if it is bombarded with a battleship, there is nothing we can do." Hong Hei said: "But every time For ten years, when the planet outside the Emperor Star moves to a certain trajectory, the cave will open, absorbing the power of the planet's renju, and gestating flying swords and tempers in it. "

"Sure enough, there is something ancient on Emperor Star. I don't know if it is on Earth?" Jiang Li was very curious.

"Approximately, in the past few nights, the astronomical phenomenon will change. The planets around Emperor Star will gather together because of their trajectories. We must wait patiently." Hong Hei prison turned on the light brain chip on his wrist again, and suddenly many The star map, one of which is the current Emperor Star, many planets orbit around the Emperor Star, pulling each other, forming a huge mechanical trajectory in the void.

Jiang Li learned astronomical knowledge, and it is very important to know the trajectories of these planets. Even in a special period, the gravitational magnetic field of the planet changes, which can even have an inestimable impact on the human body.

"If a person cultivates the realm of sitting and forgetting, a powerful heart can be combined with the trajectory of the planet's movement. Heaven and man are one, and the two are forgotten. The body is no longer the body, but the planet. Almost people have endless magical powers. It is easy to surpass their vitality. Because their bodies are part of the void, they can raise their hands and take in the power of the universe for their own use. In one thought, the situation changes, and the snow and the mountains spread. "Hong Heiyu didn't force Jiang Li to practice any more, but explained to him some realms later:" The monks sitting in the realm of forgetfulness, the magic weapon they made is directly using the entire planet ’s gravity to train, so this type of magic weapon also has Part of the nature of man and nature is one. "

"Did it?" An idea in Jiang Centrifugal rose up, "Is the gravity here artificially changed, and a master of forgetfulness can change the gravity of a place?"

"Yes, it seems that you understand a lot." Hong Heihe sighed a lot, "It is the ability to change gravity by taking yourself as the center, because your spirit and the entire planet are combined, there will be a lot of mystery. At that time, it was the true magical powers, boundless mana, and changes in the four seasons that were all in your thoughts. "

"The indigenous people on this emperor star don't have such a powerful person. I think on the starry university wanted list, the director of Dagan College, Chen Tianshu is just a state of mixed interest. If he is promoted to sit and forget In the realm, our base at Xingkong University will be hit. "Jiang Li said nothing about Hong Hei prison.

"Chen Tianshu ...". The temperament of Hong Heiliao changed again. Hearing the name seemed to have a different emotion: "He is a terrific man ... A peerless talent, but unfortunately, we are not human beings on earth. Nothing is the same. "

"Our human beings on Earth have accumulated and developed on Emperor Star, and one day they will fight with him. The resources on the entire Emperor Star are rich and incredible." Jiang Li knows that everything on the Emperor Star is a valuable asset to humanity. Under the influence of huge gravity, wood is a precious material, not to mention some medicinal materials, strange treasures. He now brings Emperor Stars casually to bring some plants and trees, and can make a fortune.

Of course, now he looks down on these petty jokes.

"Well, your emperor's seal has a lot of flaws. I'll give you pointers to improve it." Hong Heiyu grabbed and began to practice the emperor's thunder mark. When the air broke, the air rubbed, and the airflow produced a blistering lightning. The ground is black.

Jiang Lixin rejoiced and immediately followed the practice.

At the moment, Hong Hei prison pointed to his emperor's seal with his own understanding, and it turned out that many details were very perfect, and his vision was very different. Jiang Li kept practicing for several days in a row, and gradually felt that the four seals merged, and martial arts cultivation went to a higher level.

During this period, Hongheil still forced him into the valley to practice.

However, he has experience dealing with some sword evils, and in the case of greatly increasing martial arts experience, he disperses in the valley and avoids sword evils more and more.

It's a pity that Hong Hei prison kept persecuting him in the depths. As a result, the sword in the valley became more and more fierce. On several occasions, he was beheaded again, and on one occasion he was beheaded and almost split in half.

The time when I was almost split in half ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Fortunately, his head was off, and his body was cut open from his shoulder.

This time was the most painful and thrilling time for him. Watching his body part apart, even some internal organs were cut.

At this time, Hong Hei prison flew in from moment to moment, wrapped with the holy fetus, and then healed. It took a lot of fruits of life and various artificial flesh to repair.

Those artificial flesh and blood are actually exactly the same as human flesh and blood, and they are powerful basic meats. They have the same structure as Jiang Li's body. They are made by simulating the DNA of Jiang Li with light brain. This kind of life and death, meat and bone surgery, also Only the highest human technology can make it.

"Ha ha ha ........." Hong Hei prison helped Jiang Li repair the injury again, feeling that his disciples were getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help laughing: "Next, I even want to try, you are really utterly frustrated. That is, the sword is lingering on your body. In an instant, your body is reduced to a skeleton except the skull, and I will make flesh and bone for you. Buddhism has the concept of white bones. Every inch comes off, and only the skeleton is left. How do I really let you experience this torture in hell? I haven't experienced such torture. "

"What?" Jiang Li was about to jump up.

Hong Heiyi meant that he had only one head left and his whole body became bones, which was far more powerful than beheading.

Coming out of **** again and again, his heart is really tough. Compared to when he just practiced, he felt almost twice as strong as his mental strength.

If he returns to the earth for hypnosis, he will surely hypnotize tens of thousands of people at one time.

Although the realm is not as good as Wang Changrong, the number of hypnosis even exceeds him.

Rumble ...

Just when Hongheil was about to implement this idea, a shock came from deep in the valley.

The sword is born!