Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 17: Great Seal of the Mind

Chapter 17 Seal of the Great Emperor of the Soul


Jiang Li pinched his fists in one hand, and made lightning-like hands in one hand. When he did this handprint, he didn't meditate, but felt that he had become a lightning, pierced the sky, and thunder sent from space.


His fingerprints were changed again, with **** juxtaposed, like the blade of a sword, he seemed to have turned into a strong wind, his breath was erratic, and the earth prevailed.

"Drip!" The handprint changed again, the fingers bloomed, the rain hit the banana, nourishing all things, and he became a torrential rain, becoming hundreds of millions, and falling down.

"Boom!" He raised his hands like a mountain, his handprint momentum changed, and he was as tall as a mountain, unshakable ...

There are many changes in the "sign of the Great Emperor of the Mind". The limbs and the brain are constantly changing between each other. The mind is used to control the physical body, and it emits many different imposing majesties.

Listen to the lesson from the knife side, open a small stove, learn detailed hypnosis theory and techniques, go home and ponder carefully, and then check the specific methods of some handprints online, what are the Buddhist handprints, the five thunder seals of Taoism, rain seals, and Christian Prayers, various religious rituals.

Although his learning ability is not terrible at the time of gestation, the second stage of deep sleep is also very powerful, his thinking is quick, and his memory is super strong.

He did not dare to use the fetal breath, nor did he dare to meditate on the brain of the universe. After returning from Sword Sword, after taking the last tube of "Green God Biological Potion", the brain cells were nourished and the headache was relieved. However, he only has a thousand stars left, and all his nutritional medicines are used up.

Fortunately, if he can become a "junior hypnotist", he can quickly make money. Not to mention anything else, helping others to enter deep sleep can earn thousands of stars each time.

"Basic hypnotherapists" usually have a monthly salary of tens of thousands to 100,000, which is a huge sum. Otherwise, how could the "sword sister" be so rich?

Unfortunately, very few people can reach the second stage of deep sleep, and it is rare to become a "junior hypnotist".

Every "junior hypnotist" is a big man.

The market supply and demand is also large, because too many people want to enter deep sleep.

As long as you get this title, don't worry about no financial resources.

The more Jiang Li knows the fingerprints, the more he knows that the "Soul Seal of the Emperor" is a peerless science. Now he doesn't meditate on the "brain of the universe". He is in painful contact every day. I feel that each fingerprint represents something The Big Dream Heart Sutra cannot be opened, and you cannot learn the following things.

Fortunately, during his practice, his physical flexibility has greatly increased, and the two martial arts including "boneless jujitsu" and "dragonclaw big capture" have made great progress.

The "Soul of the Great Emperor" cannot be used in actual combat at present, it is purely flowery, but it is great for enhancing the flexibility of the body. But Jiang Li feels that as long as there is sufficient nutrition and the meditation of the cosmic brain, the magic of this fingerprint will be fully exerted.

Moreover, he used this handprint as a body language as a hypnotic gesture and repeated experiments.

The subjects of the experiment were not humans, but cats.

The stray cats in the park.

While he was practicing, a group of cats rolled and played around. The flower-faced overlord squatted on a stone beside the fish pond, watching the big goldfish swimming in the fish pond, eager to try.

Every time I saw this scene, Jiang Li felt very funny.

It's not a day or two that the Flower King overlooks the goldfish in the park pond. It spends a lot of time every day, squatting on a stone, and wants to pour water to catch the fish, but they dare not.

Jiang Li feels that if he jumps down, he is likely to be eaten by the fish, and several of them are bigger than his body.


A big fat goldfish suddenly leaped and splashed into the face of the flower fighter.

Alas ... The Huanbawang spit in anger, trembling with anger, and the hair exploded, but the fat goldfish was blowing bubbles in the water leisurely, as if laughing at Huanbawang's incompetence.

The flower-faced tyrant looked at the fat goldfish, hated it, but could not help it. Finally softened down, came down on the shore with a downcast, and lay lazily on the ground to dry his hair.

"Face Overlord!"

Jiang Li shouted.

Da Da Da Da ... Hua Hua Bawang jumped three feet high, thinking that Jiang Li was going to give him something to eat, and he was very happy.

Jiang centrifugal spirit is extremely concentrated, feeling the rhythm of life of Huaba Bawang. Those breathing and heartbeat pulses, and even thinking fluctuations, he obviously felt that Huanbawang saw nothing delicious and was very disappointed.

"Look at my hand?" He grasped these emotions, calculated and adjusted, and seemed to grasp a trace of hypnosis.

His hands, shaking with the rhythm of the life of the flower fighter, became faster and faster, and made many soft postures, such as smallpox.

This is a pose in "The Seal of the Emperor of the Mind", which looks like a smallpox.

Jiang Li has been practicing for a long time, and I think that if this posture is fast, it will be dazzling, dizzy and bloated, which should be useful for hypnosis. And hypnosis does not need a fixed posture, you can wave your hand, you can pour water, you can breathe, you can sing a small song, you can also swing a pocket watch, as long as you master the life rhythm of the other party, can cause resonance.

Sure enough, as soon as this gesture was made, the Flower-faced Overlord looked at him suddenly, suddenly turned drunk.


The Flower Face Overlord fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Jiang Li went up, stroking the hair on his body, and then adjusted his own soul, stroking his mind peacefully. This was the starting gesture of the Emperor's Seal.

In that dream, the person's hand-style is to erect with one hand and touch the void with one hand, which makes people feel very peaceful, intelligent, killing the demon, killing terror, and safeguarding the right way on earth.

When Jiang Li touched, he passed the tranquility and peace in his heart to the sleepy flower fighter.

Physical contact can feel each other's mind.

For example, if a person touches it gently, he can feel the tenderness in his heart. If he has a heavy hand, he can feel the rudeness in his heart.

Sure enough, the breath of King of Flower Face calmed down, it seemed that Jiang Li was really killed by the demon and killed the terror. It slept deeply and peacefully. Jiang Li can tell at a glance that it has entered deep sleep.

Humans have deeply studied the life characteristics of deep sleep, and even have special testing equipment to check.

The life characteristics of deep sleep are different. Breath, heartbeat, pulse can all be seen.

"Successfully! Hypnosis the cat to deep sleep, this is the mystery of the Great Seal of the Mind!" His first successful experiment, excited, put the cat to hypnosis into "deep sleep", which is the ability of "junior hypnotist" On behalf of the money rolling in.

Not to mention those students who are eager to enhance their physical fitness, even many rich people are eager to get a good night's sleep and cultivate their spirits, so the general rich people are very eager to hire "junior hypnotists".

However, being able to hypnotize a cat is not the same as being able to hypnotize a person. Cats are originally sleepy animals, and their hearts are many times more pure than humans.

After thinking about it for half an hour, he was exploring the mystery of the "Soul Seal of the Emperor".

After coming up with a little experience, he wanted to do an experiment again.

"Facial Fighter, wake up ..." He patted Hua Fang Fighter, who turned up, full of energy, staring at himself with surprise, exposing himself.

He began to print quickly with both hands again, the speed exceeded the limits of usual practice, his hands changed out of various beautiful postures, and sure enough, the eyes of the flower-faced fighter began to get confused, and snored.

"Both experiments succeeded?"

Jiang Li looked at his hands blankly, he finally determined: "This seems to be the skill of a junior hypnotist? Monthly salary is tens of thousands, and 100,000 is beckoning to me."

"Go back and do an experiment and see if you can hypnotize people into deep sleep? Cats have a simple mind, and humans have a complicated mind. Hypnotic cats are much easier than hypnotizing people."

Put the sleepy flower fighter into the warm cat's nest, and leave it with food, Jiang Li returned home with a full of joy.

He turned on the light brain again and learned the knowledge of handprints. Recently, he has learned a lot. He feels that the gestures of practicing the Great Seal of the Mind are ever-changing. Each gesture is a mysterious hypnotic action.

Now he has researched that the smallpox posture can make the cat fall asleep, and the gentle posture that strokes space can make the cat calm down and go into deep sleep.

As for whether people have such effects, they have to experiment.

After studying for several more hours, I watched dozens of e-books and integrated the knowledge of various fingerprints.

What "Photographing the Great Track", "Lianhuabei's Heart Track", "Tibetan Tibetan Brahma Order", "Fetal Tibetan Buddhism Order", "Da Ning Jing" ... all the knowledge introduced in these ancient classics he read .

Jiang Li is now reading a book, and at a glance, it is a page, and the whole page will be remembered. Then, after a little analysis, the knowledge points are refined, and the reading speed is incredible.

With hundreds of thousands of e-books in his mind, he finished reading all of them, and mastered the essentials immediately.

Previously, he had read a book for a long time, rote memorization, and learning efficiency was still in the "Stone Age".

Unconsciously, this is the whole day.

Ancient handprint works. Now hypnotic works and psychological works are so numerous that they can't be thoroughly studied for a lifetime. Jiang Li studied hard for such a long time, it is nothing more than fur.

"Brother, you're back? Didn't you go to class today?" In the evening, UU read a book www.uukanshu.com sister Jiang Xuan came back first.

"Well, do important things at home." Jiang Li beckoned and asked his sister to come over: "I have recently studied hypnosis. How would you do my experiment?"

"Haha! Don't be funny, how can you hypnotize me? Try it." Jiang Xuan laughed.

"Well, you look at me." Jiang Li took out a pendulum and kept swinging: "Do n’t you concentrate and watch the pendulum swing? Do you feel sleepy? Go to sleep? Around you, Qingshanlv Water, birds and flowers, cool breeze ... "Jiang Li concentrated her heart and shook the pendulum to grasp her sister's life rhythm.

"Hahaha ..." My sister Jiang Xuan watched for a while, as if watching a monkey show, and laughed: "This is hypnosis? Brother, it's so funny, I'm not affected at all."

"It's you who don't cooperate. You need to cooperate with hypnosis, and you have to imagine with me." Jiang Li shook his head. At this moment, Jiang Xuan's alertness decreased, he suddenly printed quickly, his hands were soft and sometimes swift, his fingers jump , Beautiful and beautiful, such as small flowers, Jiang Xuan suddenly looked at, and her look was a bit confused.

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